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  This morning, I woke up early again. Surprising Anne again but she just smiled. But if I know Anne, I bet she would say 'Oh my, the Princess has finally woke up on her own accord' or something akin to that.

  Once I got out of my quarters, I saw Cornelius dashing past me and towards Father's office. I called out, "Cornelius? What's wrong, brother?" Startled by my sudden appearance, he stumbled finding some words. "Oh uh, just—just one second. I'll—I'll be right back. Okay? Just... stay."


  He then hastily fiddled with the doorknobs and got in. I waited for a few minutes until Cornelius got out with a bright shining grin that could make everybody squint their eyes. I'm quite concerned, to say the least.

  "Oh, hey sis! What's up?"

  I deadpanned at the mindless fucker in front of me. Did he really forgot that I was here? Did the thing whatever the fuck he's happy about made him forget what happened minutes ago?! I sighed and rubbed my temples. Whatever this is might be between good and... ah not. "Wait one second, you said. I'll be right back, you said."

  "Ohh... Sorry about that. I actually have to go somewhere," he said as he straightened his shirt collar. "I will be heading to Ludenreste to go on a political trip asked by Father."

  As soon as I heard the kingdom Ludenreste, I had a wide grin spread across my face. I tilted my chin up, a taunting chuckle left my lips as I did, "Oh. Political trip, you say?" I took small steps as I circled around him, eyeing him like a hawk.

  "Uh, yes?," came more of a question than a statement. The sinister grin never left my face when I stopped in front of my brother. He narrowed his eyes at me and I immediately knew that he knows what I'm thinkning of. "It's simply political Y/N. Nothing more."

  "Aww, is that how you think of King Lucuis and Queen Miranda's heir? Just political? That's very low of you, Clay. That would definitely break–"

  "And this is where you would stop talking."

  My grin grew wider even more, if that's even possible, when my foolishly in love brother walked away. Probably to pack for his- or he already did pack and just went to fetch his luggage. While he was busy, I went to knock on my father's oak office door.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  "Yes. You may come in." I heard my father's muffled affirmation. Twisting the knob, I opened the door and revealed my father inbetween high stacks of paper on his desk that was in the middle of the room. Two big windows were situated behind the table that overlooked the city below and two velvet blinds seperated on each side.

  At the head of the desk was two love couches facing each other with gold lining as its design, soft red velvet sofas tucked in. Father, who looked up at from the paper he was scanning, beamed when his gaze landed on me.

  "Ah, Y/N my child. What brings you here?" He motioned me to sit but I shooked my head, declining. "I won't be here for too long. I just wanted to ask something."

  "What is it, dear?"

  "Clay—uh Cornelius.. was here earlier. When he walked out of here, he has the biggest smile I've ever seen when he said he was going to Ludenreste."

  "Ah, the trip. I see that he must be packing now," he put down the paper and linked his fingers, his head resting on it. "Well, I actually sent someone to do it but your brother has volunteered to do it himself." Volunteer? Clay? "May I ask why?" He just shrugged, "Eh, he said that it has been a while since his last adventure and says he misses going out or so, so I agreed."

  "Heh, he only did that to see the heir." I mumbled to myself, low enough for Father not to hear. He raised an eyebrow, "What's that, dear?" I perked up, shaking both my head and hands. "Ah! No, it's nothing. I'll be going out now." I headed towards the door.

  "Ah yes. Please do finish all your work properly."

  I chuckled. "Yes, father."

  Once I closed the wooden slab behind me, I palmed my closed fist as I thought about my brother's cunning way to reach for his unknowing beloved. "Clay, you stupid ass." I again mumbled to myself. I sighed and rolled my neck. I should do my work.

  Sluggishly, I walked to my classes.


  It was pretty much midday after I finished all of my duties. Literally, maybe I should have been not a princess. I could be a warrior or a soldier like Sam. Oh wait—I can't even weild a sword. I sighed. Maybe an adventurer? A doctor? Or maybe a little business woman who bakes pastries like Niki.


  Huh? Why the hell did a gambling business come into my mind like that? I shook my head at the internal monologue I had. There is no way I would become a gambler. It is a sin. Then again, I heard from rumours that a country filled with things like that stood somewhere overseas. A gambling city, who knew? Sin City should they call it yet they had stuck with the name Las Nevadas or something akin to that.

  I looked out over the city below. Maybe I should visit. Visit to Niki's bakery. Well, it is such a good day so why not go to the best place in town?

  I fetched a carriage and rode towards the west side of the city where my friend would work every day. Surely, she'd be there.

  Reaching the bakery with no problem, I hopped off and walked gracefully towards the entrance as I should. Why would I though? It's quite tiring. Normally when I walk, my arms would flail a little bit, my feet would shuffle sometimes, shoulders lax and tense-free yet I'm here stuck in this familiar–unfamiliar walk. It's just a walk, geez.

  Pushing the glass door, the bell above jingled brightly. From the counter, I saw the familiar brown haired woman who had an apron on.

  Putting on a business smile, she said "Hello, welcome to—Oh! Y/N is that you?" I smiled, "Of course it's me Niki," she walked out of the counter and embraced me. "Oh, I've missed you much." My words were muffled since my face was stuffed into Niki's shoulder.

  She giggled, "I've missed you too." She then let go of me and held my hands. "Tell me, what are you doing here." I fake pondered, "Hmm, I just wanted to see you."

  We both grinned at each other.

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