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POV Adrien:

It's already 10 minutes that I'm awake in this little iron room with Alya. All what I remember that I was laying my head on Alya's shoulder then 2 men just put a tissue to close our nose and mouth and they used to get us here, the rest is black out. Alya is still under the effect of the drug. They were sure to tie out hands and feet with an iron chain and locked with a mini padlock, I was a bit conscious when they used the key to close it. Then kept some minutes to examine this situation, the iron room, the iron chain, the padlock, and Alya who finally wake up

Alya: where I'm?

Adrien: in the middle of no where

Alya: why I'm tied

Adrien: long story that you don't want to know

Alya: are we kidnapped?

Adrien: yep, we are, and I have good news and bad news, with what I start?

Alya: start with bad news

Adrien: the bad news that we are kidnapped and we are tied and if we don't get out from here soon, we will die because the oxygen will end soon

Alya: ok thank you so much, now give me some good news

Adrien: actually, there isn't, I was a bit conscious when they were talking, they sent 2 sentimonster, sentialya and sentiadrien to the yacht, and they hacked the camera system to delete the scene when they did that

Alya: this is a disaster oh my god, and why he sends them there?

Adrien: I don't think you want to know about that

Alya: just say it

Adrien: hmmmm we flirt, we have sex together, Nino and Mari see that, no proves that they are sentimonsters and voila

Alya: no way, Mari and Nino will trust us

Adrien: I just hope for that

Alya: they got your ring, it's not in your finger

Adrien: I know about that, now we need to think how to get out from here, I don't want to die and I didn't even see my child yet

Alya: how could you be so cold? You are not stressed?

Adrien: I have seen worst Alya, and I'm kinda habituated of those craps, now shuuu

I kept thinking on how to at least unlock this chain, but once I saw the hair pin in Alya's hair I got an idea

Adrien: I found a solution but do you trust me?

Alya: sure Agreste, what's up?

Adrien: ok here, I will use my lips to get the hair pin in your hair, they you use your lips to get it from mine, then I will try to turn around and you try to throw it in my hand and I will unlock my padlock then yours

Alya: what if we kiss?

Adrien: seriously Alya, in all this plan you are just afraid that we kiss? The lack of oxygen and dying isn't enough? Move your ass and do that better than dying

She nodded the get close to me. I got the hair pin from her hair and got my face close o her. we were both blushing and once she used her lips to get it from mine, there was a touch between our lips, we blushed both hard, but not time to care about that. I turned around and I could feel the hair pin in my hand and used it to unlock my locker. After some seconds of trying, I could open it, then it was Alya's turn to unlock hers

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