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POV Marinette:

Adrien didn't wake up since yesterday, and it's already 11am of the next day. if his chest wasn't raising, I would think that I lost for the third time my husband.

I hesitated if I wake him up or not. I was afraid if he still tired of what happened so I just gave him a peck on his lips, I got a fast shower, I got wore my pajama and went to the kitchen to get a coffee, meanwhile I heard some giggles and laughs in the living room. I got my coffee and went there to find Layla playing with Alya and Nino.

Marinette: good morning

Alya: good morning. Adrien is sleeping till now?

Marinette: yes, I let him rest

Nino: Mari, if you are avoiding to wake him up and talk to him then it's a bad idea. The long you take to explain and talk to him, the more complicated the situation become. What happened isn't easy for him. Not me or Alya can help you. You are his wife, and only you could help him, as I mentioned, if myself I know that I was akumatized and I killed my child and almost killed Alya, I would be crazy. You need to support him

Alya: Nino is right, Mari

Marinette: once he wakes up, I will talk to him, I promise.

Layla: papa, why I don't see papa Adrien? I miss papa Adrien very much

Alya: papa Adrien is tired Layla, he need rest

Layla (while clinging to Marinette's leg): Layla wants to see papa Adrien, please aunty

I gazed stared at Nino then at Alya, but I had a better idea. I kneeled to get Layla's level and I put my hands on her shoulders

Marinette: you know our room, right?

Layla: yes aunty, Layla knows the room

Marinette: you will find him asleep, wake him up kindly ok

Layla (while clapping): yay, thank you aunty

She run to the room without losing a moment

Alya: you think like me, right?

Marinette: yes, let's just see what will happen

Nino: leave girls for just 5 minutes and watch what will happen

Alya: beb shut up and follow us

I left with Nino and Alya to my room, spying from the door on how Adrien and Layla will act. She went to the other side of the bed and started crawling on the bed toward Adrien and she shook him

Layla: papa, papa wake up

He doesn't answer, but Layla keeps shaking Adrien without stop

Layla: papa please Layla is here

He finally wakes up to take a look at Layla but he turned to the other side ignoring her while tears coming from his eyes so he just covered his head

Adrien: leave Layla, if you want to live, just leave

Layla: mama told me that my papa won't hurt his daughter because he loves her. is it right papa Adrien?

Adrien (talking from the cover): not in my case, I'm a bad father, I'm really bad

Layla pulled down the cover from his face and she laid her head on his chest

Layla: no papa, you and papa Nino are the best papa in the world. You taught me how to sing papa and you designed a dress for me, you did a lot for Layla and Layla loves you so much

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