The doubts

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POV Marinette:

I was sleeping peace in the living room but I felt an empty place next to me, there isn't Adrien. I open my eyes and heard a screaming coming from somewhere which causes me, Nino and Alya to wake up

Alya: what's this screaming and where is dumbass?

Marinette: I don't know, he isn't here

Nino: move your butts, the noises are coming from the kitchen I guess

We walked to the kitchen and we found out a wet Adrien, resting his arms on the table and his head shaking, he was asleep, yelling something

Adrien (while sleeping): Dad tells me please, don't go, just tell me, what about Mari? I want to know, please dad, I need an answer, help me to find out? Why Mari, dad? DAAAD

I patted kindly on his hair whispering some love words but he didn't wake up

Alya: Mari wakes up your husband, try another thing

Marinette: another thing? Like I kick him from the chair?

Nino: stupid, just kiss him maybe

I nodded, and I used my hands to cube his checks in my hands and I kissed his lips. his eyes widen suddenly and stand up from the table.

Adrien: what's wrong, why are you all here?

Alya: you wake us up, you were screaming. What's up dumbass? What's wrong with you? Why you mentioned your dad and Mari?

Adrien: we will talk once we wake up, I want to sleep again please, I'm exhausted

We nodded and we left again to the living room. I cuddled Adrien and wrapped my arms around him like a protective mother, I kissed then his cheek and his forehead

Marinette: sleep well kitty cat, I'm here with you

Adrien: I know Mari, I know my princess, good night

Alya: don't scream again dumbass

He nodded and we again fall asleep finally after a long night, and It's still 4am.

I wake up again, because I felt Adrien shaking while sleeping, I patted on his back to calm him but he is repeating some random things in his sleep.

POV Adrien:

I feel myself shaking as I dream again, but this time, my dad and my mom was in my dream, they both confused me

Gabriel: Adrien, if you want answers, focus on Mari

Emily: Adrien, focus also on the airport

Gabriel: son, we can't say more than that. focus on the airport and Mari

I'm sweating and shivering, I want more details, why the airport? Why Mari? I could barely feel myself talking in my sleep

Adrien (while dreaming): Dad, why the airport, mom don't leave me alone, help me both please

I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes to find 3 pairs of eyes fixing me, it was the crazy trio, Mari, Nino and Alya.

Adrien: what again?

Nino: we don't care if it's 5am, but we need explications. Also, why you are wet?

Adrien: I was out, and... and I kinda have some hints to find hawkmoth but I don't know how to use them. My parents said I should focus on Mari and the airport

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