Chapter 26: The Plan

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Anne stared wide eyed at Sasha, who was sitting cross legged, crying into Marcy's pillow as Marcy tried her best to comfort her.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok! Everything is fine, Sash! I don't care about what you did, it's in the past!"
Sasha just sobbed harder.
Holy shit, Anne thought, at a complete loss for what to do in the situation.

"Do you want something to eat? You haven't eaten all morning, it would probably help you feel better." She suggested, before remembering that Sasha had just thrown up.


In all honesty, Sasha was embarrassed. She was embarrassed that she had always been the leader of the group, and although she had recently realised how manipulative she was, and took a step down, she was still the toughest. The strongest. But now, here she was, on one of the last sleepovers with Marcy in a long time, and she was bawling her eyes out. Like a child. Over something childish.

Of course, drugs wasn't childish, the opposite, really, but crying over being afraid that someone who you low key kind of hated would hate you back, was just so stupid in Sasha's mind.

So she rubbed her eyes and inhaled sharply.
"Do not apology Sasha! It's okay! We're here for you."
Sasha's mouth curved into a small smile.
"Immm guessing you don't wanna talk about it?" Marcy suggested. Sasha chuckled.
"Maybe another time. Right now, we need to spend some more time with you, before your flight."
"Yeah you've still got an hour or so before we have to leave." Anne said.
"WHAT!?" Marcy and Sasha cried in unison.
"How is the weekend over already!?" Marcy yelled.
"nO I don't wanna go to school again UGH." Sasha groaned.
Anne sighed.
"You should probably start packing Marbles."
"No-o-o-ooo..." she wailed.
"Should we play twister afterwards?" Sasha suggested.

"Maybe..." Marcy said sadly. "And just so you two know, I know at times it didn't seem like it, but spending time with you made this one of the best weekends ever."
Anne and Sasha embraced Marcy in a huge hug, devastated that they weren't going to be together again.


Marcy waved sadly as she entered the plane. Anne and Sasha waved back, making sure she could see them from where they were sitting. Anne had made a rushed sign that read
'WE ♥️ U MAR MAR' with her Crayola Jumbo Crayons.

On the drive back to Anne's, (where Sasha was staying until her mom finished work), Anne realised with slight fear, that now Marcy was gone, there was no excuse for them not to talk about the kiss.

No excuse other than I don't want to She thought.

Sasha stared out the window, as the other cars flew by, counting them, and failing. They were going too fast. They were just a distraction, anyway. She really should be thinking about her talk with Anne. After the whole weed convo, she felt that the tension between them was tight. Sasha needed to talk with her and make sure that everything was AOK with their friendship. Because she had made up her mind.

She was going to confess her love to Anne. Not today, but soon. And to do that, Sasha had come up with a plan.

Plan on making Anne my girlfriend <3

Step 1-
Make her like me. Be EXTRA nice to her, buy her things. Spend more time with her. Don't start fights and if she's angry, apologise!!

Step 2-
Ask her to meet me at the park around sunset.

Step 3-
Confess and ask her out!

Sasha understood how vague it was, and that she should plan it through more. But it was hard. She had never been that open before. Except sometimes with Anne. But only sometimes.

However this time it was scarier. Nobody liked being rejected, but it would be worse for Sasha, because not only would she lose her crush, but her best and closest friend. She would lose Anne, the ball of sunshine that made her life worth living. All of a sudden, confessing all of her feelings to Anne felt like a huge mistake to Sasha.

She sighed. Screw all of this. I'd rather be her friend and have her not know I like her, than have her know I like her and lose her.

Meanwhile, Anne was thinking of completely different shit. Well not completely.

Is she gonna ask about it? Of course she is! Call your ding dang farm, Anne, everything is FIINNE


SORRY ALL, I HAVE TO CUT THIS SHORT! I GAVE MYSELF A DEADLINE OF WHEN TO WRITE THIS BECAUSE I HAVE A HEALTH PAPER I NEED TO FINISH!! I didn't want to leave y'all with nothing so I'm going to upload this now and write the rest plus the next chapter tomorrow! So if ur reading this on the 14/6 make sure to check here when your checking for an update tomorrow .

Ok luv u byeeee :)

I'm back biatches. Btw I've never been on a plane before, so if you can't wave from a plane, my bad (Referencing to when Marcy left) lol because it came up in a conversation with my friend and he was like 'what're you on you can't see someone when they're boarding the plane.'
Whoops 😅 lmao anyway enjoy :)


Anne stole a small glance at Sasha to see how she was feeling, and deciding whether or not it would be best to just talk about it or avoid it altogether. The fact that they weren't currently talking was making the second option extremely tempting.

However, her entire head was facing the window, and she seemed eerily still. So Anne tried to get her attention. First she tried tapping her fingers on the chair, to see if she would hear it. She didn't. Mrs B did.

"Anne please stop tapping your fingers. It is giving me a migraine. If your bored go on your phone!"

"Sorry Mom." Anne sighed, realising that Sasha didn't even react to any of that. So she moved onto phase two- coughing.

"*heh-hem*" she said, holding her fist over her mouth. Nothing. Where on earth or off it was Sasha's head at? Than she remembered something: she could make herself sneeze by holding her nose up to a light!

Side note: I don't know if this happens for anyone else, but when I'm in the sun, or when I turn on a light, it makes me sneeze. It's also really handy if I feel like I need to sneeze I just turn on my desk lamp and hold it close to my nose. Really weird life hack ur welcome lmao 😀

So she turned on her phone flashlight and held it under her nose for a while.

Meanwhile, Sasha was contemplating life and shit. She was worrying about random stuff like math tests and if her mom cancelled her guitar lessons when she went missing. But that just made her remember how much fun she had playing with Anne, and how they would write songs with Marcy and have the best fun.

Fuck now I'm thinking about Anne she thought, sneaking a quick glance at her, but immediately did a double take.

"What the heck are you doing?" Sasha said, trying not to grin, and failing.

"Wait... just ah... ah.." Anne said, her eyelids fluttering. Suddenly she pulled her phone away from her nose and let out a small sneeze, and rubbing her nose. Sasha brain went into override mode.

Oh my god Boonchuy, marry me. She thought.

blame them for the late updates, except my math teacher, he lets me play games in class because he knows that none of my friends are in it lol 🥲🫰

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now