Help me

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POV Marinette:

The disaster that happened to me, Nino and Alya was so terrible, 3 shoots in chest, Adrien kidnapped, my god what the hell, we were lucky that Adrien told us to stay hidden in the bathroom of the club then Alya got a call to come out.

We left the bathroom and joined Adrien out, or should I say a fox and kitty Adrien. we looked at us in the ground, then we had a lot of questions.

Fox Noir: reality

Once this word pronounced, all the three bodies of us disappeared. He detransformed and we all goes to the mansion where Adrien activated the defense system.

We got a fast shower, and we put our pajama to meet in the living room. we were sitting each on a beanbag.

Alya: how did you know Adrien? how did you know that this would happen and you got the fox miraculous this morning, so you know since the morning

Adrien: I know months ago actually

Marinette: but how?

I can see in his eyes that he hesitates to talk, but we all wanted to know what happened, so we all made puppies eyes

Marinette: please kitty

Adrien: when the two men rapped you months ago, I come back in time to avoid that. while in borrow, I found a part of the future, it was you all on the ground and me kidnapped again. I saw that it was in front of a club, so when Alya said this morning that we are going to the club, I just remembered everything and I wanted to save us

Nino: sorry for the bad memories dude

Adrien: it's ok Nino, I'm used to that. by the way we should go back to work soon

Alya: fine with me, we still have a day off tomorrow, so Mari what about a shopping, just girls

Nino: we are coming with you

Marinette: she said girls, means no boys, so you both stay here and do what you want

Adrien: fine, we will stay here, have fun

Nino: but Adrien!!!!

Adrien: it's ok Nino, we won't stay here forever

Alya: see beb how Adrien is openminded?

Marinette: not always.

Adrien: it's late, I suggest we sleep all in the same room

Alya: what if I want to ... you know with Nino dumbass?

Adrien: listen my dear fox, I want to do that with Mari more than what you think, but our security is our priority ok? So, you fuck next time, now you move your ass here and you sleep

Marinette (while blushing): A...Adrien

Adrien (while imitating her): Adrien!! you will sleep in my arms princess

Nino: mood spoiler

Adrien: I heard that Nino, but you can wait some days now

Marinette & Nino & Alya: even in the army they are more smooth

Adrien: I heard that too

POV Adrien:

We slept in the same place, in the living room. hawkmoth is more dangerous than what I thought.

It's already 2:30 am, I wake up due to a dream, this time I dream of the ship again. I stand up, being sure not to wake up Mari who slept in my arms and I got my laptop then sit on the couch. I checked all the informations about the ship again and I was sure to not skip any detail. It's not a coincidence that I see this ship always in my dream, I have a feeling that it's connected to hawkmoth, but how?

I left to my room and wear my clothes; I got the remote to control the defense system. I unable it then once I left I able it again.

I got two red roses from my garden, then I ride one of my cars and opened the gate, going to someone who can know hawkmoth, it's the old hawkmoth himself.

I drive to the cemetery and went to the grave of my parents; they are buried next to each other. It's been years since I come here, the last time was when I killed my own father but it was for the good of Paris.

I put a flower on each of their grave then I raised my head to sky. There were clouds, I can't even see the stars. I then sit on my knees looking at the graves

Adrien: Dad, help me. I'm sorry dad for killing you, I really didn't have a choice. I need you and mom to help me and find this hawkmoth. She is hurting us; she is killing us. Dad, I need you so much and I know you can hear me, you and mom. I'm sorry because I didn't visit your graves for years, since I killed you dad. I wasn't brave enough, I wasn't ready. I'm tired of everything dad, but I need to be strong, not only for Mari, but for your grandchild. You and mom will be grandparents. I was hoping that both of you could assist this, but I'm sure that you watch everything where you both are. You know dad, when I was akumatized, I hurted my wife and my child and when I used the ultimate power, I was able to understand you, to understand what you feel, and why you wanted the miraculous. It was love dad. I wish I can reverse what I did, I wish I didn't kill you dad and helped you instead. I beg you dad and mom, help me, I'm helpless, I'm powerless, I'm so tired, tired and pissed off of everything, what if I can't protect my family and my friends. I feel a big responsibility. This hawkmoth loves me, I bet she loves me for the money or status I have, she isn't like Mari, or maybe like Nino said, she loves me for my blond hair and green eyes.

I stand up, but I felt some tears coming out of my eyes, some hot tears, like the lava coming out of a volcan. Those tears are mixed with many emotions, so many emotions that even me is confused to determine them

Adrien: Help me dad and mom, please

I turned around to leave, and I wiped some of my tears. I felt some drops on my cheeks, it wasn't salty, it was just water. I raised my head up to find out that it's raining.

Adrien: I miss both of you so much you know? I should go now; I love you both

I drove to the mansion and parked the car, but I stay out in the garden. I looked up and closed my eyes, feeling every water drop falling on my face. I'm all wet, my hair and my clothes, but I don't care because I feel good under the rain, it also reminds me of Mari, our first talk, our first conversation.

I unable the defense system to go in and once there I able it. I went to the kitchen to poor a dark coffee. I took a sit, drinking my coffee and I'm now lost in my thoughts. I rested my arms on the table and laid my head, and I joined the dreams world.

I slept maybe for 10 minutes or a bit more, and I wake up on a voice in my dream, it was dad. I was in the sea, and dad was holding mom's hand. I told dad to help me, but he kept saying only one thing

Gabriel: Focus on Mari, Adrien and you will find all the answers of your questions

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