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  "Hey..." I whispered, putting my hand on his bicep. He sighed once again and examined my face with droopy eyes. He quickly averted his eyes and to the moon.

  "You don't love him, do you?"

  I eyed him at the corner of my eyes. "Now, why would you say that?"

  A faint smile appeared on his face, "Nothing, really. Just... curious." I stuck out my bottom lip into plastic thinking. I shrugged and replied, "As a friend, yes but nah, I'm into someone else."

  That little smile faded in a second and it was my turn to smile. "Oh," was all he said, slumping down making him shorter than him. I giggled.

  Sapnap turned his head at me, "What?" I leaned in and kissed beside his left eye. I felt him widening his eye at the contact of my lips. As I pulled away, he whipped his head towards me. I held a cheeky smile at his flabbergasted state.

  His face slowly turned pink until it looked like his head was steaming from the flusteredness and looked away.

  I chuckled. "Aww... where is that cocky part of yours? I miss it." He was now fully red and he covered his ears. He grumbled, "Stop it."

  My chuckle became prominent, "Are you embarassed, Pandas? That's really adorable." I heard him grumble something again but my nature of not caring showed.

  "Wow, I really thou-."

  I was cut off when he suddenly grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mine. I grabbed his hands on my cheeks to remove it but that made him grip me more. I later gave in and kissed him back, his grip coming loose as I held his hand and the other slipping to his face and caressed his cheeks.

  The moment was perfect. The moon illuminating down upon us, the stars starts to shine brightly and a shooting star passed by. The music from the ballroom was soft and light like his lips.

  If anyone had seen this, he would be sued for kissing an engaged woman.

  Our breaths mingled as I slowly pulled away to look at his eyes. It was too beautiful to look away and I'm pretty sure my face is beetroot-red this moment.

  "Hi," said Sapnap with his lips all red and swollen.

  Save that picture in your head now!!

  "Hi." I replied and grinned ear to ear. As he placed his palm on my cheek, I leaned in and kissed his palm, making him go red again. He made a small whine as he saw my teasing grin and looked away.

  I awed. It was my turn to place my hand on his cheek so I turned him to face me. We both stared at each other for moment, staring at each others eyes. Seemingly lost at each others love-filled, sparkling eyeballs.

  I pulled him into an embrace and he hummed. But, a feeling settled once again in my stomach. And not a good one.

  Sapnap must have noticed because he asked, "Everything alright?" He pulled himself away to inspect me and I smiled. "No, it's just... I'm getting married to George and—uh, he and I aren't actually... we're just friends. Nothing more."

  "Don't worry about that. George isn't leaning towards you, too."

  I snorted, "Hell yeah, he isn't. Clay is waiting for him."

  "Of course he is." He paused and a smirk appeared on his face. "And lookie here, there they are." Confused, I said "What?"

  He smiled and turned my body, facing a far-off balcony. There, two silhouettes stood as one held the other's waist. I know those body shapes anywhere and I'm confident that that is George and Cornelius right there.

  I leaned in when Sapnap tries to get closer. "No, get away from me! I got here first!"

  "Nuh-uh. It's my castle! I live here!"

  Because of that, the two lovebirds turned around to inspect. I froze and suddenly, I was dropped to the floor. "What the hell?! They could have seen you!"

  Sapnap whisper–yelled while I gazed through the space between the bars. I waved my hand and replied back, "Shut it. They're going back to their conversation." And he did shut his mouth and eyed the lovebirds to eavesdrop.

  It was all mumbles, really. Unclear since they are so far away and the music inside is deafening. But, they say actions speak louder than words as they both leaned in and kissed, oh so, passionately.

  Sapnap and I gasped. A moment of silence and then inhumane squealing had ripped out of our throats. We held hands and started hopping whilst still on a squatting position. We started vibrating due to the happiness or whatever this feeling called is.

  "Oh my gah—!!!"

  "Holy shit—shh!"

  "Yo, we have to—shh! Shh!"

  "Oh my fuckin—"



  The squealing stopped as we turn around and saw Clay's and George's figure by the door. George had a confused face while Clay crossed his arms with his one eyebrow was up, staring us down like prey.

  We scrambled to our feet, with occasional pushing and hitting, but successfully stood up. Silence ensued and an awkward one at that.

  Sapnap coughed and silence, making it more awkward.

  What would these royals do? Prince George of Ludenreste with a confused face. Crowned Prince Cornelius of Goodenforth with a glaring look. Crowned Prince Sapnap of Ignis with Princess Y/N of Goodenforth, both sharing an awkward face.

  George cleared his throat, "So... what was that about?"

  Sapnap decided to not beat around the bush and replied, "Because you two had finally kissed."

  "Yeah," I butted in. "After a long wait of—what? How many years?" I gave Sapnap a look to answer my question.

  "Since childhood, bitches. That's how long we have been waiting." Then he crossed his arms over his chest. I turned my neck to them and nodded.

  Clay scoffed, "Oh please. As if we haven't been waiting for yours too." George nodded with his eyes closed but he shot it open and looked at Clay with knitted brows.

  We stared and stared. A cheeky smile wormed its way on my lips and I waddled to Clay and hugged his side. "Oh Clay, you stupid motherfucker." I giggled.

  "Can Princess Y/N and Prince George come up to the stage?"

Speaking: heyooo, im back!! but most importantly,

THEY KISSEDDD!!! AHHHHH!! ngl, when i wrote this, i looked like a little worm wiggling its way that sounded like a pig roasted alive.

but fr, yess. i am happy ma frensss.

and i am even more happier because of Iambobtheoriginal bc they be spamming my notifications as if the world is ending. so, shout out to you, my love.

anyways, thank you for 13.5k!! it really helps me a bunch about my writing skills. you can vote if you want to but thats your choice. thats fine at least you have read my book.

thank you for reading Eros, darlings!!


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