It's too late

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POV Marinette:

I felt cheated by my husband and my best friend, same as Nino who is sitting in the couch in front of me, playing with Layla and trying not to cry for what his wife did. I have already cried and let out all my tears, I have no more tears to cry. My husband or should I say, who will be my ex husband was lying. The lipstick of Alya was on his lips, they were flirting on the yacht and having fun and then they just lie like what the camera system is hacked and they were kidnapped, I'm not a fool to believe that in just one day.

Nino got my phone and gave it for me

Nino: Mari, your phone, someone calling you

I nodded and I picked up to find who, it's an unknown number

Phone call:

Marinette: hello? Who it is please?

Captain: Hello Mrs. Agreste, I'm the captain of the yacht of Mr. Agreste. I'm so sorry to call you but I got your number from the company Agreste. I'm trying to contact Mr. Agreste to tell him something really important but I can't join him, it's something so important

Marinette: what's up?

Captain: the workers in the control room said that the camera system was hacked by someone, we made some investigations and we found out who. It's someone who doesn't belong to the workers in the yacht. Right now, he is with us. We are sorry for that. please inform Mr. Agreste and tell him to come here and check if he knows him or not

Marinette: thank you, I will be sure to tell him

End of the phone call

Nino: what's wrong?

Marinette: Nino, I think we made a really big mistake

Nino: what do you mean?

Marinette: I think Alya and Adrien said the truth, let's go to my parents and leave Layla there, then we should go back to the yacht, something happened there and the captain needs Adrien but he said he can't join him

Nino: maybe he turned off his phone

Marinette: he didn't say that, he said couldn't join him, means he didn't pick up his phone, let's go

I left with Nino and Layla in my car and I drove to my parent bakery asking them to take care of Layla. They accepted and I left to the yacht to find the captain. He led me and Nino to a room where the hacker is there. To be honest, I don't know him, he already has my age.

Captain: Hello Mrs. Agreste, Mr. Lahiffe. This is the hacker; his name is Alan. He confessed that he hacked the camera system to delete some parts of the records.

Marinette: may I please talk to him in private with Nino?

Captain: sure

The captain left. Then I got a chair and sit down, and Nino did the same.

Marinette: say everything you know

Alan: I need some money for my mother's surgery, so a woman wearing a purple mask, 2 long pigtails, and a purple suit asked me to hack a system. At first, I didn't want, but when she offered me some money, I said yes as I need it so much.

Marinette: I'm really sorry to hear that, but do you know what was her plan?

Alan: yes, she kidnapped a blond and a brunette who were sitting up on the couch sleeping. She drugged them and 2 men used to kidnap them and she used 2 sentimonsters instead. She ordered them to flirt and if possible, having sex together just to get the blond for herself. She is crazy in love with that blond and she said that she will get him even if she kills whoever she needs. You need to take care and save the kidnapped, they are in danger

Nino: they are safe, don't worry

Alan: I'm really sorry, I really did all that for my mother, I can't afford it, I'm already working all the time

I understand what this boy feels, I can't blame him, I know what he did is bad, but I forgive him. I gave him a cheque with 20.000$ to help his mother and let him go.

I went back to the car with Nino asking him to call Adrien or Alya

Nino: Mari they don't answer

Marinette: we need to fix everything, they weren't lying Nino, we did a mistake, please I hope that we aren't late, I hope it's not too late please

Nino: relax Marinette, we really had to trust them

Marinette: please call again and again

Nino: I'm calling, oh wait Adrien picked up

Phone call:

Nino: Adrien, please where are you, I need you, and I need Alya

Doctor: that's better, so you know Mr. Agreste and Mrs. Lahiffe?

Nino: yes, Adrien is my best friend and Alya is my wife, also who are you and why they didn't respond?

Doctor: Mr. Lahiffe, I'm really sorry to inform you that Mr. Agreste and Mrs. Lahiffe had a car accident 3 hours ago.

Nino: we are coming, please

End of the phone call

Marinette: what's up

Nino: to the hospital Marinette, now

Marinette: wait, hospital? Why please? Say what's wrong

Nino (while crying): just go please

I started driving hardly, I hope that I want have a car accident too. Why the hospital, I'm really afraid. I hope Adrien feel well, I hope nothing happened to him. I can't lose him. He needs to forgive me; I need to say sorry and to kiss his hands asking for forgiveness.

I'm finally in the hospital, I parked the car and run with Nino inside. We find a doctor in the reception

Nino: Adrien Agreste and Alya Lahiffe please?

Doctor: follow me please

We followed the doctor to the room and it was the horror what we see. Alya seems fine, but Adrien is linked to at least 4 or 5 machines, in his nose, throat, fingers, the IV bag, the bandage on his hands, the pads on his face.

Doctor: they had a bad car crash. Mrs. Lahiffe is fine, also her baby is fine because we found out that Mr. Agreste hugged her and then protect her from everything but he got all the crashes, wounds and sharps in everywhere. Mrs. Lahiffe is really lucky compared to Mr. Agreste. If it wasn't him, she would be dead because the car crashed the right side. Mrs. Lahiffe will wake up later but Mrs. Agreste, I'm really sorry. We did everything to save him and we hope for the best now.

Th doctor left, and I run to hold Adrien's hand and kissing it. I regret what I did, I regret everything, oh please, not again, I don't want to lose him, I can't anymore. Why I didn't trust him, why I was so dumb and blind

Nino: I want to ask him for forgiveness too Mari, I'm really sorry, I slapped him.

Marinette (while crying): I don't want to lose my husband Nino, please I'm tired, I can't lose him, he is my life, even when I thought of divorce, I just love only him. Please I need a second chance, I have to get this second chance. Nino, I want Adrien, I want my Adrien, please Nino help me

Nino is speechless, he couldn't say anything in font of me, sobbing.

My mother never lied when she said that we know the value of someone only when we lost him. Mom, I'm about to lose my husband, and I really don't want.

It's too late, please I need a miracle to save him, I need a second chance

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