Chapter Two: The New Sasha

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Anne tied up her yellow converse (both of them) and threw on her school bag. Although her and Sasha had had their fall out and Anne had been ghosted by her for two months, she wasn't about to go back to school with a glass half empty attitude. She marched off to school with high spirits.

And hopefully a mind free of Sasha.

Sasha however, was not as mentally stable as Anne was. She woke up with ten minutes before school, causing her to have a morning full of swearing and rushing. She was at her dads house and he was at work, plus her phone died so her alarm didn't work. She ran out the door wearing her typical school uniform, however instead of her usual heels, she wore doc martins. And instead of her jacket, she wore a messily unzipped thrown on hoodie. And her hair was down and slightly askew.

As Sasha ran down the road, she ran into a tree. Just her luck.
"AAAHH!!" She yelled as leaf's flew down. "Shit!" She cried, her anger getting the better of her. God she was gonna be even later now. She pulled out her phone to check the time but it was dead of course.She groaned angrily, and as she turned to stomp to school, she spotted Anne, almost skipping across the road, lip syncing k pop with her headphones on. Her eyes were closed so of course she didn't see the car speeding towards her.
Fuck Anne your gonna be the death of me, Sasha thought before running across the road to save her.
"BOONCHUY!" Sasha screamed, tackling her to the side walk, just in time for the speeding car to fly over right where Anne was just standing.
"Hey what the- SASHA!?" Anne cried in disbelief. "What are you doing?"
"Saving your life." Sasha replied.
Suddenly Anne began to giggle. "Sasha you have leaves in your hair. I guess the roles are reversed now! :) Here let me" Anne reached forward and brushed them out of her hair, making Sasha go bright red and stop functioning, for some strange reason. She immediately jumped up and turned around to hide her state.
"Uhhm, your welcome bye!" And so Sasha marched off, trying to avoid her brain functioning and realising what that was about.

"Sasha stop. You can't avoid me forever." Anne said with a sympathetic voice.

Sasha held back tears. This is not what she wanted. She was about to reply heatedly, when suddenly-
Anne and Sasha spun around to see a girl from they're cheer team, Amy. Amy was pretty good friends with Sasha because they were in the same math class and would always skip together to vape.

Amy would never have ever imagined that Sasha would ever look like she did, with messed up hair, all flustered and with tears threatening to spill. Plus, nobody but Anne and Marcy knew about Sasha's change of attitude. So Sasha coughed and replied. "Oh uhm hi Amy."

Amy ignored the passiveness in her voice and started gossiping. "You've been dead for like forever and never heard how Lara's confession to Chad went. So basically she got him chocolates but he's literally lactose intolerant-"
Sasha chuckled awkwardly "uhm that's great and all Amy, but we're all like super late to school, sooo.."
Amy giggled "oh no it's fine Sash, we have math first up and guess who finally got her grape and pash vAaAape~"
"Amy I'm serious I don't wanna miss class-"
Amy suddenly realised a difference in Sasha's tone and squinted her eyes.
"Wow, what happened to you sash? Since when have you been so... boring?"
Although Amy could be a bitch sometimes, they were still pretty close, and that comment hurt Sasha's feeling slightly. It must've shown too, because Anne stepped forward.
"Hey, leave her alone, Amy." She said, marching up to her. Amy's face contorted into one of pure anger. She was furious because no one had ever dared stand up to her before.

"What the heck boonchuy!" Sasha whisper screamed. "Just leave it alone I honestly do not care-"
"Apologise." Anne said, ignoring Sasha.
Amy smirked deviously "you can't tell me what to do."
Sasha grabbed Anne's arm in a desperate attempt to pull her away and avoid a full on fight. Anne turned her head and looked into Sasha's eyes in a way that said 'don't worry I've got this'. However, this whole situation, the look on Anne's face, the kind of way that Amy was talking down on her, reminded her of... well herself. And as she had said to Darcy, she was not that person anymore. So Sasha pulled Anne backwards carefully enough so as not to harm her in anyway, and then stood inches away from Amy's face. Then, with the most truly terrifying look she could manage, Sasha said
Amy's eyes widened. She took a step back cautiously, her eyes still in contact with Sasha's. "W-what the HELL, Sasha!? What's gotten into you!" She sputtered, shocked and angry. Sasha ignored her and turned to talk with Anne, only to be met with a smile that warmed Sasha's heart. Immediately, her cheeks turned a deep shade of red and she looked to the side while muttering something like "we should probably get to school."

But Amy wasn't finished apparently.
"Oh so what, your giving me the silent treatment now!? How immature are you."
Anne was ready to yell at her again, and was about to step forward when Sasha slowly shook her head. It was to her own surprise even more that she could keep such a level head when her whole head was spinning with questions like 'holy shit why am I blushing' and 'what the actual fuck why is my heart exPLoding'
Amy was still yelling things at them, insults, and shit, she was having this whole tantrum in the middle of the street as the two walked away. One last thing she said really hit Sasha though.


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