Chapter Three: Denial

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I added more to chapter two so make sure to check that out for context <3

Warning swearing and angst

Sasha stood outside the math room with her head spinning. She considered skipping to go and think shit through, but she was trying to be a better person now, and this was the next step.

Sasha opened the door, her eyes lazily gazing at the linoleum floors, not acknowledging anything, not even Mr Thames, who was lecturing her on her 'tardiness'.

Everything he said just flew right be her though, because she was busy trying to get something into her head

I am NOT gay.

"Miss Waybright!? Miss Waybright are you even listening!?" He said sternly.
"Uhhm.. sorry what was the question?" Sasha mumbled completely out of it, and receiving a few chuckles.
"Detention Miss Waybright."
This Sasha heard.
Great. So much for taking the next step.
But as Mr Thames droned on, she plopped her stuff down next to this random girl and slumped in her chair.
I guess Anne is pretty... if you tilted your head and squinted. I mean, she has like big curly hair which is cute I guess...b-but not. It's entirely normal hair. And she has nice freckles, and her eyes... wow her eyes are just...

Sasha could feel her face turning red, so she zipped up her hoodie and pulled it up to cover her nose, and slouched in her chair.
What the fuck is going on with me today!?

Suddenly, Sasha felt a jab in her left arm. She turned to see red braids and a backwards baseball cap.

"Oh hey Maggie." Sasha whispered. Maggie was pretty cool, you know, when she wasn't being a total bitch to Anne.
"Hey Sasha. It really spooked everyone when you up and disappeared for like 6 months, and then showed up in a tower fighting some... spider headed weirdo." Maggie whispered back.
Sasha chuckled "yeah sorry. I was kinda... busy?"
Maggie's eyes lit up "so is it true you became a frog warrior!!?"
"I saw these pictures on instagram and you had a SWORD and ARMOUR-"
"Maggie seriously be-"
"And now everyone saying you KILLED MARCY!?!? Like WHAT!?"
Sasha's face suddenly dropped. Tears flew into her eyes. "I-I... Maggie.. w-what!?"
Mr Thames threw down his chalk.
"THATS IT!" He simply pointed to the hallway.

Maggie and Sasha sat on the floor outside the math room. In complete silence until Sasha turned to Maggie, holding back tears.
"What do you mean that I- I killed Marcy."
Maggie giggled
"it was a jooke it's just a lot of people saw a video of you like swinging your sword and then spider girl got really mad and lights like exploded and then spider girl collapsed and boom- it was Marcy all along." Maggie only just realised how wrong that sounded
"don't worry Sasha we know you didn't actually-"
"Maggie that is NOT COOL. AT ALL." Sasha spat through gritted teeth, standing up. Maggie got up too, also angry.
"I said it was a JOKE, Sash JESUS. Why are you so uptight-"
Sasha pushed Maggie.
"WHY on EARTH would you joke about something like that!?" Sasha said, tears pouring down her cheeks suddenly. Maggie's eyes widened.
"Oh my god, Sash, are you okay-!?" Sasha just pushed her again, harder this time. Maggie hit the floor looking hurt.
"Don't EVER speak to me EVER again! Do you understand!?"
Sasha stomped off to her locker where she grabbed her stuff. She was fully set on ditching so that she could clear her head. Sasha was sick of feeling like trash. She was sick of treating other people like trash. And these feelings... Anne... they were just so confusing. And ever since she got back, her parents have been even worse with each other then they were when they were married. And Marcy was gone, and she'll never see Grime again and she misses his stupid voice...
Sasha took her phone off her portable charger, shoved her AirPods in and pulled on her hood. But, as if God wanted her to have a horrible day, AS IF ITS YOUR LAST by BLACKPINK (the song that played during Anne's fight with Andrias) came on. Her tears just grew in size and so did the lump in her throat. She let out a sob and clenched her fist as she slammed her locker door shut.

Little bit of that little bit of that

Sasha could barely hear the music over the sound of her body shaking and her thoughts.
She reached for her phone and tried to hit pause but it took a couple of presses because of a crack in the screen.
"Come on come ON TURN OFF YOU-" she threw her phone on the ground "STUPID PIECE OF SHIT-" Sasha was fully ready to stomp on her phone in anger but quickly realised that she really needed it. Instead, she yelled out in anger as she punched her locker.
"FUUCK!!" She cried, sobbing harder. As she reached her hands up to wipe her eyes, she realised that it was bleeding. Her hand was bleeding. Sasha slowly looked up to see her locker door. It seems she had forgotten all of the weightlifting and combat training she had done in amphibia, because there was a huge hole in it. In her metal locker door. This was basically vandalism. Sasha just stared blankly at it.
holy shit-
Suddenly she heard people talking coming from around the corner right next to her. With red tear stained cheeks, the blank expression still clear on her face and her hand bleeding dangerously being cradled in the other, she slowly turned her head to see Anne and Gabby frozen in the middle of the hallway, gawking.
"S-sash. Your hand..." Anne said, clearly shocked and concerned. But then her eyes slowly moved to the locker door. Anne quickly put two and two together plus the look on Sasha's face that said 'I fucked up big time.'

However, piling even more onto Anne's concern, Sasha, who seemed to be crying, began to tear up even harder with a look of excruciating pain, as she spun around and ran towards the doors.

Once Sasha was outside, she plastered herself against a wall, heaving in and out from exhaustion. Even though she was super fit, she had barely eaten in the past week and got little to no sleep last night. She felt like she was going to collapse, but as she heard Anne running toward the exit as well, Sasha bolted towards the road, and she kept running until she found herself in an area full of shops. She thought it would be a good idea to call her dad to pick her up, but then realised her phone was still on the ground at school...

...unlocked. Sasha gulped. She hoped with all her heart that Anne didn't pick it up or anything and start scrolling through it, because in her search history, in between when she got to school to get her stuff for maths, she had quickly googled:

'how do you know if your a lesbian'


I know it's a bit of a mess and so is Sasha but IT WILL ALL ADD UP IN THE END I HOPE 😤😙😙😋😋😅😅🤞🤞

I'm gonna work in an Anne pov next chapter but this fanfic majorly focuses on Sasha because let's be honest she's a raging lesbian 💅✨

Also go listen to as of it's your last ITS SO GOOD AAHAAGHXHJDJX

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