Chapter 21: Pillows

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Sasha woke up, surrounded by empty soda cans, candy wrappers, and pillows.
She checked her watch.


Oh my lord she thought. How the fuck did I wake up this early!?

Sasha looked over to see that Marcy was still asleep, so she got up and got ready for the day.

About twenty minutes later, she considered calling Anne. In fact, she was set on calling Anne, but was doubting herself.

She's probably asleep. She's probably busy. She's probably blocked me.

Than Sasha thought back to her and Marcy's conversation last night.

She's probably in love with me.

She felt a smile engulf her face. 90% of Sasha was positive that Anne liking her was just wishful thinking, but the other 10% was living it up with the tiny possibility that she did.

Sasha played with her hands nervously as she thought up about 100 scenarios in her head, her face growing redder with each one.

Oh my god I wanna kiss her again so bad.

She let out a sigh and collapsed onto Marcy's bed.

God do I want to kiss her again.


Anne woke up and checked the time.


She had stayed up most of the night thinking about Sasha, dreaming about her. Her thick lashes, her long golden hair, her in general.

She decided that she wanted to call Marcy, and explain her complicated feelings, to get them off of her chest. But then she remembered that Marcy probably already had a lot on her mind with a girlfriend and...

Anne froze. She had suddenly remembered something else.

Sasha had a crush on someone.

A horrible sickness spread through her, diminishing her good mood. Anne thought of the song 'Only Love Could Hurt Like This', and could suddenly relate to the lyrics.

What's gonna happen when she goes off and dates this girl!? Will she hang out with us?

What if Sasha likes me, though. She did kiss me back.

She kissed you back because the kiss was to help her practice kissing. Duh.


Anne had just ruined a perfectly good morning for herself. She felt tears fill her eyes, and instead of wiping them away, she just let them fall.


Marcy's eyes fluttered open. She yawned and stretched before glancing at her watch.


"Oh no!!" Cried jumping up from her sleeping bag.
"Morning Marbles." Sasha said looking up from her phone. "You had a lovely sleep in didn't you?"
Marcy groaned.
"No Sasha this is BAD. I had so much stuff planned for today and it's already 9! We should be at Starbucks by now! Heck, is Anne even coming!?"

Sasha smiled.
"I hope so."
"Really? Even after last night?"
"Yeah.... I really like the idea of Anne having a crush on me. It makes me feel.. like I'm all tingly." Her cheeks grew pink.

"Do you feel that with Willow?"
Marcy grinned.
"Yeah, all the time. But it feels way better when you've both actually acknowledged it. What you two have is absolutely painful, going back and forth all the time. Do you know how long your parents have shipped you two?"

Sasha felt a sudden lurch in her stomach at the mention of her parents.
Specifically her dad.
"No I don't think my Dad did."
"Huh? Why not?"
Sasha dug her fingers into the carpet, tugging at it, avoiding eye contact with Marcy.

"He's a homophobic douchebag thats why." She spat angrily.
Marcy shivered deciding not to ask further into this.
"Ok well your mom 100% did."
Sasha really thought about it for a moment before wincing.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah once when we were in Year 3 remember when I had the chicken pox, and while you and Anne were trying to clean the noodles out of your hair, I saw both of her parents and your mom looking at this photo of you two spilling the noodles. And then Anne's mom said 'they would be so cute together' and then Mr B said 'I bet you $10 they'll end up together before they turn 15' and then Mrs B agreed on it. And then your mom said 'I bet you both $70 bucks that they'll get married-'"

Sasha groaned loudly, covering her face with her hands, dying of embarrassment. Marcy burst out laughing.
"Ok that's enough Mar Mar no more!"
"nOOO!" She cried, grabbing the nearest pillow and attacking her with it. Marcy just kept laughing and fought back with two.

Sorry it's short I just am so extremely tired my eyelids are barely open. If your reading this on the 5th of June, I'm gonna upload the rest on the 6th. Stay tuned lol :,)


Anne had finally decided to call Marcy. She did wanna hang out with her on her last day after all. Her phone rang for about a split second before Marcy picked up.

"Hey Marbles"
"Anna banana I cannot believe you ditched us on the sleepover to end all sleepovers 2.0"
Sasha in the background was just like
"Wait wtf"
Anne sighed.
"Sorry Mar Mar. I promise I'm gonna come over right now and have the best day ever with you!"
Marcy giggled.
"You'd better!! Meet us at Starbucks asap."
"Is... is Sasha gonna be there?"
"...are you kidding me Anne."
"Immm gonna take that as a yes."
"Of course she is!"
"Is she mad?"
Marcy looked over to Sasha who was trying to fix her hair to look prettier for Anne.

"No not really."
"Ok. I'll see you in ten."
"Ok. See you soon Marbles."
"Buh bye!"

Anne quickly got dressed. It was slightly chilly so she wore high waisted jeans, a t shirt, a coat and her converse. It took her ten minutes to choose that outfit, which was unlike her, but she wanted to look and nice for Sasha. A-and Marcy 👀. She rushed out the door and biked down to Starbucks as fast as possible. She was already kinda late.


Sasha anxiously checked her watch again.
"She's not coming is she."
"She's Anne. She's probably just late or something."
Speak of the devil, Anne walked through the door, trying not to look extremely out of breath. She spotted Sasha and had a minor mental freak out. What did she do? What did she say? Was she gonna ask about last night!? Ok uhm just pretend it didn't happen.

"Hey girls!" She said walking over to them.
Marcy sighed and Sasha was beaming.
"Finally what took so long Anna Banana!?"
"I had to bike all the way down here Marce. I am seriously thirsty."
Anne glanced at Sasha momentarily to see her looking hopeful, perhaps that they would talk about what happened.

"OK LETS ORDER!" She declared trying to ignore the subject. Sasha felt her heart drop as she realised that Anne was trying to avoid speaking to her. Holding back tears, she just tried to pretend that this wasn't happening.

That she wasn't breaking her heart.
Hope you enjoyed this! It was kinda rushed bc I have like five minutes before school, but it's ok.

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now