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  After reassuring the boys to calm down, Sam immediately rushed me outside the dungeons and towards where my father is. I don't really know what's happening but judging by the continuous boulders colliding with the castle walls, war has commenced.

  My grip on my lifted skirt tightened as a boulder smashed the wall ahead of us. The warden immediately came in front to leave me unscathed, his muscled body protecting my small one. Peeking below his arms, the walls that had been sheltering me for years became crumbling down.

  Sam grabbed my right forearm with an iron grip before sprinting away from danger. "Come on Princess!" he yelled through the loud crash. I yelled back, "What is happening?!". He turned to a corner before running again with me still in tow. "I don't know for sure but—"


  "—for now, I have to keep you safe." He led me to another corner and I almost slipped on my shoes. Rearranging my grip on my skirt, I suddenly remembered, "Wait! What about Prince Sapnap?!" He turned to my way briefly before going back to map our way. "He'll be right where your father is! And I think he is in his office!"

  After running around, we managed to find Father's office without any injury. I opened the door to reveal an empty office room with papers on the floor. "Shit!," I heard Sam curse behind me. "He must be in the throne room. Sorry, Princess."

  "It's fine. But I think my feet is going to come off if I keep on running." I rested my hands on my knees before Sam spoke, "I have to get you to the King anyways. Come on." I groaned loudly. I couldn't run anymore, my legs were already aching before the attack happened. Wait. Why didn't think of it before?!

  "Hold on. I think..." I wandered off, finding anything out of place in this room except for the papers as my hands wandered across the cold, shaking wall."Princess, now is not the time to—"


  I unintentionally cut off Sam by pushing a hidden button on the wall. Suddenly, the wall beside me slid open to reveal a long dark passageway leading to anywhere in this castle. I heard the warden behind me release a breathy "Woah" before slowly walking towards me.

  "Come," I spoke before stepping inside the tight space. As soon as Sam stepped in, the hidden door slid close and darkness engulfed us. "Alright, not creepy at all." I chuckled lowly, "Let's go."


  Somehow we managed to find a door that leads to the throne room after mindlessly walking around in the dark. "Do you think the other side of this door is throne room? You said earlier that 'it's been a while since I've used these'."

  I was about to answer Sam when Father's muffled voice boomed, "Where is my daughter?!" I flinched and took a step back. I have never heard Father raise his voice before even in the most situations when you need to, so this is quite a surprise for me. "Well, fuck me," Sam cussed behind me. "I think I'm gonna lose my job after this."

  "Don't worry, you won't," I said before opening the door. The sudden brightness made me squint my eyes by the candle–lit room. This view... we're on the dais. The central throne contained a person with gray hair and the crown of Goodenforth sits atop.

  My eyes wandered around the room. Certain people were present. Some scared, some teary–eyed and some calm. My eyes then landed on widened obsidian eyes, gazing upon me.

  In a sense, I felt deja vu... but it feels wrong since war is happening outside.

  My trance was snapped when Sam spoke up, I completely forgot he was here. "Your Highness," he went to the left side of the throne and bowed, his right hand on his chest. "The Princess is safe." By that, Father quickly stood up to look behind the throne.

  I immediately went into his arms as he engulfed me into embrace, his thinning weak arms around me.

  I am actually concerned about him. The only reason Father made Cornelius Crowned Prince was he was getting older. At times, he would ask for someone to help him walk around the castle and waved it off as if it was nothing. Of course, that didn't help diminish the worry and the concern Cornelius and I have. Time was literally working its job and I don't like it one bit.

  "I see that you have used the passageways. Smart girl," Father mused after he let go. I only gave him a smile before both of us turned to the crowd.

  My eyes immediately landed on worried onyx ones. He must have been worried too. I gave him a reassuring smile, to which he visibly relax at.

  Father started a speech to everyone, giving them instructions for the raging war outside while I tuned it out. My eyes wandered to the window. It's night time. I'm worried about the people waking up to chaos and hastily flee away from it.

  I really hope Ludenreste agreed upon and sent their army to war. Cornelius better persuaded them because things are about to get ugly tonight.

Speaking: Brrrrrr, lol. The reason my updates are getting slow is because my phone is going crazy. It would like interupt me typing away the story and suddenly, the keyboard would vanish.

I fucking hate this phone, I need a new one.

So sorry about that. I'll make sure to write the story when this phone isn't going batshit crazy.

Oh and, thank you for reading this story!


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