The fashion shows

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POV Marinette:

Here is a new day, we should work and wake up early which I really don't want to do. All what I want, is to stay between Adrien's arms and keep sleeping, it's so warm.

I opened my eyes to find out 2 pair of emerald eyes fixing me, his hair falling on his face. I moved his hair and gave him a peck on his lips

Adrien: good morning my beautiful princess

Marinette: good morning kitty, for how long you are watching me sleeping

Adrien: not so long, 15 minutes only.

Marinette (while blushing): why you didn't wake me up, we work today

Adrien: as a CEO, I can go whenever I want; the most important thing is meeting are done and papers are signed, and you as my wife, you have such an immunity

Marinette: you wife tells you to move your butt and go to work with me now

Adrien: stubborn like always. I can't enjoy my wife?

I stand up, I got my clothes from my dressing and going to the bathroom, but before, I winked at Adrien

Marinette: work well, you may love tonight kitty cat

I left to take my shower, letting a drooling Adrien in the room. I got my shower, changed my clothes, dry my hair and made a high bun, some eyeliner and some lipstick and I left to my room to find Adrien sleeping, what a lazy ass

Marinette: Adrien, will you wake up or no fun tonight

Adrien (while yawning): fine, ill wake up. A kiss?

Marinette: sure kitty

I gave him just a peck on his lips, I can find a disappointed kitty, then I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed him for a while

Adrien: I damaged your lipstick, I'm not sorry for that

Marinette: you are never sorry for that kitty cat, ill fix it, now go to prepare yourself.

I fixed my lipstick then he left to get his shower and change to a skinny light gray suit without the necktie, the first 3 buttons of his dress shirt are unbuttoned oh my god, he looks so sexy with his hair natural as cat noir. No time for that Mari, he is just sexy, his cologne isn't accessing my nose, no it isn't, it is.

Adrien: let's go princess

Marinette: a...are you coming like this?

Adrien: yes, what up princess?

Marinette: oh damn, try not coming to my office today at all

Adrien: and why?

Marinette: I don't want that your employees see their boss naked. Let's go

I like to make my kitty blushing. We ride his car and he drive to the company. He went to his office and I went to mine. A long working day waiting for us.

POV Adrien:

A working day without my princess is a big torture for me. I need a meeting with my stylists so I asked Lila to assemble them in my office. I have a very large table that it's enough for at least 30 persons.

I was sitting on my chair checking some papers, then I found out the head of stylists, my beautiful wife coming in then Zoe, Kagami, Alix, Mylene and Rose. I take a seat in the head of the table and the others imitated me.

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