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  Gladly, one afternoon of being stuck with George again, I got called back to my room as my messenger bird has come with mail.

  I patted its head before it flew away. I rolled out the paper and realised that it's from the Ducal house. Weird.

  Hey, Princess. It is, I, big man Tommy.

  Oh... I giggled.

  I swear, it had been a few days and yet work is doing its thing again. I want to get out of here.

  Tubbo is here doing fine along with Ranboo but, how come I'm not?! It's really frustratingly confusing!!

  I want to run away again. But this time, I'm going overseas. If you want to join me, just message me ;) But, if Tubbo and Ranboo comes too, I guess I'll have to think about it.

  I would be known as the greatest person to have ever traveled, stealing Tubbo's mom's title. It wouldn't be so hard, right?

  But, the raccoons came back. When they saw me, they literally ran for me because I am their master, of course.

  Father is quite annoyed that there are rodents following, but with my unbearable charm, he actually tolerates them. Isn't it cool?!

  Anyway, hope you are doing okay right there too, Princess. If Prince Goereg ever makes you feel sad or mad, let's run away with Tubbo and Ranboo.

(Shit, fuck. I accidentally
wrote Goereg instead of George.
Please, don't let him see
this. Spare my life.)

From The Watson House

  Classic Tommy. I snorted and just decided to reply his letter that matches the energy.


  After all these days, both of our father's had finally noticed our loathing atmosphere around each other.

   When we took a carriage ride around the city, they noticed. When we went apple picking, they noticed. When Father sent a maid to check on us when George and I played chess, they noticed.

  So they decided to let us take a break for one day. Them not watching over us and no servants sent to check up on us as promised.

  It was peaceful and a little less tiring. I don't have to have more wrinkles.

  I took my short freedom as a walk around the halls in one afternoon. The sun is relatively low, seemingly at three o'clock.

  But at the end of the hallway, I saw another person taking a stroll. Much more closer, I realised it was George. He noticed me and whipped his head back to see if anyone was in sight as I did the same.

  Luckily, no one was here.

  So we walked towards each other, constantly looking back to see if someone shows up out of nowhere. When we were within arms–reach, we paused. We took one last scan around the hall, and faced one another. We curled our fist and bumped it as greeting.

  "What's up, Gogs?"

  "Oh my god. There you go again with your nicknames."

  We laughed and pulled into an embrace, but it took a split second so no one would see we are actually in good terms. "So, how are you spending your break day?"

  "Oh, just hid with Clay and all that." He casually mentioned. I raised my eyebrow, an amused expression came on my face as he blushed and blabbered an explanation. "I mean.. not like hid with him! Like we—I'm..! We were... we were just having tea and spend some time with each other." he peeped out.

  I snickered and patted his shoulder as he slumped his back. "It's fine, George. Cornelius loves you too much that he can't take it when he hasn't spoken to you in twenty minutes." With that, his face turned into a reddish color.

  I hummed, "Well, I guess I, too, have been doing some fun." It was George's turn to snicker, "With Sapnap?" I threw my finger at him, "Oh yeah."

  We both giggled like little witches amd walked to the end of the hall where I came from. We talked mostly about how our day has been. How relieving it felt to not pretend hating your closest friend.

  George talked about how Clay seems to be the most confident man when he's with him, which I already noticed, but I let him since he looks so excited.

  My heart softens how this man is heads over heels for my brother, who is also in the same feels. He is literally perfect for each other. Too bad Father doesn't seem to notice.

  We spent a few minutes walking around talking about anything and everything we could muster.

  George stopped talking as we both heard little voices by the hall. Someone's here. We immediately shifted our comfortable faces back into a disgust–filled expression. We took a few steps away from each other and walked as if we were enemies.

  As we reached at the end of the hall, we went on our seperate ways, as I bumped into two maids who were giggling to themselves. They held surprised faces and bowed as I went past them with a plastic annoyed expression. I hope they realised it wasn't meant for them.

  I guess they did as I overheard one of them say, "Oh, the Prince of Ludenreste had just walked away in the other direction."

  "How did you know it was him?"

  "No one in this castle, is a man that has a feminine body, Luanne."

  I lowered my lips, I kind of agree with them. Sometimes, I wonder who is the lazy one? As his hands are much more softer than mine, which are slightly rough to the touch. Surprising really, since he is the one who has done killing enemies off than me.

  I bet he has some hand cream that softens his hands. If he has, I'm stealing it.

  That night, I slept in Sapnap's strong arms, feeling safe and comfortable. I snuggled to his chest as he stuffed his face into my hair. The moon lighting the room as if to add more ambience.

Speaking: so they arent fighting, theyre pretending.

was it obvious? because if it did, then i need to improve my plot planning. and uhh, rushed ending there but, hey, at least they cuddled. i like cuddles. so they cuddle.

last chapter coming up and i just want to say, thank you for joining me and my journey to this new world. that is real sweet of you guys who had stayed with me.

but thats fine. we have another coming up. i keep saying that for a few chapters now. i bet its really annoying but i cant help it. its one of my favorite streamers. and i cant wait to write him.

soo, see ya and thank youu!!!


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