Damn nightmare

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POV Adrien:

I'm happy that everything is going fine with my wife, we were in our bed, on Saturday at 10h40 am. Mari in my arms, her head on my chest, I was playing with her hair and looking at her baby face. She is really an angel.

I stand up quietly, I don't want to wake her up, I took a fast shower, and went to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. Once it's ready, I went to our bedroom, I placed the breakfast on the stand next to the bed and caressed Mari's arm

Adrien: princess, wake up

Marinette: Adrien, just some minutes

Adrien: if you don't stand up, no kisses for the day

Marinette: aghhhh you won silly cat

She finally wakes up and sit up on bed. I gave her breakfast and we share it together. She doesn't stop smiling, I missed this smile, I missed when we were in peace. I made some waffles, so I got the whipped cream bottle and put a lot of cream on my waffle. A mountain of cream to be exact. Mari was laughing on how I eat the cream and the waffle, but I felt a hand grabbing my wrist

Marinette: you have some whipped cream all over your face

Adrien: no problem, I will clean it with the tissue

Marinette: I have better

She winked and got closer and closer, she put the plate of breakfast on the stand and laid me on the bed, she got closer and started licking the cream on my jaw and my lips. this licking turned to a kiss. I wrapped my hands around her back and her hands on my chest, we have ended our kiss in some minutes which seem seconds for us.

Adrien: I'm going to shower, so if you want to join me, follow me

I went to the bathroom, removed my clothes, turned on the shower and let all the water on my head waiting for my bug.

My eyes were closed, when I felt her chest pasted to my back and her hands rubbing my chest, I bite my lip. I turned her and laid her back on the wall. I started to kiss her again but this time with more passion and voracity it's like we didn't kiss for days. I bite her bottom lip asking for entrance to her mouth which she accepted and let our tongue kiss. It was a fiery French kiss. I moved to her ear and I whispered while biting her earlobe

Adrien: I want you Mari, I want you so much right now

Marinette: me too, I want to feel you in me

I didn't need for more time to get excited because I'm already. I pressed some hot kissed on her neck, sucking her sensitive sport while I inserted 2 fingers in her hole, which make her moan. I moved my fingers in her slowly then I started moving them so fast while kissing her neck. I moved to her breasts to lick and suck her nipples. I started with her right nipple while massaging her left breast and then I just gave the same attention to her right breast. Mari was a moan mess but this excites me more, and make me want her more and more.

By a professional move, she flipped up, my back against the wall. She was looking at me and her hand was moving from my neck to my penis. She grabbed it, and she moved her head closer to my neck to start licking and sucking it while rubbing my penis. I raised my head; the pleasure was indescribable. She is keeping her lips on my neck while her hand is down, but her lips started moving from my neck, to my jaw, then my chin, passing my chest, my abs going really really down.

By instinct, I put my hand on her head, and I raised my head up, with my eyes closed when she put all of my virility in her mouth sucking it faster. Her name left my mouth as moan, I feel so much pleasure, if she continues like that, she will drive me crazy, so I used my hand to raise her head and make her closer to kiss her and change the position again.

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