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  As I liked to stay in the cold dawn outside the balcony (that was connected to my room), I knew I had to go and get ready for the day. I did promise to the boy's that I would visit them whenever I was free at the end of the day.

  I had woken up an hour ago due to a nightmare. Strange, because I never have had nightmares since—since her. She was my sun and the light of my life. If I had the chance, I would love to run into her arms again. I could feel her warmth again. I'm sure my brother and father would love that. But even with the strongest magicals in all of the land would join arms, death is still inevitable to them.

  I shooked my head and sighed. Heading back into my quaters, I headed straight to the washroom and prepared a hot bath for myself for a change because Anne was still snoring the time away.

  Taking off my night gown off, I slipped into the warm water and released a content sigh. Taking all the stress away from my body, the warmth did its job well.

  Reluctantly standing up, I went out to slip on my dress for the day and fix my hair. After finishing, I made way for the dining hall. As I arrived, Father was completly surprised that I have arrived much earlier than Cornelius, saying 'What a wonder'.

  I became lazy again but remembering Father might add more to my workload so I groggily went to my classes.


  The day ended slowly. The sun hung low, creating the pink and orange hues that spread out the entire sky.

  Trudging to the kitchen, I picked up a basket and filled it with cookies and bread paired with milk for the boys. Once I finished, I headed straight for the dungeons. As usual, Sam was there. He asked a few questions before letting me in and once he did, I ran for the boys.

  "Hey. Guess who's here~?," I sang. The boys' heads perked up and smiles were painted on their faces. Tubbo was the first one to get up from the gritty floor and came to me like a dog approaching its owner.

  He exclaimed "Y/N!" I laughed lightly at the boy, "Hello, Tubbo." I heard a grunt behind Tubbo. Tommy got up, scowling and said, "Seriously, Tubbo? Can't you be cool? Like, be chill man." Despite his words, he was the same. Excitement glittering in his eyes as he fails to hide it.

  "Like you're no any better," Ranboo pointed out, suddenly beside Tubbo. Tommy grumbled a 'shut up' before sitting down infront of the bars. The rest of us followed suit and dug in on the snacks.

  Silence followed as we munched on the food. It wasn't the awkward ones, it was the comfortable one. Occasional hums came from Tubbo, which crumbs were dotting the corners of his mouth and Tommy would only glare at him. The most peaceful one was Ranboo.

  "So.." I broke the silence. "How have you been?" The trio looked at me with wide doe eyes which made me snort. Tommy cleared his throat, "Not great, exactly. Prison food tastes like shit, right Tubbo?" Said boy tilted his head up and nods. He hummed, "Yeah," followed by munching.

  "Yeah. What did they even put in those? I mean, the food you gave us is good," Ranboo said. "I wouldn't be surprised if the water here is from the sewage." The two boys, Tommy and Tubbo, unfortunately drank water while hearing what the hybrid had said and spit the water and coughed it out.

  I couldn't hold in my laughs resulting the boys glaring at me, which made my laughs louder. As I wiped a tear, I said inbetween chuckles, "Do not worry. The water in this castle are not from sewage. It is clean." This made the blonde and the brunet visibly relaxed. They both turned to Ranboo with glares.

  "For fuck's sake, Ranboo..."

  "Where did you even get the idea?"

  Ranboo raised his hands up in defeat, "Look, I'm just saying man. Food here does taste like crap." The duo nodded. I turned my gaze towards the ceiling, thinking. After a while, I nodded to myself. "Alright." I said, putting my palms on my crossed legs. "Since the prison gave you shit food," I paused when I saw the trio's eyes widen at my informality. I chuckled. "I am going to give you boys food from the kitchen. Not the prison's kitchen but the kitchen on the ground floor."

  The trio's eyes widen even more after my proclamation. I playfully winked at them and it brought smiles to their faces, looking brightly as ever since their first stay here. I can't just stand by and watch them eat crappy food while I have already given them snacks.

  Maybe I'm biased but the acts that placed them here were to reach freedom (and foolishly planned to be honest), not killing innocent people or stealing riches.

  I felt responsible all of a sudden for these boys since I was the one that put them here (and not exiling them or placing them here for years like the anger-ridden people).

  And since they are still in their youths, I might as well have the right to be responsible since I am the youngest in the court. Those old bastards have already passed and enjoyed their youths so why not enjoy ours?

  I may be young, wild and free which made some members of the court neglect me. But my strong will did them wrong and I am the princess but I do not take advantage of my title which made some people, admittedly, aspire to be like me or whatever that was.

  The boys' excited chat fades in as I listened to them. They seem pretty excited at the new change that's happening and I'm proud of that.

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