Chapter 24: How To Get Kicked Out Of Target

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I've just been like super busy because I handed in my Religion final three days late 😭 and my parents gave me shit about it but whatever, I've just been rewatching Amphibia and bingeing Marvel movies. I legit got up to Infinity War how-
But anyways, I've started hanging out with this new friend group of people in my music class, and half of them are in my strings ensemble so everything's gotten WAY better, thank you all so much for the support 😊 🥹
Also am sorry it's a long intro but I hope you enjoy!!

All that Anne could do was sit there, in pure shock, at the sight of Sasha. She knew how good the armour had looked on her in Amphibia, but for some reason now, Sasha looked 100x more attractive.

Anne tried to hide her extremely red face, as Marcy fangirled.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god, you look JUST LIKE Redwink from Taking Of The Kingdom II!! OH OH Sash it is SUCH a good game, oh my gosh, I'll have to show it to you- SHOOT!! I lent it to Jaime, noooooo..."
Marcy dragged her hands down her cheeks in anguish. Sasha patted her on the back and chuckled before admiring how she looked in the mirror again. The armour was scarily similar to the one she had worn in Amphibia, apart from a few tiny unnoticeable details.

She played with her hair, fixing it, turning and posing, wearing a huge grin. Anne watched her in awe.

"Anne. Anne. Anne. Anne." Marcy said poking her cheek repeatedly.
"Marbles I can hear you cut it out." She said not taking her eyes off Sasha, who was pretending to hold a sword.

"You know your staring at her quite obviously."
Anne suddenly processed those words and looked over to the wall quickly as if it had just become very interesting all of a sudden.

"Oh my days are you even trying to hide it?"
"Hide what?"
"Anne, I know you like Sasha."
Anne's head spun so fast, it nearly went all the way around.
"I- WHAT."
"Come on Anne, just try to convince me otherwise."
"How do you know!?!?"
"Your very obvious about it, always glancing at her and blushing."
Anne groaned.
"Is it really that noticeable!?"
"Yeah, your parents know-"
"-but Sasha is surprisingly oblivious so don't worry."
"Ok good, but can we just backtrack a bit, how long have they known!?"
"They bet on it."
"they WHAT-"
Sasha, who had been taking photos on her phone of the armour walked over to Anne and Marcy, and grabbed her bag.
Marcy looked confusedly at her as she unzipped it.

"Whatcha doin."
"Hang on a secondddddaahAH!" Sasha cried pulling a dagger from her bag.

"WOAH!" Marcy yelled in terrified disapproving shock.
"What the fu-" Anne started before coming to a loss for words.
"Hold your horses, I'm just checking something,"
"There are CAMERAS here, Sash!" Anne exclaimed while Marcy was freaking out.
"Why is that in your BAG. We're at TARGET. TARGET. T-A-R-"
"Calm down Marce, I know how to spell Target." Sasha said, patting around the belt on the armour before finding a a compartment.

"Ah hah!" She cried, slipping the dagger into it, effortlessly. "Perfect fit."
"Ok I'm gonna need some answers why do you have a knife in your bag." Marcy said, in a terrified whisper.
"We could get ARRESTED."
"I just carry it around, you never know. When Anne was on earth, she got attacked still, by like the FBI."
"Sash i think the FBI are gonna come after you because you have that." Anne said.
"I just wanted to know, sorry for freaking you out. I guess it was just nostalgia..." she said looking sadly off into space, and reminding Anne of the Plantars.

"Hey, it's ok Sash." Marcy assured her. "Maybe you should get changed and we should leave."
Sasha slowly shook her head.
"No, we were having fun. Let's keep going."
She went into the changing room to put her normal clothes on again, leaving Anne and Marcy to chat.

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now