The disaster

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POV Marinette:

It's already one month and half that Adrien is in coma, and he didn't wake up yet. Alya left the hospital after one week and since then she come to visit with Nino. As Alya got pregnant 2 weeks before me, she already knows the gender of her baby, she will get a boy. I'm also 5 months pregnant, and I already went to get an ultrasound 2 weeks ago without Adrien, and today the day to know the gender of our baby. I wanted to know the gender together but Adrien didn't wake up yet. I barely leave his room, I'm just eating what Alya give me, I'm just eating for our baby. Looking at my husband in those conditions are hurtful. I won't deny that it's my fault, it's my mistake. If I heard him, if I just gave him 5 minutes to explain, if I trusted him, we won't be here, I just wish he wakes up. I help his hand and I started kissing his palm while some tears are escaping my eyes

Marinette: I was wrong you know? I was wrong since the begin when I didn't trust you in the amusement park, then I told you that I will trust you but I didn't this time. It's not about trust you know? I'm so possessive, I want you for myself only. When I hear or see you kissing or even touching someone else, I lose my mind and I forget everything around me. you are the best thing happened in my life, you are my partner, you are my kitty cat, my husband and my baby's father. How could I live without you? I beg you, just open your eyes and then you can scold me. I miss your emerald eyes, it's been 6 weeks I didn't see them, it's been 6 weeks since I tasted your lips. You are not allowed to leave me, I have only you in this life, I beg you, just wake up

I kissed his hand for the last time, I was so tired; I really cried a lot. I just laid my head on his bed and fall asleep

POV Adrien:

I don't remember anything once I opened my eyes, it's like I lost my memory again, but all what I needed is some seconds to process all the machines linked to me, the shit in my mouth don't allow me even to talk. I feel so dizzy, I can't even turn my head, all what I can do is to move my fingers slowly. While moving my right hand fingers, I felt a warm and hot skin, a familiar skin, it's so soft like Mari's skin. I can't turn my head to see who, but I kept rubbing her hand with my thumb. I don't know if she felt my skin on her, all what I want is to remove this tube from my throat and find Mari but I was so happy to know that the woman with me was Mari, I could hear her voice calling the doctor. I felt her hand playing with my hair and whispering some words to calm me

Marinette: oh, Adrien, I missed you so much, please don't move I called the doctor, he is coming

In some minutes, the doctor come in and removed slowly the machines from me, I finally can move

Doctor: happy to see you awake Mr. Agreste, your wife was terrified, now I will let both of you alone, call us if you need any assistance Mr. Agreste

I nodded then he left the room letting me alone with me. I felt her hand holding mine. I look at her and find her crying

Marinette (while crying): I'm really so sorry Adrien, I was really so stupid, I know you won't forgi...

I put my index on her lips to shut her up, and then used my thumb to wipe her tears from her beautiful bluebell eyes

Adrien: I wasn't mad at you; I know deep down you love me

Marinette: oh Adrien

She laid her head and hands on my chest and keep crying, this hurt me to see her tears falling even for me. I patted on her head, trying to calm her down

Adrien: don't cry please, I'm fine now, we are together now and I promise you that we will kick hawkmoth's ass

Marinette (while rubbing her belly): I love you so much, also our kitten missed you

I put my hand on her belly and rub all along, she giggled, I miss this sound so much, how beautiful she is

Adrien: I love you more, you and our baby kitten are my only family, by the way you belly is bigger, you are holding a watermelon

Marinette: watermelon, like seriously?

I pulled up my shirt and rubbed my belly

Adrien: see? I don't have a water melon, but you have

Marinette just put her hand on mine and kissed my belly, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, damn not now

Marinette (while rubbing his abs): true you don't have a watermelon, but you have those abs which turn me on

Adrien (while laughing): hey calm down, we are in hospital and even if I want, I'm so weak for that

Marinette shrugged and kissed my forehead

Marinette: we will do that once at home

Adrien: three rounds?

Marinette: I will go with four rounds, each of them in a different place, so?

Adrien: I don't mind in kitchen, and the shower

Marinette: also, in our bed and in the living room, so deal

Adrien: deal bugaboo

Marinette: I love you so much kitty

Adrien: I love you more and more princess

"After one week"

I finally left the hospital and went to my house. Nino and Alya were with us. We were sitting in the dining room eating our lunch together celebrating me getting out of that jail

Nino: we should celebrate tonight

Alya: yes, what about going to dancing club?

Adrien: like seriously you both are pregnant and want to dance?

Marinette: oh, please kitty cat, I really want to be with you

Adrien (while sighing): fine, by the way Alya, could you lend me the fox miraculous only for today?

Alya: sure, take it

Marinette: why you need it?

Adrien: no just to be sure of something

Alya gave me the fox miraculous and I put it in my pocket.

Adrien: Mari what you did for your ultrasound?

Marinette: for 4th month it was good, for 5th month, not yet, I'm waiting for you to know the gender so I rescheduled with the doctor a meeting tomorrow

Adrien: you are awesome my princess, and Alya what about you?

Alya: I will have a boy dumbass

Adrien: congratulations fox, so let's get ready and dance today

Alya and Nino left to their house to get ready.

At night, I left to take a shower with Mari, exchanging some kisses and some romantic moments then we dry ourselves and we wear clothes. Marinette wear a short red dress with gold high heels and gold belt in her waist, and she let her hair down, she made some eyeliner and a red gloss, she looks perfect, she will drive me crazy, for me, I got skinny jeans, black tennis shoes, and a black tight dress shirt, which I opened the first upper buttons, and gave my hair a cat noir style, I got the fox miraculous with me and we left to get Alya and Nino.

Once in the club, we used to dance till 2am, and when we left, it was the big surprise, it was a disaster, we had 4 men in front of us, and 6 behind us, its impossible for me and Nino to fight 10 men, but when I turn back, I grabbed Mari in my arms and so did Nino for Alya but I heard some shoots, I found out 3 shoots in everyone's chest except mine, but two men caught me from my arms and another punched my stomach and then used to get me with them and they left and all what I remember is ..... nothing after that

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