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  Staring at Sapnap's supposed dead body, he got up and changed roles as another enemy behind my back, ready to plunge a sword in my back. "Wait! Hold on!"

  He stared at me, "That's not part of the script, is it?" I laughed apologetically, "I know. I think this might be better with sticks. In a second, I think I might have saw some here." Moving out of place, I went to look for the sticks I saw earlier when the both of us were circling around.

  Finding the fittest of sticks, I threw one at the fire prince, who caught it without a problem. "Alright," we both muttered at the same time before laughing. Going back to our play, as Sapnap raised his stick-sword, I moved to change my role as my mother. "Look out!," I screamed but not as much to alert nearby guards.

  Not waiting for any reaction, I moved in routine to slay the surprise enemy. Tapping the stick on Sapnap's back, he shuffled to move behind me, again changing roles as he plays my mother and I as my father. "Th–,"

  "No time for 'thank you's'. Another wave is coming," he cut me off and mocked in a high tone, still in-character. I tried to hide my smile as we fought off imaginary enemies in front of us, side by side with sticks as our swords.

  Sounds of mock clashing of swords was made as we flail the sticks around, batting air and nothing. Silly moves were also made by Sapnap which never failed to make me laugh. Memories as children came back flooding.

  At the end of our little make believe war, heavy breaths was present in the air. We were genuinely exhausted after the physical activity we made and the cackling combined. Laughing our hearts and lungs out wore us out.

  I moved my eyes to Sapnap and was surprised to see him already looking at me. A smile wormed its way on the prince's lips and mine followed. Slightly shaking my head, I went back in character with my shoulders stretched as broad as it can be.

  The prince, noticing the change of my behaviour, went back playing as my mother while trying to keep the most feminine expression he could make... or at least that's what I think he is doing.

  Following the script, I grabbed the young ruler's waist and brought him close to me. A faint pink tint flashed on his face but I chose to ignore it. "O lovely maid, what were you thinking of? Joining in the heap of war?" I said in a reverb voice.

  The voice Sapnap made almost broke me off character but I held on for the sake of our entertainment. "I am but a young lass whose friends and family was slaughtered to death in this war. I swore in their last breath that their death's will never not be avenged."

  "You should have at least waited for the knights and soldiers to come. For you being dead will not be fulfill the wish you have made."

  He shook his head, "I am not a dependant woman who waits for men or saviors to come to my aid. I am but on my own."

  "You interest me, strong maiden. Tell me, what should I call you miss?," I put my left hand behind me as I grabbed Sapnap's hand and kissed it. He dramatically put a palm on his chest and claimed, "You may call me Amaya, good sir. And you?"

  "You may call Arthur."

  After the dramatic flair we put on, I scrambled to the ground, representing the four children we were. I clapped my hands like a toddler as the fire prince bowed and laughing out loud after. I joined later on.

  "Oh–hoho.." Sapnap laughed. "Ah, that was exactly what your parents would do," he spoke between breaths. I chuckled. That is what they would do. "Yeah, and Clay would cheer as if he had seen it for the first time."

  "Like he wanted the same thing to happen to him."

  "But his love is just right by his side."

  "An oblivious one, at that," he added. We both chuckled and gazed at the dark canvas above. Stars lit up the lonely sky and the moon as its main show. "Did you know that I've been sending Clay letters regarding abuot him and him and the heir?"

  Sapnap immediately pushed himself up on his elbows, eyes wide and an amused grin present on his face, "What did he say?!" I chuckled at his eagerness. "Well, he mostly answered my other questions but not the ones I was aiming for."

  "Not even the subtle ones?"

  "He is way too smart for this!"

  We both laughed at our own failure. This was actually nice. Oh, of all the times when were kids came flooding back into my head. Sapnap and I were the most chaotic ones, for sure.

  Always known as the prankster kids. We had the loudest of laughs and the widest of smiles. Giggling would be heard in the halls before giving poor oblivious servants a jumpscare. Of course, we would apologize later on but fun always awaits us.

  Or rather than, we chase fun, even in the most dire situations.

  Like the time when Sapnap tripped and cut his knee with a broken glass, it bled so much. Of course, he cried. While everyone was giving him worried looks, I... had the opposite reaction. I was happy for him. When everyone was giving me weird looks, all I could say was, "That's going to leave a scar! A battle scar! That's amazing! If you want Sapnap, I could get one too so we could match!"

  I was a baby back then so I didn't know what I was talking about but that definitely stopped Sapnap from crying. With puppy dog eyes, he said, "Really?" I agreed. I did just to make him feel better... or I really did want to match with him.

  I don't know! We were kids back then!

  After the dilemma, Sapnap turned into a teary ball of sunshine. "It's because of you that I'm happy!," he claimed.

  With the flickering lights shining down upon us with the glowing pearl of a moon, we laid down with the slightly damp grass under our backs, the smell of flowers wafting through our noses and the midnight winds hitting the surface of our skins talking about our golden childhood until sleepiness arrives.

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