Chapter 27: My Lucky Number

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27 is my lucky number it has nothing to do with the fic lol


"Sorry about that." Anne said rubbing her nose.
"What the fuh-rick was that." Sasha said, as Mrs B glared at her in the review mirror.

"Oh I uhm i had to sneeze."
"...ok but why the phone."
"OOH let me show you something cool. Ok turn on your flashlight."
"Ok..." Sasha said, sceptical, as she followed.
"And then hold it under your nose."
She did just that and soon enough her nose began to tickle.
"Holy moly, what the heck! This is witchcraft Anne!"
"Not witchcraft, science." Anne said proudly, pronouncing the silent 'c'. (On purpose)

"Didn't you fail sci-"
"NOOO. I did NOT. A c- is not a fail, Sash."
"Yeah it's not a fail, until the teacher rechecks it, and realises they marked one of the questions that was wrong as right, and therefore leaves you at a D+."
"Well at least I got an honest grade, unlike you, Miss I don't know shi- crap about Twister but at least I have this Twinkie."
Sasha burst out laughing so hard she almost cried. Anne's heart was warmed at the sound of it, as her cheeks glowed pink.

Finally, Mrs B pulled into the driveway and Anne and Sasha ran up to her room. Sasha jumped onto the end of the bed, and Anne cuddled up near the head.

"My moms gonna be here in like half an hour, so whaddaya wanna do."
"We could... play truth or dare." Anne said with a mischievous grin. Sasha smirked and raised her eyebrows.
"Are you sure about that Boonchuy? Maybe you forgot that I boss at this game."
"Maybe I need some reminding."

Sasha rolled her eyes and chuckled.
"Ok I'll go first. Truth or dare."
Anne didn't even stutter.
"I dare you... to... do a handstand for a whole minute.... Blindfolded."
"Psh how would that even affect me? Easy." Anne went over to her cupboard and pulled out a sleeping mask. She placed it over her eyes and stretched her arms and legs.

Sasha giggled.
"Why'd you put the sleeping mask on first?"
"I don't know it's seeming like a mistake now. Oh well!" Anne said, leaning forward and standing on her hands.
"1...2...3...4...5..." Sasha counted on her fingers, watching as Anne didn't even wobble.

Anne held her position, shaking slightly. Sasha was in pure shock. Last time Anne had tried to do a handstand for longer than 20 seconds, she fell down a hill. Of course, that was before Amphibia, so that meant she was stronger now. Sasha smiled.

"58...59...60! Ok you can get down now!"
"Thank GOD all the blood was rushing to my head." Anne gasped, collapsing and ripping off the blindfold.
"Ok my go. Sash truth or-"
"Confident, i see, ok ok...I dare you... wait a second come with me." She stood up and headed out the door, so Sasha followed. They went downstairs into her backyard and into the shed.

"Oh my lord Anne." Sasha said. "Why am i in your shed."
Anne felt around near a tarp before pulling it off to reveal a bench press.
"Ahah! My dad bought this when he was impulsive and 20, and I dare you to do 5 of these."
"Piece of cake." Sasha said, chuckling, and stretching her arms. "I used to do this all the time back at... Y'know, toad tower."

She lay on the bench thing, and wrapped her fingers around the bar. Anne watched in anticipation as Sasha pushed her arms upwards, lifting the enormous weight.

"1... 2...3...4...5" she said, grunting with each press. Anne just watched in awe. Sasha had just done 5 bench presses without breaking a sweat. It gave Anne a fluttery feeling in her stomach.

"Hoopa da boopa." Anne said and Sasha laughed, wiping her dry forehead .

"Told you. Boss."


They played for another 20 minutes, the dares getting weirder. Anne had to pour soy sauce in her dads coffee while he wasn't watching, and Sasha had to chew an entire pack of extra and blow a bubble. But than her mom pulled into the driveway, ending the game.

"Shoot." Anne said. "I guess I don't get my go."
"We can do your go really quickly." Sasha said. "Y'know, just so I can prove once and for all that I'm the best at this game and that you should just bow down to me now because I am the Dare Queen."

"Ok, Dairy Queen. Bring it on."

Sasha thought for a moment. She thought about what Anne would never dare do. It was tough, and she was stressing because they were on a time crunch here. Sasha was sitting on the bed, face to face with Anne, studying it. Her freckles, her big eyes, her curved nose.

Focus Sasha, you hopeless lesbian.

Anne was also watching Sasha's face, trying to figure out what the final dare could be. She watched as Sasha ran her fingers through her hair, clearly overthinking this. Than, subconsciously, her eyes fell on her lips. They were full, and pink. And they were right in front of her.

Anne's eyes flew back up to Sasha's, as the two made eye contact. Neither of them seemed to realise, or care, how close their faces were. Sasha glanced down at Anne's lips, just as she had done, and abandoning all logic or reason or anything, she leaned in and kissed her.

She kissed her. And it wasn't practice, and neither of them were ready for it. But it was still... amazing. Better than last time. And this time there wasn't any reason for them to pull apart. Because it was as if they were both accepting it. Embracing it. Understanding that this was what they had both wanted, what they had both found.



And then Sasha's moms in the car like "what is taking that child so damn long."
Hope you enjoyed! Don't worry this isn't the last chapter, but it's coming y'all 😭 i know this chapter seems shorter, but it's actually 1031 words.

Anyways, luv u byeee

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now