Love potion

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POV Marinette:

I'm not angry with Adrien, I know how much he loves me, but I'm just sick from this girl who kissed him. He is mine, he is my husband, only mine. He doesn't have the right to kiss, or look at anyone else except me. I feel so jealous that another girl tasted his lips. since I saw that horror, I left to my room, and laid on my side on the bed to cry.

I felt someone knocking on the door, but I didn't say anything. I bet it's Adrien because he used the key to open the door and come in. he sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on my arm

Adrien: it wasn't my intention to kiss her, she kissed me trust me

I was so hurted that I couldn't speak, I know I'm hurting him this way but I'm really trying to do my best, but I can't.

Adrien: I really moved back, I don't want anyone to kiss me, I want only you. Mari, talk to me please

I feel guilty that I didn't answer him, even when I know that he didn't do anything, I didn't even face him.

Adrien: fine as you wish, ill book a new room for myself then

I felt my heart hurt when he said that and when he stands up to leave. Once he walked to the door, I stand up and hugged him from behind, I laid my head on his back and cried

Marinette (while crying): I really know that you didn't kiss her, I was jealous, so jealous because you are mine, just mine. I love you, don't forget that.

He turned around and hugged me so tight, I did the same and I cried again while my head in buried in his chest

Adrien: I know, I love you more and never doubt in my love. I don't want any women except you, please don't doubt in me, please

Marinette: I won't, I will never doubt in you

We are still wearing our swimming suits, I look at him and we made eyes contact, while smiling. The atmosphere is full of love, my love for him, and his love for me. I'm really crazy in love with this man, and I will always, I just want one thing right now. I want him.

I stand on my tiptoes, and I whispered in his ear

Marinette: pin me

Without losing a second, he pinned me against the wall, he pinned my wrists with his left hand above my head, and with his right hand, he moved it from my thigh going up to my neck. I closed my eyes due to his touch, it's so soft, so hot. I just offered him myself.

Adrien: open your eyes

I opened my eyes to stare into his emerald eyes. His eyes have the strength to make me melt in his arms. Only him, my husband and my love, have this strength.

With just one movement, I got closer and I kissed his hot lips with all my might. It was a romantic kiss. It was a sweet kiss. a kiss full of passion, full of love. He let off my hands and picked me up, then i wrapped my legs around him and he pinned my back again on the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my butt to keep me pinned on the wall. I don't want to end this sweet embrace. we didn't even break our kiss. He bent his head to my neck and kissed me. I raised my head up to give him more access. His lips moving all along my neck and collarbone make me moan and move one of my hands to his golden hair.

He moves one of his hands on my back and with a skillful gesture, he removed my top. Now my upper part is naked. He stared at me for a few seconds while biting his bottom lip and then directed his mouth to my chest. He used his free hand to rub one of my breasts and used his mouth to lick my nipples. What a pleasure I'm feeling, that I can't stop my set of moans escaping my mouth. I can't hold them anymore, I can't anymore, I need him right now.

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