Chapter Five: Sashas Phone

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Anne clutches Sashas phone in her hand nervously as she walks up to Sasha's dads house to ring the doorbell. Despite the temptations, Anne did not snoop through Sasha's phone. She decided that everyone deserves privacy.

The doorbell rings and nobody answers.
"Hello?" Anne calls out "Helloooo."
Maybe she's ignoring me again Anne thinks sadly. What did I even do!?

Anne sighs and begins to walk home before remembering that her shift at Thai Go starts soon, so she just heads there instead.

Meanwhile at Thai Go

"Cmon just tell me !"
"No way Mrs B!" Sasha giggled.
"Cmon just a hint? You've told about how WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL this girl is and now I'm invested!" Mrs B groans.
Sasha smirks "Ok I'll give you maybe a small tiny hint. She uhm... has-"
Suddenly the bell for the door rang and Sasha glanced behind her to see Anne.
crap Sasha thinks, blushing madly, spinning around to be met with Mrs Bs expression of shock.
"Crap!" Sasha hissed to herself, growing redder. Her face literally just outed her to Mrs B! Sasha wanted to melt into the floor. She pulled on the strings of her hoodie until her face was barely visible. Sasha glanced to Mrs B to see her expression still the same. But then she quickly snapped out of it.
"I-oh hi Anne! Are you ready for your shift honey."
"Yeah Mom I just need to give Sasha her phone back" Sasha spun around. Fuck she looked through my phone!!! Sasha began to cry "But I don't know where she is- SASHA!?!" Anne finally noticed Sasha sitting there.
"Sash please talk to me! Why did you punch your locker!? Why were you crying so much?! Why-... why won't you look at me?"
Fuck. I'm being a horrible friend. Damn you Anne and your loveable everything!

Sasha exhaled and slowly removed her hood. As she turned to look at her, Anne was shocked to be met with with those big blue eyes, shining beautifully through her tears. She must've been crying for a while because her cheeks were really red. And her expression was almost... depressed. Anne inhaled, taking in what Sasha had become. But instead of asking more questions, she just pulled Sasha up and gave her the biggest hug she could.

"Sasha... I love you, you know? Whatever your going through... you can tell me. I mean, you could at least talk to me. You don't need to tell me what's wrong I just need to know-" Anne sighed "I just need to know that your still my best friend."
Sasha grinned. "I know. I promise I'll tell you about it... eventually. And you never stopped being my best friend. And you never will. Now, stop being so sappy or I'm gonna start crying again." Sasha said letting a single tear fall. Before she could wipe it away, however, Anne brought her hand up to Sasha's cheek and wiped it away for her. She smiled widely, causing Sasha to stop functioning. As much as Mrs B loved this couple she quickly saved Sasha by yelling.

"MAM YES MAM!" Anne said, saluting and winking at Sasha before running out of the store. She just stood there frozen.
"So... you and my daughter, huh?" Mrs B smirked. Sasha turned vermillion and spun to face Mrs B.
"I'm sorry she's just... it's not MY fault. I didn't want these stupid feelings." Sasha said, shoving her hands in her pockets and kicking the floor.
"Are you..." Sasha looked up to Mrs B "Are you like... cool with it."
"OF COURSE I AM!" Mrs B squealed!
"Shh be quiet-"
"OMG!" Mr B suddenly appeared "did I just hear what I think I did!?"
Sashas jaw dropped while Mrs B just sighed and handed over ten bucks.
"WHAT THE HECK- I'm outta here!" Sasha said grabbing her phone and running out.
"MAKE SURE TO INVITE US TO THE WEDDING!!" Mr B yelled at the last second.


Anne checked her watch, waiting for five o'clock to roll around. She had done deliveries for about an hour and was now waiting tables. But there were only 6 or 7 people left in Thai Go, and Anne really needed to have a chat with her parents about why Sasha had skipped school to go and cry in their restaurant.

She quickly glanced at her watch again.
"Whelp close enough" Anne said throwing her apron on a hook and grabbing her bike.
Why do I always offer to work overtime?

As Anne rode home, she realised what a nice evening it was. The sky was orange, the streets weren't too crowded, but there were a couple of people walking dogs and children playing. It was so peaceful and wholesome... and then Anne subconsciously rode past Sasha's house.

And to her surprise, Sasha was sitting on the porch scrolling through her phone.
"Sasha!?" Anne cried, throwing on the brakes.
Sasha jumped, nearly tumbling out of the patio chair she was leaning in.
"Anne!? What are you doing here!?" Sasha said, trying to sound serious, but she help but let a smile grow on her lips. Anne grinned and pulled her bike next to the front steps. She walked up and sat next to Sasha.

"Whatcha doin." Anne question, playfully, trying to peek at Sasha's phone. Sasha, however, reacted immediately by turning it off and holding it to her chest. Anne had a puzzled look on her face, but just smiled instead.

"I'm really glad that your talking to me again." She said, blushing slightly. Sasha just nodded. "I just don't understand what happened today. You just kept running away. You tried to leave me when we were walking to school, and you just ran out of school without even a- an anything!" Anne said, tearing up "And you always look so sad now, like you've just been crying, even when your smiling! I thought that you were fine when we got back from amphibia but... was that just a lie?"

Sasha sighed and pulled her knees up to her chin.
"I just... had a lot of shit on my mind. I uhm-"
Sasha said, thinking back to math class. "I spoke to Maggie today. In math."
Anne stared at Sasha, with sudden guilt. She knew what a jerk Maggie was.
"She uhh..." Sasha tried to hold back her tears "she asked me if I really kil-" Sasha swallowed hard "she asked me if I killed Marcy."
It made her feel sick just saying it. A single tear fell and Sasha quickly rubbed it away.
"She WHAT!?" Anne cried angrily. "Why would she say that!?"
"She was laughing and saying it was a joke but... but the fact that she thought it was a joke just made me.. SO angry."
"Wow. That biotch! I guess that's why you punched your locker, huh?" Anne said, nodding. Sasha bit down on her lip. Now that she thought about it, that whole fight with Maggie didn't really initiate the locker thing that much. It was more... the music maybe? And how that reminded her of the frogs and toads she'd never see ever again. And Marcy moving, that too. And the whole... Anne thing.

"Uhm yeah I guess it was." Sasha said forcing a smile. "Thanks for-"
"You 'guess' it was?" Anne said confused. "Did- did anything else happen Sash?"
Shoot Sasha thought, improvising.
"Well it was Amy too, y'know. What she said this morning that was pretty hurtful, and she just really got on my nerves and yeah." She spoke very quickly. Anne just hugged her.
"Thanks Anne. For, like, literally everything." Sasha laughed.
"Should we go inside?" Anne asked.
"Oh shoot. Yeah I'm kinda... locked out." She said.
"Oh that sucks. When does your dad get back.?"
"Around 9."
"What!? You were planning to sit outside for six hours!?"
"Uhm well yeah I guess."
"Well that will not do. Come on!" Anne said pulling Sasha down the steps and putting up the kickstand on her bike.
"Hop on!" She said cheerfully. Sasha looked down at the single seat.
"Anne there's only one seat."
"I know that. You can just sit on the back and like... hold onto me." Anne smiled. Sasha blushed. Holy shit holy SHIT she wants me to hold onto her!? Like- like sit behind her and hug her or something!?

Sasha hesitantly placed herself on the back of Anne's bike and carefully decided to place her hands on Annes shoulders.
Anne giggled.
"Sasha do you know how many downhills there are to my house? If you don't wanna go flying off, you should be more like..." She took Sasha's hands and wrapped them around her waist "...this!"

Sasha's face was a deep red by now. She was extremely grateful that Anne couldn't see her.

"All right let's go!"

Wow I updated so much in the past two days my fingers are DEAD

hope u enjoyed

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