Chapter 25: How On Earth Did We Get Here :0

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25 chapters!!! This has gotten out of hand, but I enjoy writing these so much 😊


"How old is Willow?" Anne asked, lying down on her stomach on Marcys bed, as Marcy hung up the phone.
"She's 13, why?"
"How did she get a job if she's 13!?"
"First of all, Anne, you have a job."
"Oh yeah. Huh."
"Secondly, she needed extra cash, so she maybe got a fake ID. Don't ask too much into it because I'm fairly sure it's illegal."
"Are you sure your ok with her breaking the law?" Sasha asked.
"Oh, so your all for the law now huh?" Anne joked, chuckling and sitting up to nudge her playfully. Marcy looked confused and Sasha went pale. Was she talking about the weed incident?

"That isn't funny Anne."
"Sorry, Sash."
Sasha just groaned. "Oh my Lord. I just remembered all that shit that went down noooo..."
"What? What! What did you do!!?" Marcy asked anxiously.
"Well... uhm..." Sasha began.
"So do you remember Amy?"
Marcy nodded trying to see where this was going.
"Well turns out she does drugs."
"...I'm sorry are we talking about the same Amy?"
Sasha nodded slowly.
"The Amy that hit me in the face in volleyball and apologised by getting a twenty day Snapstreak with me?"
Sasha nodded again.
"....what the HECK!"
"Yeah and guess what!!!" Anne basically yelled.
"What!?" Marcy yelled back, invested.
"She got busted by the cops at the supermarket and went to jail!"

Marcy's face fell as she tried to process this, while Sasha felt the pit in her stomach open up again.
"Can we not talk about this please?" She said, gripping her shirt, and feeling her breathing begin to escalate. However, Marcy was not about to drop this.

"Oh my God! What drugs did she have? How did she get them!? When did the police find her!? How long has she been in jail for!? Is she out yet? Were you there when she got arrested!?"
Marcy stopped for a second to catch her breath before asking,
"And how does Sasha come into this!?"
Sasha just looked down at her shoes and played with the end of her sleeves nervously. She was doing an excellent job of hiding how much her breathing was escalating.

"Uhm... I uh..." Sasha tried to answer, but it was like her throat was blocking the answer. Why was she having such a hard time talking about this!? It was over! It was in the past! Why did she feel so guilty?

Then it hit her. Because I alone got away with it. Her hand bounced against her knee and she swallowed hard, embracing the fear.

It's a simple answer. 'I smoked weed. I did drugs, yada yada." Not that hard Sasha!

"Sash, you good there?" Marcy asked, chucking nervously. Anne's eyes widened as she realised what she'd done. It was clearly to early to joke about this.

Sasha's eyes began to well up, but she didn't know why. Was it because she was scared? What was she scared of!? She had absolutely no reason to be afraid. She was with her best friends, in a nice house that belonged to a kind old woman that would bake her cookies for her birthday every year. Nothing was wrong. She was fine. This was fine. Sasha was making to big of a deal out of this.

Was it because I liked the weed? That I enjoyed breaking the law? Was it because my intentions weren't because I wanted to, but to prove to Amy that I wasn't afraid?

Sasha replayed that day in her head, and the conversation they had had in the employees only room.

"Omg Sash!? Is that you?!? Girl I love what you've done with your hair!! It's giving... warrior vibes." Ruby said, blowing smoke out her nostrils.

"Hah thanks-"
"You want one?" Callie said, handing Sasha a joint and a lighter.
"Oh uhm I really shouldn't-"
"come ON sash! It's so much fun! You feel like... legitimately nothing."
The knot in her stomach tightened as Sasha felt overly tempted to try it. But she restrained herself.

"No! I have to leave-"
Amy finally spoke up.
"Just leave her, girls. Sasha has to get back to her girlfriend, so she clearly has no time for this!"
She smirked at Sasha's shocked and angry expression, satisfied that she had hit a nerve.

"Anne isn't my girlfriend-"
"I never said any names."
Sasha turned bright red "you implied it."
She was really glad that Callie and Ruby were kind of stupid and couldn't tell that they weren't just joking around.

"Whatever. If you'd rather swap spit with her than smoke with us, go ahead! There's the door bitch."
Sasha glared at Amy murderously, and lit the joint.

Anne and Marcy sat, waiting for a reply, thinking of a topic to change the conversation because this was clearly something that should've stayed buried.

Finally, Sasha decided that she was just going to tell her. To say three simple words.
I. Smoked. Weed.

However, instead of opening her mouth, her body stood up and she felt a sudden jerk in her throat.

Fuck. She thought, as she ran to the bathroom, leaving Anne and Marcy shocked.

"What on earth did she do!?" Marcy cried, terrified, while the sounds of Sasha throwing up filled the background . Anne's eyes widened.
"She... maybe she should tell you-"
"ANNE when someone is so afraid to answer a question that they start throwing up, it means that it's time to DROP THE CONVERSATION WITH THEM! What did she do that was SO terrible!?"
"She smoked the weed with them!!"
"...oh my freaking days. But why is she reacting like this? I mean, I get she smoked a joint, but throwing up at the mention of it is kind of... overreacting."

"I think it's because Amy pressured her into it, and now she feels guilty because she got arrested and Sasha didn't. And now she's afraid that when Amy gets out of juvie, she'll blame her and their friendship will never be the same. And she can't talk about this because if she tells her mom, she'll just be admitting to her crime, and she can't talk to me because when I caught her doing it, we had a huge fight. So she's been keeping all this fear and guilt to herself and it's just been building up to this."

"...well shit." Marcy said in pure shock. Anne just nodded slowly.
"Should we call her mom?"
"It's Sunday at 12:30, she's working. And it's a 2 hour trip from there to here."
"What about her dad-?"
"Huh? Oh yeah." Marcy said remembering how Sasha had called him a 'homophobic douchebag.'
"Yeah Sash told me he was sorta homophobic."
"Sort of? No way, he was fucking crazy."
"What he do?"
"He... he hit her-"
"WHAT!!?" Marcy cried clapping her hands over her mouth.

But before Anne could say much more, Sasha had returned. She walked over to the bed and just stared at it before mumbling.

"I smoked the weed."

Marcy was about to reply, but Sasha had collapsed onto the bed and had started to cry, leaving the two girls in complete shock.

Wow. This fanfic is like 85/15 angst and 100/0 drama.

Hope u enjoyed :p btw, while I was typing in the title, I was walking up the stairs and fell 😭 I grazed my chin like wtf stairs 😡 I just wanted to write a Sashanne angst chapter! Screw u 🤬

Anyways gn I have a huge Math Final at 8:30 am rip- ;-; 👍

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now