Cat Blanc

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POV Adrien:

The cruise is finally over, I had some bad moments with this stupid Mari that tried to ruin my wedding and my couple with Marinette. I'm lucky that Alya and Nino were with us or I would get worst. I can't forget that this bitch used to give me a love potion, I spent 3 hours passed out.

As we come using the horse miraculous, we used it again to go back to Paris. The cruise was over in the morning and we are working the next day, I bet I have a lot of papers to sign and Mari have a lot to design.

I take Alya and Nino home then I left with Mari. We got a fast romantic bath together, we changed to our pajamas and we slept together.

The next day, I was the first to wake up, so I got my shower, then I prepared the breakfast for both of us and went back to the bed to wake up Mari

Adrien: princess, wake up, we work today

Marinette: hmm Adrien, I'm tired please

Adrien: fine, don't wake up, no kissed for the rest of the day

She just sits up suddenly, I'm lucky that I already put the tray on the stand or I would get a second shower but with food.

Adrien: good morning princess, here your breakfast

Marinette: good morning, thank you kitty

I'm not really hungry today, so I gave her all the breakfast, as a pregnant, she should eat. I have already made pancakes, waffles, whipped cream as she loves it, maple syrup and a latte. She is cute when she licks her fingers covered of cream like a baby, with her little angel face, she is just beautiful.

Marinette: kitty cat, today Alya and Nino will sleep here with their daughter

Adrien: awesome, we will have so much fun then. Once you finish your breakfast, get ready

Marinette: why you didn't eat that much?

Adrien: I don't know, I'm not hungry today

Marinette: what's wrong dear? I know when you are not feeling good

Adrien: I'm really fine princess, I just don't want to eat. Now you should eat for our baby

Marinette: ok darling

Once Mari got her shower, we changed to our clothes and I drive to the company. Once there, we left each to his office. I found some paperwork to sign, but I wasn't focused at all. Something is blowing my mind, I don't feel well, I have a feeling that something will happen.

It's already 5pm, the work was like always, sign here, read there, check the work and some kisses with my wife.

I left with Mari to our mansion waiting for Alya and Nino. I asked the maids to get ready their room with a crib which they did then they left.

At 6pm, Alya and Nino are finally here. I'm trying to act so normal hiding my fears as much possible as I can.

We changed to our pajamas and I had ordered some pizza for us. We were sitting in the living room, having so much fun, and Layla sitting on my laps as always calling me papa, then I stand up, it's already time for our patrol

Adrien: Mari, I'm going for the patrol now, you stay here and take care of our kitten

Marinette: are you sure you will be fine?

Adrien: yes, I will

Alya: Nino go with him

Nino: fine, with 2 it would be better

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