Chapter Six: The Bikeride <3

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This chapter contains minor but could be major spoilers for Attack On Titan Season 4. If you are currently watching it, it is such a good show do NOT spoil it for yourself 😡

Sasha was now very glad that her arms were not casually placed on Anne's shoulders. She seemed to have underestimated how fast they would be riding and how easily she could fall off. As soon as Anne had began to pedal, Sasha  tightened her grip on her, making Anne blush. They rode on the road because there weren't many cars around, so there was lots of space.

"Isn't the sky so pretty right now?" Anne said staring upward.
"Boonchuy I swear to God of your eyes aren't on the road-" Sasha screamed. Although she loved this wholesome journey back to Anne's, she couldn't help but think of everything that could go wrong with this. It was extremely unsafe and probably illegal.

Anne giggled at Sasha's paranoia.
"Don't worry I'm focussed- woAH-" Anne joked, pretending to wobble.
"AAK- Anne, you dumbass, you could've hit that kid!" She yelled referencing to the one sitting on his driveway about six metres away. Anne laughed harder, making Sasha blush. She rested her forehead onto Anne's back, making her shiver.
"God Anne, your gonna be the death of me I swear." She mumbled.
They rode in peacefulness and comfortable (gay) silence for a while, before Anne started to slow.
"What's wrong, Boonchuy? You tired? I can get off and walk-"
"No no it's just..."
Anne and Sasha both looked ahead to the very steep downhill they were about to ride down.
"Oh my god there is absolutely no way that I'm doing that." Sasha said beginning to get down and looking for an alternative route.

"Nope! We've come this far! There's no turning back now Sash!"
Anne took her hands off the handle bars and placed them tightly on Sasha's as she began to peddle forward.
"Anne what the- ANNE ARE YOU INSANE!"
"Are you holding on, Commander?"
The bike was teetering dangerously.
"ANNE PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE HANDLE BARS YOUR GONNA- wait what did you call me-?" Sasha suddenly turned red as she felt herself falling and hugged Anne as closely as she could.
"WOOOOOOOOOO!!" Anne cried, with wind flying through her hair. Sasha had her eyes clenched tight and screamed the entire time.

The hill slowly flattened out, but they still had momentum and were going pretty dang fast.

And just as they reached a comfortable speed again, Sasha began to laugh.
Anne began to chuckle too, but was slightly concerned because Sasha sounded slightly like a maniac.
"Sasha you good!?"
"Yeah it's just really funny how I did all this cool shit in amphibia but I had a full on mental freak out because of a steep hill."
"To be honest I was kinda freaking out as well." Anne giggled.
"I guess earths made us soft, huh." Sasha sighed.
Anne stopped the bike.
"Sasha I-"
Suddenly, there was a loud honk from behind them. The two turned to see a massive truck heading right toward them.
"OH SHIT-" Sasha cried as she jumped off the bike with Anne. Anne quickly yanked the bike with them just in time for the truck to drive by. Taken by surprise as to how close the truck was as it passed, Sasha stumbled and tripped over the bike.

However, before she could hit the ground, she found Anne's arms wrapped around her, keeping her in a dip position.
Sasha looked up at Anne's beautiful face, the gold and pink in the sky shining like a halo around her hair. Anne was so close to her she could count her freckles. Sasha's cheeks immediately flushed and she tried to stand upright.

"I- uhm... *cough* thanks Boonchuy." Sasha said, covering her cheeks with her hands.

"Are you sick?"
"Do you feel ill at all?"
"No uh why?"
"Your face is very red."
"You know, you probably are sick because you were outside in the cold for like an hour."
"You know what? It's probably whiplash! From the uh... hill."
Anne felt Sasha's cheeks, making them go even redder.
"Nope. Your burning up."
"It's uh- "
Suddenly Sasha remembered in this one episode of Attack On Titan that she watched with Marcy where they were building a railroad and the sunset made their faces red. Sasha silently prayed to Marcy in that moment.

"It's probably from the sunset. It makes your face turn red, you know.... duh."
"Oh." Anne said "huh... I'll have to Doogle that."
So they both jumped back on the bike and peacefully rode to the Boonchuy residence.
"Moommm I'm hoomme!" Anne yelled opening the door.
"Anne where have you been? Your shift ended forty minutes ago!" Mrs B said running downstairs.
"I know mom I'm sorry-"
"FORTY MINUTES! FORTY! You better have an amazing explanation young lady!"
Sasha slowly entered the room.
"Oh. Okay you are off the hook this time." Mrs B said winking at Sasha. Sasha widened her eyes and shook her head slowly. Anne glanced between the two, curiously.

When Mrs B went off to cook dinner, Sasha and Anne ran up to her room. As soon as Sasha threw herself onto the bed and groaned, and Anne lay lazily in her beanbag, she decided to say "so what was that about?"

"What was what about?" Sasha asked
"Y'know." Anne winked at Sasha. Sasha immediately caught on.
"Oh uh nothing!" Sasha said, blushing, and suddenly becoming very interested in her hoodie strings.

Anne suddenly gasped violently. "Oh... my... God. YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE!"
Sasha leaped up, flustered.
"Term 2, 1st grade- you got a Valentine's Day card from Sam Wilson, and that annoying girl Elly was teasing you about it and you reacted EXACTLY LIKE YOU ARE NOW! you know, before you concussed her with your barbie lunchbox-"
"I- i honestly have absolutely no idea what your talking about." Sasha said, growing more flustered. shitshitshitshit-
"Sash, please don't lie to me. I've been your friend for years and we've been through LITERALLY A SHIT TON of life or death situations together! Why won't you just trust me with this? What are you so afraid of?"

"This- this is different than Sam Wilson in the 1st grade, Anne. I only kissed him because I tagged him in kiss chasey. I never actually liked him! And this person... it doesn't even matter they'll never ever like me back the way i like them."
"Sash... your funny, your nice, your pretty... who wouldn't want to date you?"
Sasha smiled.
"Thanks, but it doesn't matter anyway. It's just a stupid crush, and I'll get over her eventually."
Anne jumped up from her bean bag chair.
"Sash... are you-?"
"NO!" Sasha yelled angrily. "Im not that. I meant to say him."
"Sasha, you can tell me. It's all right if you are."
"I. Am. Not. I am one hundred percent straight and normal and perfect and my life is not falling apart."
But Sasha just ran out the door. She ran down stairs to the kitchen, looking for Mrs B, holding back tears.

Meanwhile upstairs, Anne was about to run to get Sasha before deciding that she probably needs space. So instead she flops down on her bed.
"Ow!" Anne cried, as she felt something hard digging into her back.

She sat up and looked down to see

Sasha's phone.


Storyline indeed, love this ship so much I swear ❤️

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