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  After telling the three princes my brilliant plan, and surprisingly followed through, I went asleep feeling excited for tomorrow.

  Woke up bright and early as requested by my father, I made my way to the dining hall to eat breakfast with them. However, George seemed to be annoyed when he laid his eyes on me, glaring daggers across the table throughout the whole meal. Our fathers, sadly, didn't notice.

  Then, they had decided to take a stroll in the city with us in tow. Reluctantly, we agreed. Again, George looked with hatred in his eyes, as if he was disturbed just by my own presence. His lips sneered cold.

  I took a glance around, looking for the person he was sneering at. I must have made a mistake for me thinking I am the one. But, no one was near and it was clear his eyes were on me. Slightly, I was disturbed so I thinned my lips and carried on.

  Lunch came by excruciatingly slow and we were at a restaurant. As we waited for our food to be prepared, Father had the idea of letting us sit beside each other. King Lucius agreed.

  George shifted himself away from me. I am supposed to be married to you, idiot. He had his arms crossed with his nose scrunched up, leaning as far away as possible.

  That icked me. This stupid bitch. I rolled my eyes and slumped on my seat, copying his position and expression. "Seriously..."

  Father heard my mumble and asked, "Y/N, is something wrong?" I rolled my eyes again. "Nothing."

  "And what about you, George? You have been using that face since this morning."

  "I'm fine."

  The kings glanced at each other, confused by why their kids had acted like this. They just shrugged and carried on as if nothing happened.


  It was morning again and the trio is finally being released from prison today. But Father had said, "You don't have to come to court today. However, you and George can always take a little stroll in the garden. I'll set up a tea date for you this afternoon."

  I spent a whole day without George. Just talking to Sam and everyone that was available. Going to the library was indeed a good escape.

  But afternoon came by in a flash. Now, with maids and butlers accompanying us in the garden, we drank tea.

  But I had a sneering challenge with George, making the people around us look at each other with confusion.

  Each with both disgusted looks thrown at the other. Eyes narrowed with a loathing spark.

  I growled as we accidentally touched pinkies when we reached out for a macaroon. We snatched our hands away and he hissed at me. The servants' expression definitely speaks their thoughts, "What the hell happened between them?" Confused because, how come the bestest of friends turned to enemies in one night?

  He slammed his fist in sync as I slammed my palm on the table, causing some tiny bits of food jump and teacups spilling all over the table. We both stood up in sync once again, making our chairs tip and fall down.

  "I can't do this anymore," said George with gritted teeth.

  "The feeling's mutual, Prince," I said with a clenched jaw, enunciating his title and made an exit out of this stupid event, so did George.

  Anne chased after me and questioned, "Princess, what happened?" I let out a frustrated sigh, "I don't know, Anne. I just... need a moment."

  "Yes, of course."


  I was tired after today's events, especially tea time with just him. I exhaled. Rolling my neck, cracks were emitted due to the aches it recieved from always facing down. I took a moment to glance at my bedroom.

  Golden light was filling the room, making things more beautiful by its touch. Dust motes floats around and I felt peace when something shiny hits my eye. It was my mother's necklace.

  I stepped towards it and took with great care. It laid on my palm, its red water still not fading into an icky color. I smiled, leaning down to kiss it and put it back to where it belongs.

  I took long, quick strides towards my balcony, in need of fresh air. And I did need it as my body went lax as I inhaled the air. The wind wafting through my hair.

    When my head turned down, I saw a prince laying on the grass with his head nested on his crossed arms. He faced downwards as a book laid within arms–reach. Ah, I guess he fell asleep when he was reading.

  I get on the vines and quitely ventured down the vines to reach him. It took a lot of time because of my heavy dress. Usually, I do it in my night gown.

  Eventually, I landed soundlessly on the grass barefooted. I tip–toed my way to him, hopefully not waking him up.

  And when I got to see him, his expression is much more softer and less chaotic.

  A sense of deja vu came, remembering this is what I also felt when I saw him at the ball.

  A soft smile creeped on my lips and I bent down to lay next to him. When I laid on my back, I turned my head to the left to scan his face. Everything is perfect. The length of his lashes, the arch of his eyebrows, the faint freckles on his cheek and nose bridge, his pretty facial hair, his cute little nose, the slight tan of his skin. Especially, the little mole on his neck. I find it very adorable, for some reason.

  I briefly craned my head upwards when I heard birds chirping, and when I turned back to him, I almost shrieked when I saw his eyes open.

  "You scared me," I breathed out. He let out a chuckle (and very attractive admittedly), and gazed at me with tired eyes.

  Ughh, my heart!!

  "Anyways, how long have you been down here?" I asked. He inhaled as he turned his body upright and scoots next to me, leaving no space at all. "Just a few hours since... you were missing the whole day."

  I widen my eyes, "Oh," was I said. "Come to think of it," he pondered for a second, "where were you?"

  I nervously laughed, "Ehm, hehe—I was in the ....."

  "The where?"

  "I was in the library, fool! My father doesn't let me take a break from George, I swear! It's getting really annoying!" I pulled my hair in irritation. Sapnap held himself up on his elbows, reaching for my hand and soothe for it to ease down.

  "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm sure George doesn't like it either."

  I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "Oh, I'm sure." I remarked. That made Sapnap chuckle and wormed his arm under my neck, making it a make–shift pillow as he layed on his side. I rolled to my side, too and buried my face on his chest.

  I sighed all the tiredness from the predicament earlier. The faint sound and movement of heart calmed me down, inhaling his scent mixed with the earthy smell. We laid on the grass patch until a nap time was made.

Speaking: Muehehehehehehe, they be cute tho.

and her and george are fighting too just because they dont like being married off to each other.

now, the story situation. its ending fr. like 2 chapters or so. because i got 6 fanfics waiting in line (including another fanfic that got recently added to the list) and its really frustrating that im using beginners words on writing stories. im not mad or anything, im just frustrated that im such a noob since when was seven, i started writing "stories" or just dialouges that carried a story of me being a special person.

(and theyre very cringey when i have sucked up my guts and read them. it was awful. u wouldnt even survive 3 minutes)

and lastly, the thanking part. thank you for reading Eros! really, u guys touched my heart when votes kept coming in and views kept rising. and i hope to see you in my next book.

thank you and i love you, darling!!


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