Do I know you?

843 29 2

POV Adrien:

I finished early my work finally, I miss my wife so much, so I decided that we go out for a date. I called her while I was driving home to get ready because I'm already wearing my suit.

I'm finally home, I parked the car in front of the mansion door, and I went inside.

I went to our room, and I found her brushing her long beautiful hair. I went behind her and I got the brush from her

Adrien: let me do that

She nodded, and I made a side braid in her dark blue hair. She stands up and hugged me tight

Marinette: are you perfect in everything?

Adrien: who know! Maybe

Marinette: and modest too. So here I'm ready, where Mr. Agreste want to go today?

Adrien: what if we share an ice cream then we sit in the park together

I can see the sparkles in her eyes, she smiled and nodded then she jumps to wrap her arms around my neck and her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist, whispering some words in her ear

Adrien: I love you my queen, let's go then

She let off the hug, then she wrapped her hands around my arm. We left together to the car, I opened the door for her and closed it, then I went to drive to the Eiffel tower. Once there, we are lucky to find André, we really need to share an ice cream

André: Adrien and Marinette, I told you that you will find each other, my ice cream is magical

Adrien (while smiling): yes, you are right, I'm happy to be with the love of my life

Marinette: we never doubt of your ice cream Andre

Adrien: i want an ice cream to share with my beautiful wife

André: here it is, so raspberry for love, blueberry for her hair and mint for his eyes. Share this, and your love will be more and more strong

Marinette: I don't doubt, even if my love for him is so strong

Adrien: same here, I love you my queen

Marinette: I love you my kitty cat

André: how sweet

We left, and we sit on the grass in the park, she was sitting on mylaps, one hand on her waist and my right hand holding the ice cream while she was eating and feeding me. Once we finished the ice cream, Mari looked at me blushing

Adrien: what's wrong princess

Marinette: c..cookies, I'm craving cookies

Adrien: I'll leave, let me buy you some

Marinette: I'm sorry

Adrien: hey sorry for what, you are my wife and you carry our baby. I would be so angry if you don't tell me what you are craving. Stay here I'll be back

I left to the bakery and I come back with a big bag with fresh cookies from Dupain bakery, true I transformed and went there fast, as they have the best cookies in Paris. I went back and give her the cookies, she started eating one by one, she is adorable.

Marinette (with full mouth): A... Adrien, I want to go to visit Alya

Adrien: let's go then

We ride the car together and she kept eating her cookies. We are finally in front of Alya's door, I knocked and Nino opened

Nino: dude hi, go in

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