Chapter 11: Sashas Dad Being A Grade A Asshole For 1233 Words

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Anne had to read the text multiple times to confirm that she wasn't imagining it.

Flying down this weekend to stay at my Grandmas for two days!! Excited to see you guys again!!! 😋😋😁😁

Anne quickly went into snap to FaceTime Sasha, seeing if she's heard the news. However, after calling four times, she didn't pick up.
"Strange..." Anne mumbled "she better not be ghosting me again."
Seeing as Sasha wasn't willing to respond to her, she decided to respond to Marcy.



Sasha arrived home at 3:20. Her bus that she usually would catch home had been delayed slightly. As soon as she walked through the door, her father walked up to her.

He shoved his wrist in her face.
"What is this?" He asked. Sasha froze, confused by the question.
"a uh.... A watch?"
"And what does it say!?"
Sasha groaned. She realised exactly what this was gonna be about.
"So what! Im five minutes late! My bus was delayed! Jesus." Sasha walked past him.
"Bullshit." He said.

She hated him like this. He used to only yell at her mom, almost every night when they lived together, it drove Sasha crazy. The only reason they stayed together so long was because they loved her. Her dad would never have dared yell at her before she came out. Thinking of this made her want to cry. She hated her life.

Suddenly, her pocket started to vibrate and emit her ringtone. Sasha quickly pulled out her phone to see an incoming FaceTime from Anne.
Crap she thought clicking the cancel button furiously. Fucking cracked screen.

Suddenly her dad pulled her phone from her hands.
"Who is this!?"
"It's- it's just Anne dad."
"Anne? Is she your girlfriend."
Sasha turned red basically answering his question, but quickly shook her head.
"Hell no."
"Excuse me?"
"Im sorry, do I have to say it in Spanish?! She is NOT my girlfriend."
"Shut your damn mouth and go to your room. And as for this-" he said, shaking her phone "I'll be keeping this. You can have it back when your mother picks you up on the weekend."

"Dad! You can't do that, I need it!"
"No you don't! Go to your room."
Sasha stomped off and slammed the door. She was so sick of her Dad. So she stayed up till around 3 am, waiting for him to fall asleep. Sasha packed her stuff and tip toed into his room, where she found her phone. She quickly took it and ran back to her room to climb out the window.

Obviously, she wasn't about to leave her father without a note. So she left a quick message on her bed.

dear dad,

get fucked

love from your gay daughter


Of course Sasha's first option would be to go to her moms, but she lived too far away, so she chose the next best thing.

Anne was woken up to a soft tapping noise. She blinked wearily, spinning around looking for the source of it. Tap. She heard it again! Anne looked to the window, which seemed to be the source. She pushed her window up to be smacked in the face with a pebble flying at 100km/ph.
"ACK-" Anne cried, half asleep.
"Fuck! Sorry!" Yelled a voice that she recognised immediately, sending a strange but familiar fluttery feeling into her stomach.

"Sasha!? What the fuck! It's quarter past 3 IN THE MORNING. I know your dads chill and all, but don't you think that it's just a LITTLE bit past your bedtime, if not yours than MINE!?"
"Just let me in, you doofus, it's freezing!"
"Why didn't you just call me!?"
"I DID. 20 TIMES."
(By the way, they're whisper screaming this at each other.)
Anne ran downstairs and quickly unlocked the front door.
"Ok. Now explain."
Sasha just shook her head.
"I need a place to crash."
"What? Wait is that a backpack? How long do you plan to live here, what happened!?"
Sasha just looked into Anne's eyes, with hers welling up.
"Something bad."

Anne brought Sasha into her room and let her lie down in her bed with her. Neither of their faces weren't red.
"Are you ok." Anne asked, genuinely concerned. This whole situation was scaring her.
"Yeah... I think so."
Anne smiled.
"Is this bad thing that happened about... you know who?"
"Your ding dang crush, that's who."
"Uhm i mean it kinda does, actually."
"Oh my god! Did you two fight or something? And if so, why are you here with a bag?"
Sasha just groaned and covered her face with her hands.

"Yesterday... I kinda came out."
Anne blinked, not understanding why it sounded like she was choking back tears.
"... uhm i know I was there-"
"To my Dad, Anne. I came out to my dad."
"Oh... oh! Oh my god, what did he say!?"
Anne said sitting up more. Sasha rolled to face away from Anne as she felt hot tears fall from her eyes.
"He said that I was lying and it was some excuse for skipping school."
"Wait- wait WHAT-!?" Anne yelled.
"Shhh Anne your parents." Sasha hissed, wiping her tears. Anne just lay her arm around Sasha.
"That homophobic S.o.b doesn't know shit."
"Thanks Anne... again."
"Did he say anything else to you."
Sasha froze for a second.
"He grounded me but that was it. He also took my phone but I stole it back."
"Ok good- OH! OH MY GOD! did you see the message from Marcy!?"
"UHM NO. What message!?" Sasha said, opening her phone.

Anne and Sasha joked and laughed and talked until six am in the morning.

"Oh crap! School!" Sasha cried, looking at her watch. "Anne can I have a quick shower in your house before I head back home?"
"Ok, but your not going home. Stay here as long as you like!" She said, smiling brighter than the sun.
Sasha blushed, grabbing her uniform and towel from her bag.
"Okie be back soon."
She left Anne smiling like an idiot, lying on her bed.
She kicked her feet in the air, and pushed a pillow over her face, as she silently squealed into it.
Suddenly her mom came in.
"Anne wake up- oh... what are you doing?"
She sighed.
"I'm having a crisis. Just give me a minute."
Anne's mom left, extremely confused.
Anne got dressed, while playing whistle by blackpink, whistling to the music, dancing around her room like a teen in a cheesy rom com.
Suddenly Sasha walked back in, in her uniform, with her hair dripping wet. Anne's cheeks turned a deep red and she stopped dancing.
"Booo why'd you stop! I was just gonna join in!" Sasha joked.
Anne just giggled, gazing at her face as Sasha went through her bag, looking for a schoolbook.

Wow... she looks so different with her hair wet. It looks way longer, and prettier somehow. And her beauty spot.... It's kinda cute...
Suddenly Anne froze. Next to Sashas cute beauty spot, was a large red mark, suspiciously shaped like a hand.

"H-hey Sash...?" Anne said, in a terrified whisper.
"Yeah, Anna banana?" Sasha said picking up her books, and glancing at Anne.

"...what happened to your cheek?"

Angst. It can be beautiful and horrible at the same time.

Somebody turn that into an inspirational quote please 🙏 👼

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now