Chapter 22: Starbucks

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"Hmmmm... what to get, what to get.."
"oh my GOD Marcy, just pick one!" Anne cried.
"OKAY OKAY, jEez. I'll get a white hot chocolate please."
The cashier widened her eyes as if to say 'finally.'
"If I was so late, why didn't you two just decide what to get while you were waiting?"
Although Anne was asking both of them, it was clear that she was directing the question at Marcy, which just made Sasha feel worse.

I hate this feeling. She thought, angrily. Sasha glared at the menu.
"Ok I'll have a double chocolatey chip crème Frappuccino." Anne said confidently.
"What do you want Sash?" Marcy asked.
Sasha gazed down at her hand that was drawing imaginary circles on the table.

"I'm not thirsty." She said with a sigh. Marcy frowned, understanding that Anne was probably the reason she was down. So she fake coughed to get Sasha's attention, which she did, and then winked at her.

Sasha's eyes widened and she subtly shook her head, but Marcy just grinned and gave her a small thumbs up.

"Scuse me girls I'm going to the restroom."
Sasha tried to hiss 'don't you dare' at her, but she had sprinted away, leaving her and Anne in awkward silence. Sasha looked around and spotted Marcy, stalking them from afar.

She pointed at her and then drew her finger across her throat indicating that Marcy was so screwed after this.

"So... Sash..." Anne began. Sasha held her breath and avoided eye contact.
They both glanced around the room, unsure what to say.
"Got any... plans?" Anne was desperately trying to think of something, anything, to say. Anything that didn't relate to last night.

Sasha, however, needed to talk about it. And Marcy had given her the perfect opportunity to, and she was not about to waste it.

"Why did you leave?"
She hoped to God that Marcy's theory was right.
"Last night. You left me. In Marcy's room. Why?" As she finished speaking, Sasha finally met Anne's gaze and recognised the look in her big brown eyes.


"I...I..." She didn't know what to say. Well, she did, but she didn't know how to phrase it, so Anne just opened her mouth and closed it like a goldfish.

"I just wanted to go home. Is there anything wrong with that."
"Yes, Anne, there is! You didn't even say anything."
"I don't need to tell you everything. I can leave if I want to."
"Yes okay but your still not telling me why."
"I told you. I wanted to go home."
"Why did you want to go home?"
"Is it because you kissed me?"
"Is it because I kissed you!?"
"It was practice! You didn't have to run away!"
"Were you just that repulsed by me-"
"That you just HAD to get away from me-"
"NO Sasha I-"
"WHAT, Anne, what!?"
Sasha glared at her, angrily, but her face fell, when she realised that Anne was full on crying.
Anne rubbed her face furiously and sucked in her breath, trying to calm herself. Sasha's expression softened, and a small smile fell on her lips.

"Im sorry I left you alone, I was just scared."
Was Marcy right? Well of course she was. When wasn't she?

"Are you the white hot chocolate and the double chocolatey chip crème Frappuccino?"
A boy with a tray holding two drinks was standing before them.
"Shoot." Sasha said, realising neither of them brought money. Then she heard Marcy's voice pushing through the crowd of people.

"Scuse me, sorry, comin through, wOAh-" she cried tripping over someone's feet.

"aAh!" Anne yelled holding out her arms to catch her. Marcy however, didn't miss a beat.

"White hot chocolate and double chocolatey chip crème Frappuccino?"
"Yes mam."
"Ok here you go. $9.25 plus $3 for tips. Keep the change."
"Mam your under-."
"Oh, what? AH silly Marcy. I dropped the 5."
Marcy quickly picked it up  and handed it to him, taking the drinks and placing them on the table.
"Ok I think my mom is calling me I'll be right back-"

Sasha grabbed Marcy's arm and dragged her off to a secluded corner.

"Sasha what-"
"Marbles I appreciate you trying to give me and Anne space to talk, but we have months to do that, and you'll only be here for one more day!"
Marcy looked appreciatively at her but still sad for some reason.

"I know that you're just trying to help, but what I want, what we both want is to spend time with you right now."
"Even after all the dumb stuff I did-"
Sasha grabbed her face in both hands.
"Mar Mar, you need to stop blaming yourself for that. We forgive you! We both love you, we always have and we always will. Nobody cares about what happened in Amphibia, or anywhere! What matters now is that we get to spend time with you while we still can!"

Marcy smiled.
"Ok. Let's go drink some white hot chocolate!"

Im so sorry that the updates late. I dropped one of my best friends because she was toxic but then she stole all my other friends and talked shit about me, even though I had been their friend for two years longer than she had. Am crying rn fml 😢

But next chapter will include the end of this chapter so hope you enjoyed :)

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now