She is hawkmoth

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POV Marinette:

It's already Monday, this mean a long boring day of work, but with Adrien, it will be a good day.

Alya and Nino slept in the mansion, Adrien said that it's better for us.

I was the first to wake up in my Adrien's strong arms, it's already 6h30 am, so time to wake up. I let my kitty sleep for more minutes, so I left to get a shower, I dry myself, I changed for a spaghetti gold dress and black high heel with a black belt in my waist, some eyeliner and a red gloss. I went to wake up my kitty, but as always, he is so lazy. I shake him again and again till he finally opened his eyes.

Adrien (with half opened eyes): M...Mari, what time is it?

Marinette: good morning kitty, its time to move your butt and go to work.

Adrien: just 5 more minutes

Marinette: I already gave you one hour, stand up lazy butt, or I won't let you touch me for the coming month

He sits up as fast as he can in the bed and rubs his eyes like a 3 years old baby

Adrien: I'm awake

Marinette: I like this strategy. So, get your shower and I'm waiting for you downstairs with Nino and Alya

Adrien: ok fine princess

He left to the bathroom and I went to the kitchen where Nino is drinking a dark coffee, and Alya drink a hot tea.

Marinette: good morning

Alya: good morning, Marinette

Nino: you slept well? Where is your lazy kitty cat?

Marinette: getting his bath.

We finished eating, and Adrien joined us wearing a dark blue suit without necktie, an opened jacket, and a shirt dress with the first 3 buttons opened, he looks so hot. We left to the company while Adrien driving. Alya and Nino goes to their offices and Adrien went to my office and closed the door behind him, going toward me with a mischievous smile

Adrien: so, you said If I don't wake up, no sleeping with me for a month, right?

Marinette (while crossing her arms): yes, and you know I can do that

He comes closer and laid me on the couch in my office, crawling on the top of me

Adrien: are you sure princess?

He pressed his lips on mine, the kiss was so intense and passionate. I put my hands on his chest and started to unbutton it. He already licked all the gloss on my lips then he bites my bottom lip asking me to open my mouth and finally our tongues meet in a sensual dance, he is so warm, his tongue is warm, his arms, his eyes, his everything. He moved his lips to my neck, kissing licking, sucking the skin making me moan

Marinette (while moaning): A...Adrien, w...we should work and if we keep going, W.... We will do it here

Adrien stands up and closed again his shirt dress looking at me while biting his bottom lip

Adrien: you are right, by the way, tell Nino and Alya that today we have a sleepover

Marinette: a sleepover? Kitty, we shouldn't waste our time, we need to know who is hawkmoth

Adrien: that's why, I know who is hawkmoth

I widen my eyes and got closer to him

Marinette: who is it? Tell me please, and how did you know?

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