The coma of Adrien

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POV Nino:

I regret all what I said to my best friend, I just didn't trust him, I had to be sure and trust him that he can't touch my wife and he is loyal to Marinette, but we were blind, how could I slap my best friend who risked his life to protect Alya and my baby.

Marinette is sitting on the chair next to the bed holding Adrien's hand and crying, I feel so much pain for her. I heard someone calling my name. Marinette pointed to Alya while wiping her tears

Marinette: Nino, see, Alya is awake

Nino: how you feel beb?

Alya: Nino, what are you doing here? My head hurt so much, all what I remember was Adrien holding me tight, how is my baby?

Nino: your baby is fine. I'm so sorry Alya for what I said, I really regret that, please forgive me, they played well this time

Alya: while kidnapped, I was talking with Adrien, and we said that our partners will believe us, but we were wrong. Where is Adrien?

I pointed to his bed next to hers, her eyes tear up

Alya (while crying): oh no, Adrien, my best friend, I'm so sorry Adrien, it's all my fault

Marinette: no, it's all our fault Alya, if we trusted you and Adrien, nothing from this would happen, and now I may lose my husband again and again. I'm full of remorse, I didn't even let you both talk, and I just slapped him. Alya, I beg you forgive me, I was angry

Alya: how could you think that I can cheat Nino or Adrien can cheat you, Mari?

Nino: when we saw the lipstick on his lips, that changed everything

Alya: all what happened is that we needed the hair pin in my hair, he got it from my hair using his lips because we were tied, and then placed it to my lips, and I used to throw it in his hands to free us because if we didn't do that, we would be dead right now.

Marinette: we shouldn't doubt in both of you, I'm sorry Alya

Marinette goes to Alya and laid on her chest, and Alya patted on head then she hugged her

Alya: I forgive you but don't doubt again your dumbass

Nino: what about me? do you forget your husband who love you so much?

Alya: yes, I forgive you idiot, but same don't do it again. But Adrien? what the doctor said?

Nino: he said that they did what they can, he said that he saved you and got all the crashes, that's why he is linked to all those machines

Alya: I own you my life Agreste, wake up, I want to kick Mari and Nino's ass together

Marinette: he should wake up, I'm fine if he wants to kick my ass, I'm really fine, I can't live without him.

Marinette fall on the ground, the floor is already wet with her tears, losing her husband for the fourth time isn't easy for her. I don't want to lose my best friend, all of us need him and he is too young to leave us.

Marinette sit again and hold his hand while blowing some kisses on his hand sometimes, I did the same and sit by Alya who is awake but we heard one of the machines bipping. I run out so fast and I called the doctor

Nino: doctor, I need a doctor in Adrien Agreste's room please

Nurse: follow me

We run together to his room, the nurse checked the machines and run out yelling in the hallway

Nurse: I need a doctor please, Adrien Agreste had a cardiac arrest

Marinette: oh no kitty doesn't do this to me please

Once the doctor come in, the tell me and Mari to leave the room.

POV Alya:

As I'm sick, they can't get me out of the room. I'm so scared and afraid, I can't lose my best friend who sacrificed himself for me and my baby.

Adrien have around him two nursed and two doctors. One of the doctors got the electric paddles and places it on Adrien's chest

Doctor: charge 250

Nurse: done

They tried to resuscitate but nothing happened, so the doctor asked to increase the charge

Doctor: charge 300

Nurse: done

Doctor: nothing yet, increase 350

Nurse: increased to 350

I was so happy to hear the machine again, he is finally resuscitated, I was afraid if we lose him, Mari would die without her kitty

Doctor: call his wife here please

Nurse: I will

The nurse left and call Nino and Mari to go in. in some minutes, they enter the room and sit on the couch

Marinette: what's up doctor, please say that my husband is alive, I bet you

Doctor: Mrs. Agreste, your husband is alive, but he is in coma. We resuscitated his hardly and this caused him a coma

Marinette (while teared up): C...Coma? F... for how long?

Doctor: we really don't know, it may be for days, weeks, or even months

Marinette (while crying):, no, no please, you are kidding, I can't, I need him, please I can't, do anything, I want my husband

Doctor: I wish I can do more Mrs. Agreste, but I really did all what I can. You should be strong; he needs you more than anytime. Don't think that he doesn't hear you, he hears everything.

Alya: stay with him Mari and everything will be fine, don't stress yourself, think of your baby, stress is bad for him

Marinette (while sobbing): A...Alya, I...I want A...Adrien, P... please

Nino hugged Mari and patted on her head but she kept hitting his chest without stop

Marinette (while crying and sobbing): I... It's all our fault, W... We had to trust them, Adrien wakes up for me, for your baby, I beg you my kitty, we need you so much, I can't live without you Adrien, I love you so much, please wake up, you need to wake up, you don't have the right to die

Alya: Mari, please take some rest, come lay by me in the bed

She nodded while crying, I made a place in my bed and she laid hugging me

Marinette: I want Adrien Mari

Alya: I know, I want Adrien to wake up too, he is our best friend dumbass

Nino: we all want him to wake up Mari, he is really strong, he won't die easily

I play with Mari's hair; I try to calm her down and she finally sleep. I can't say I feel what she feels. I've never lost Nino before and I'm thankful for that because I don't want to lose him, he's all my life, just as Adrien is all Mari's life. She lost him 4 or more times because of his sacrifices for her, but this time he sacrificed for me and for my child. He is truly the bravest person I have ever seen and I owe him my life and the life of my baby. I'm really happy that Nino and Marinette know the truth that it is impossible to betray them. They represent our whole life. Just as I love Nino madly, Adrien loves Marinette more than his life itself. I just hope this idiot wakes up.

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