Chapter 15: Rough Waters

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The owl house s2 ep21 OMG THE ENDING 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯😫😫😫😝😆

Sasha staggered up the hill to Anne's house. People who passed her with dogs or strollers gave her alarming looks. She reckoned she must've looked like death because she hadn't slept in over 24 hours, had been crying, had just done a ton of weed and felt like she was about to throw up.

I'm never getting high again.
Finally, the Boonchuys residence was in view. Sasha smiled, exhausted, before tripping over her feet and slamming hard into the sidewalk.
"Fuck..." she said sitting up and checking herself for cuts. She had a small scrape on her elbow, but apart from that she was fine.

But instead of standing up, she just lay down on her back. Her head and stomach hurt like crazy, everything seemed like it was in slow motion, and her fight with Anne made her want to scream at herself.

But before she could, she realised that she was probably blocking the pathway, so Sasha rolled onto the grass, as her exhausted body finally succumbed to the sweet temptations of sleep.


Anne was growing extremely worried. It had been 47 minutes since she had gotten home from the market, and Sasha was still nowhere to be seen. She couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole situation. She never even given her a chance to explain herself. Anne anxiously checked her watch again.

49 minutes.

"Fuck it." She muttered, walking out the door. It took her all of twenty meters of walking before she found Sasha passed out.

"...oh my god. Oh my GOD."
Anne immediately ran over to Sasha shaking her awake.
"Wha- what, huh?"
"SASHA! OH MY DAYS, WHAT IN THE-!? WHY on earth were you PASSED OUT on the SIDE OF THE ROAD!?"
Sasha blinked, confused. Suddenly everything came back to her. She quickly stood up, stumbling a bit.
"Fuck head rush." She said. Anne held her shoulders, trying to steady her. She blushed.
"Let's get you back to my house."
Sasha nodded as Anne helped her walk.

They arrived and Sasha collapsed on the bed as soon as they made it up to Anne's room. Anne decided to let her sleep as she headed downstairs and turned on the tv.

Suddenly, Anne's mom came in.
"Anne I did not agree to letting you have a day off school so that you could laze around and watch tv all day. Where is Sasha?"
"She's asleep."
"At 11 am? What time did you two go to bed."
"Uhmm we didn't."
Mrs B gave Anne the most 'this bitch-' look.
"That's it! You need sleep!"
"Sasha's in my bed!"
"Use the guest room! Come on get up!"
Anne didn't realise how tired she was until she lay down in the bed and fell straight asleep. She had a peaceful dream this time, no nightmares.

Sasha's eyes fluttered open. The sky outside the window was gold and pink, with clouds streaked across the landscape, illuminated by the setting sun. She slowly realised that it was late in the afternoon, and checked her watch .


Holy...shit. "I was asleep for 6 hours!!?" She cried, her voice croaky. "Fuck me!" Sasha jumped out of bed and quickly dialled her moms number. She was probably worried sick because her dad had probably told her about her running away.

"Sasha? What's wrong."
"Oh... um..."
Sasha's heart dropped. Had her dad really not cared enough to find out where she was? Did he really hate her that much!? Tears fell from her eyes and a lump formed in her throat.

"I was just wondering if I could stay with you tomorrow ."
"Sure! I'll call Mrs Boonchuy for when I'll pick you up."
"How did you know I was at the Boonchuys?"
"She called me and told me. Did you really think you could get away with a last minute secret sleepover? Sash you crack me up!"
Sasha smiled. Her dad might've cared for her after all.
"Ok see you tomorrow!"
She hung up and sighed flopping down onto Anne's bed.
"So your leaving tomorrow?"

Sasha looked up to see Anne in the doorway.
"Yep. You can have your room to yourself again."
She knew where this was going, and she didn't want to have to tell Anne what pushed her to smoke.
"I feel like everyday we have something that we 'have to talk about.' Can I not just smoke weed with my friends!?"
Anne looked at her with a dead serious look.
"Amy is a bad friend, and she does and says bad things. To other people as well as me AND you! She's just so toxic and now your doing drugs with her and two randos in the employees only room!? I'm just confused is all... and kind of hurt."
Sasha looked at her puzzled.

"I'm hurt that you would feel the need to do that."
This made Sasha angry. Why would she feel the need to do that!? Was she serious!?

"Are you fucking kidding me Anne!? My parents fight every waking hour, I've betrayed you and Marcy a shit ton of times, Marcy moved away, I just found out I'm a useless fucking lesbian, my dad fucking hates me, I ran away from home, I had to fight in a war, I had to..." Sasha wiped away her tears and breathed in sharply.

"I had to watch you die."
Anne began tearing up and tried to speak but she wasn't finished.

"Do you know how fucking painful it is to wake up every night from nightmare like that? Do you know how much guilt and hurt and pain I carry from the past year? Maybe all I wanted was to forget it all. Maybe all I wanted was for  the pain to go away. Is that the answer you were looking for, because well done, Anne, you fucking got it ."
Sasha picked up her bag and her phone and left the room.


sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now