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POV Marinette:

Now we know that we deal with a woman, but just that, also the only thing that can lead us to her is her voice, only that.

It's already 3 hours that we spent in the kitchen, drinking coffees and thinking about the possibilities

Nino: easy, who really love Adrien is hawkmoth then.

Marinette: seriously Nino?

Nino: yes, so who love Adrien?

Alya: all Paris

Plagg: also, some girls in Spain when he studied there

Tikki: we don't forget his fangirls all over the world

Marinette: So easy to find her Sherlock Holmes

Nino: I forgot that your husband was a famous sexy and hot model

Marinette: thank you for reminding me that half of girls in this planet are in love with my husband

Alya: Adrien still sleeping?

Marinette: yes, let him sleep, he had a very bad day

Nino: you should talk with him; he still feels guilty

Alya: I bet that he hates me, I called him a monster and I also said that he is guilty. He was akumatized, it wasn't him, I feel guilty too

Marinette (while holding Alya's hand): you shouldn't feel guilty, everything will be fine. I feel sad to see my husband feeling this way, not because of you, but because of what he did to me. he sacrificed himself and he didn't care, just to bring our baby back to life.

Nino: let's go to talk to him, you are his wife and we are his best friends so we can do that and convince him that what happened wasn't him but was Cat Blanc

We nodded and we left to our room where my husband is sleeping. I heard yelling coming from the room, so we go in to find Adrien yelling while crying. He is asleep, screaming "I killed my baby and I was about to kill my wife" and he added then "I don't deserve to live, I couldn't protect you both". He was shaking and turned right and left in the bed. My eyes widen from this seen, so I go toward him and I rubbed his back whispering some love words till he calmed down. It hurts me so much to see my husband so vulnerable, he is cat noir, the god of destruction and this shouldn't be him, he is strong, he won't give up

I played with his hair under Alya and Nino's gaze who sat in the other side of the bed. I started to tear up, I feel useless, I can't help my husband. He is an angel while sleeping, I couldn't resist to this beauty, so I kissed his lips, letting some of my tears on his cheek. I understand now why almost all girls love him.

I looked at Alya and Nino and whispered while playing with my kitty's hair

Marinette (while whispering): I need to find hawkmoth, or my husband will suffer more and more

Nino (while whispering): you said it yourself that half of the earth love your husband, so what we should do

Marinette (while whispering): I really don't know, but I can't let Adrien this way, also I want my normal life, I'm tired of the action and marathons that we face every day, I want at least one normal day

Alya (while whispering): this hawkmoth is smart, he won't show easily like hello, how are you losers, I'm here the new hawkmoth, come catch me. that's won't be easy, also even if hawkmoth show up, we don't have any plan, do you remember what happened to Adrien last time? He died.

Marinette (while whispering): so, all the informations that I have is that hawkmoth is a girl and who loves Adrien.

Nino (while whispering): there is something that I don't understand, how this hawkmoth knows where we go, what we do and almost everything?

Alya (while whispering): what you mean Nino?

Nino (while whispering): I mean in the amusement park, she had known that we are there, also in Cat Blanc attack, almost everything, it's really suspicious

Marinette (while whispering): you mean that?...

Alya (while whispering): I think there is some mics or cameras or maybe she hacked the system of the mansion

Marinette (while whispering): it's impossible, Adrien said that the system won't be hacked even if the hacker is an expert, the system is made especially in Germany and it can't be hacked

Nino (while whispering): a mic then, on one of us

Marinette (while whispering): I don't think so, we take showers, we remove all our clothes, we change

Alya (while whispering): unless.... Something that it's always with you and you don't remove it

Marinette (while whispering): our miraculous!!!

I got my earring and I checked them carefully with Alya and Nino and there is nothing, then I got slowly Adrien's ring and we checked it and sadly we found a mic waterproof, it was black and very small that it was hard to see it. Now we understand a part of the problem

Nino (while whispering): we made a good move, so I enabled it, and this help

Marinette (while whispering): now we should know about the girls who love him and had physical contact with Adrien

Alya (while whispering): dumb, don't forget his fans in Paris asking for an autograph, bad, really bad idea

Marinette (while whispering): so, we are back to the start. A psycho outside want to kill me to get my husband for herself and she have 2 of the most dangerous miraculous that can exist after mine and my husband miraculous. Seriously this is ridiculous

Alya (while whispering): chill Mari, not your time to show Chloe's side now

Nino (while whispering): I think that from today on, we should stay all four together and I'll bring Layla tomorrow, in case to protect her, but after this investigation, this hawkmoth need Mari and we should protect her

Marinette (while whispering): should I remind you that Adrien end dead after all that?

Alya (while whispering): your husband loves you so much and ready to sacrifice himself for you, so you still the number one girl in danger here

Nino (while whispering): but now Mari, you need to take care of Adrien, he will spend a bad time those days because of what happened, and you should be ready for the worst

Marinette (while whispering): what you mean?

Alya (while whispering): feeling guilty isn't that easy Mari, it's really hard for a person to handle it, especially when this person killed his baby, almost killed his wife and also called 3 times by monster. Also, he killed his father don't forget that, this may affect him. I called him a killer and I was really wrong, I'm so sorry Mari

Alya laid her head on Adrien's arm who was sleeping, she rubbed his arm while whispering some "sorry". Adrien, my dear Adrien, I promise that you will be fine.

This is just the begin of the war, and we must be prepared for what lies ahead.

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