How dare you?

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POV Marinette:

The last thing I received was a message from Alya:

"I found the way to help Adrien, I'm coming in 30 minutes"

Did she really find a solution? I can't wait that my kitten gets his memory back.

Already 35 minutes waiting with Adrien and my parents in the living room, and we finally heard knocks. I used to open the door with Adrien's phone. Finally, Alya and Nino are here. They take a seat and they both look at Adrien

Nino: how are you doing Adrien?

Adrien: nothing changed, I still don't remember anything

Alya got a little bottle with a black liquid, yack, seeing this liquid make me sick. She handles then the bottle to Adrien

Adrien: yack, what's that?

Alya: this could bring you your memory, so just drink it at once, it's not a tasting

Adrien: are you sure isn't a poison?

Alya: dumbass, if I want to kill, I'll do that easily, I don't need a black disgusting liquid for that, so just drink the shit and let's see

She is cruel this fox, but she is right, we should try everything to get Adrien's memory back. He opened the bottle, it doesn't contain a lot, Adrien drink it at once and showing out his tongue as a sight that this liquid is not tasting well

Alya: dumbass, who I'm?

Adrien: you are Alya dumb fox, wait I remember everything, but how you did that?

Nino: she used the tablet

Marinette: tell me what you did

Alya: I had to check all the grimoire, that's why I spent 4 days. I found out that there is a way to cancel an effect and power used by an akumatized. You couldn't help because the akumatized has disappear

Adrien (while spitting cat fur): what the fuck is this?

Nino: I don't think you need to know

Alya: let him know, it's a black cat fur hair, I had to use it as you have the miraculous of the black cat

Marinette: I think I'll throw up yack, but I'm so happy that you had your memory kitty

Adrien: I'll be sick for the coming week I guess

I'm really happy that my kitten got his memory back, I can be back to my past life with him before those 4 days happened, I just jumped to wrap my legs around his waist, he picked me up and I kissed his soft lips that I have missed for the past days. My kiss was really savage that I'm biting his lips, he responded to my kiss by putting his hands on my butt, my hands are wrapped around his neck, it feels good, I moved my kisses to his neck. his skin is so hot, I licked and sucked every part of his neck, to taste it better. He is moaning my name, I love that, it just excites me more and more, even if I'm right now

Alya: hmmm, we are here and look at your parents and Nino, they are all blushing, find a room, I know you are happy to find your boy's lips but, in a room, do more if you want

Adrien: why you should always ruin our moments. What about going out for a day together, it's Saturday so no work for us

Nino: good idea, what about the amusement park?

Adrien: our wives are pregnant, it may be dangerous for them

Marinette: we aren't dying, we are just pregnant

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