The cruise

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POV Marinette:

Adrien asked us to go together with Alya and Nino to the restaurant, he wanted to say something. We ordered some food and boys got extra wine, as a pregnant me and Alya, we can't drink.

Adrien: what if we go to a cruise together. The coming week we are free, so no work

Marinette: you forgot that I'm a stylist and I should help in designs?

Adrien: I know, tell them you got 7 days off, it's easy.

Alya: what about me and Nino?

Adrien: 7 days off too.

Nino: that's awesome to be the wife and the best friends of the CEO where you work, so cool

Adrien (while laughing): I won't say anything Nino

Marinette: they have Layla, they can't

Adrien: they bring Layla

Alya: I'll let Layla with my parents

Adrien: so, everything is fine?

Everyone: yes

Adrien: fine ill reserve for 4 persons

He got his phone to check for cruises, then he composed a number and called him, how sexy he is when he talks in phone.

Adrien: the cruise is tomorrow morning, we should wake up at 5am, and we prepare our suitcases today

Alya: where we are going Agreste?

Adrien: there is a cruise from Barcelona in Spain, going to Marseille in France, then to Italy and go back to Spain, is it ok or do I change before I pay later?

Marinette: what's the ship name?

Adrien: Wonder of the Seas, better to have more fun, also I tried it, everything there is awesome

Nino: so cool, but how we will go to Spain, time won't allow us

Adrien: easy, we will use the horse miraculous. So, I will call them from my office to reserve

Marinette: smart, so smart, let's eat I'm hungry

Adrien: I'm always smart

He gave me a peck on my lips, the lunch was awesome, we had so much fun, and I'm sure this cruise will be awesome. Once we finished our lunch, we left to our work again, before Alya and Nino left, Adrien told them to be ready at 4am in front of the mansion, they nodded and they left to their offices.

We walked to our offices while holding hands, till I found Zoe in Lila's place. Once we got in his office, he takes a seat, and patted on his laps, I sit on his laps, wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist

Marinette: why isn't Lila in her office?

Adrien: she got 4 months of vacation, her brother is sick and Zoe is replacing her in the same time she works as a stylist with you

I put my hand on his cheek, and caressed it with my thumb. I moved some of his hair from his face. I really... want him. I got closer and kissed him, at first the kiss was soft, but I'm hungry, I'm hungry for him so the kiss turned to a passionate kiss, biting and licking his sweet peach kiss. He bites my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I accept and let our tongues to meet finally. We stopped our kiss, not because we want that, but we need to breath. I put my hands , one on his head and the other on his cheek and he hugged me so tight. I just remembered when he died, I remembered that I was about to had a future without him, I want him to keep hugging me. I can't forget the past, and I promised that hawkmoth will pay for what he did to my husband. I stand up and faced him

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