Chapter One: Déjà Vu

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Sasha checks her phone with a sigh.

Hey sash :)
Read 2 weeks ago

She groans, full of guilt as she scrolls up to reveal the multiple other texts from Anne over the the past couple of months.

Can we talk
Please :/

Read four weeks ago

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings somehow
I just feel really lonely now that your ignoring me and Marcy's gone.

Read 1 month and two weeks ago

Suddenly Sasha's phone dinged, making her jump.

Hey Sash I miss you lots <3
Read just now

Sasha felt her eyes well up.
Oh Anne... if only you knew how painful this is...

I know your online bc ur reading my texts
And I'm sorry
Can we just go back to the way things were
Read just now

Sasha turned her phone off and buried her face in her pillow, trying not to cry.

2 months ago...
"Anne! Marcy!! Am I... are we on earth!?"
Sasha cried. Marcy smiled widely and Anne nodded excitedly.
"Yeah, Sash! We're finally home!!" Anne yelled, pulling her and Marcy into a hug. Sasha blushed a little, but didn't notice. (Marcy did👀 )
"Eeee I'm so excited! I've missed my parents so much!" Marcy squealed jumping up and down. Suddenly her face dropped as she remembered how they were all gonna be seperate again. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!!" Marcy wailed. Anne began to cry and so did Sasha.

"Anne!!" They all turned around to see Anne's parents, both still dressed like they were playing x games laser tag. By their sides, we're Marcy's parents and Sasha's too, although they were walking very far away from each other, much to her dismay.
After shared feeling of reunion, they all headed back to their homes. It turns out that they had all arrived a week before Marcy's move. So after one week full of movies, slurpees, and NORMAL adventures, the trio became a duo.

The day after Marcy left

Sasha knocked on Anne's door with a sick, empty feeling in her stomach. Anne opened the door with a smile that Sasha could easily tell was fake. Sasha's eyes widened, as she slowly walked inside.
"H-hey Sash!" Anne said, her voice breaking.
Is she trying to seem strong for me? Sasha thought. God she must be close to tears right now! The last thing she needs is to talk about Marcy!
"Hey Sash you all g?"
Am I alright?! Are you kidding me!? After everything I put both of them through they're still more concerned about me than their own feelings-
"SASHA!" Anne yelled into my face shaking my shoulders, with a look of great concern. I was shaking, and quickly shrugged Anne's arms off me. Now that Marcy's gone... I'm her only friend. She's so popular and charismatic and she still chooses to hang out with me! All I'm doing is reminding her of the last traumatic months of our lives!
"Sasha!! Please are you ok!"
Sasha pushed Anne suddenly, maybe a little to hard. She hit the wall, and had a look of sadness and betrayal on her face. Sasha's face fell.
I'm doing it again...
She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Anne had forgiven her too many times. Sasha never deserved so many chances.
"Hey Anne?" Sasha said, her voice wobbling. "Maybe your better off without me. I'm so sorry..." And ignoring Anne's shouts, Sasha ran out the door, with wet eyes and a broken heart.

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now