Doubts hurt

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POV Hawkmoth:

I had a perfect plan to divide Adrien and Marinette, and this plan worked well, like my father says always "divide for a better reign". I want to get what belongs to me years ago, and I promised to get it whatever this cost me.

I started by erasing Adrien's memory and make him forget everything, but I don't know how he got his memory back, this ruined my plan, but once I saw them in the amusement park, I had a good idea. I used the peacock miraculous and I had created 2 sentimonsters for Adrien and his fan girl, I was lucky that the waiting line for men bathroom was so long, so I used this to my favor. I was sure that Alya will think that they are illusion so I used the sentimonsters and once the left, I released them from their existence.

POV Adrien:

It takes me forever to just go to the bathroom, the waiting line was huge and long. If I transformed, left to my mansion and used my bathroom, I'll come before the line.

I left the bathroom to join my wife and my friends, but I didn't see anyone of them. I got my phone calling Mari but she didn't answer, the same thing.

I got out of the amusement park to find out that my car isn't here, so I called my driver, he confirmed that my wife is alone in the mansion, I asked him to get me from the amusement park, which he did and comes in 10 minutes.

Once at the mansion, I closed the limousine's door and went to my room to find out Mari in her bed crying. Is this her hormones doing all that?

I sit on bed and go closer to her, I put my hand on her head but she just slapped my hand and move it. I really don't understand what is happening and if it's a prank then it's not funny at all

Adrien: Mari, my princess, what's wrong with you?

She just stands up, so do I, but she just slapped me and let just 5 fingers printed on my left cheek. I was shocked, I really don't know what to say, what to do, my brain got an error, I don't know how to proceed with that, maybe I'm dreaming and she didn't slap me? No, it's not a dream, I can feel the pain on my cheek, a pain that I think I won't forget for a while.

Marinette: how dare you coming back here? You kiss a girl in front of me, Alya and Nino and then you just come like that?

Adrien: wait a minute, did I miss an episode? Also, if this is a prank, seriously ha ha ha, isn't funny at all, so stop that.

Marinette: and you just deny the fact you kissed her? I hate you, I don't want to see you, I'm leaving this house

Adrien: I swear I was in the toilet, the line was long, you can ever...

Marinette: don't finish, just shut up, don't talk, I'm leaving

She got some of her clothes in a suitcase and she left. Tikki whispered for me that she is going to Nino and Alya and then they both left using her car.

I just sit on the couch, trying to process, what really happened

POV Alya:

I'm still shocked that Adrien did such thing to Marinette, she was devastated, tired and crying when she come here to our house. All what she did is to sleep for the past 2 hours in the room that I reserved for her.

I was in the kitchen with Nino and Layla, having dinner. Layla was playing with Nino's phone, till she shows us a video, when that problem happened with Adrien and Marinette, Layla was recording all the scene but something got my attention. Something is weird in Adrien in this video, something is missing but I don't know what is it.

Nino: Alya, how the hickey disappeared from Adrien's neck?

Yes, the hickey, I think I just understand what happened, everything is clear now. I put Layla in her room, I grabbed Nino's hand and went to Mari's room

Alya: Mari wakes up, I think we did a big mistake

She just wiped her tears with her arm and sit up on the bed looking at me with puffy red eyes

Marinette: what's up?

I showed her the video and I zoomed on Adrien's neck, her eyes are widened, she knows her mistake and I hope she fix it soon

Marinette: the hickey, I remember he had a hickey, and it doesn't disappear because when I talked to Adrien 3 hours ago, he had that hickey, oh my god, don't tell me that...

Nino: sentimonsters yes

Marinette: Alya, I hurted him, I slapped him, he won't forgive me

Alya: he loves you so much, we will go with you, let's just fix those craps

Mari grabbed her bag, then we just go into her car. She drives to the mansion, Layla was on Nino's shoulders, we went to Mari and Adrien's room, to find it ... empty.

We searched everywhere, in every part, in every room, even in the basement, in the parking, but we found a car missing, he left. He will be back, he should for Mari

Mari is sitting on her bed, crying and blaming herself, the remords doesn't leave her thoughts, she hurted and slapped her husband, her love. We were sitting on the bed, but a maid of the mansion interrupted our quiet atmosphere

Maid: Mrs. Agreste, Mr. Agreste gave me this letter and asked me to give it for you once you come back here. Here is it

Marinette: thank you

Mari got the letter, and once the maid left, she just opens it, and while reading, her eyes widened

The letter:

Hi Mari,

I'm sorry if I used to hurt you by any way, but you hurted me. I had known what happened from Plagg, Tikki told him everything.

I just used my private jet to travel to a far country, I need to change my mood for some days.

I didn't let you, but I gave you time to think again

The slap doesn't hurted me, what hurted me was your doubt. You doubt that I would hurt you and kiss another girl, you thought that I was able to betray you, to cheat on you. I can't cheat you, because you represent my universe, but I think this doesn't mean anything to you. You just asked me to shut up, you didn't give me a chance to talk.

This hurt Mari, doubts hurt. You doubt me, but I never doubt you. I may be jealous with any guy trying to be closer but not the way that I doubt you because I know that you love me, or you loved me.

I hope to see you soon, don't try to call, my phone is on the stand in our room.

With all my love


Mari stays quiet for a while, till she just says 2 words to cry all the tears of her body

Marinette: HE LEFT!!

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