Chapter 29: Semi Finale

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Sasha finished her Thai and went to put the box on the bin, still wallowing in the misery of her mistakes. She wanted to call Anne, to hear her beautiful voice again, but she was working and probably super busy. It was a Sunday after all.

The hour hand on the living room clock was almost at the five. Sasha felt exhausted and wanted nothing more than to just go to sleep, but if she did that it would screw up her sleep schedule royally.

So she just carried on with her day, doing stuff she would usually do... like what? What did she like to do? Sasha had hobbies, sure, but they were more like cheerleading and instagram and sword fighting, but she didn't have many hobbies that were real and creative and mentally healthy.

Except her guitar. Sasha suddenly remembered that she bossed at playing electric guitar and was suddenly motivated to play it again. Of course the last time she had played was during the battle of the bands, 3 1/2 months ago, so she was what you could call rusty.

But her muscle memory was amazing, and as soon as she had set herself up, it was like she had never stopped playing. She plucked the strings playfully, subconsciously playing 'no big deal.' Sasha smirked.

How did Anne even come up with this song it's so catchy!

Meanwhile Anne was bored out of her mind at Thai Go.

"Mom!" Anne finally cried after 20 minutes of no new customers.
"Can I finish up early?"
Mrs B poked her head around the door from the back room, where she was washing dishes.

"Anne, your shift ends at 5:20."
She sighed "I know, but I am SO BOREDD."
"That is not a good enough reason. Who said that work had to be fun?"
"Well can you at least swap me over to deliveries so I'll have something to do?"
"No honey, Ned's working deliveries this week, and besides, his van is faster than your bike."

"Wanna bet?"
"Anne this is not up for discussion, I'm sorry hon. Maybe you could head home five minutes early at the earliest, but until than, just find a way to keep yourself entertained."
"Fine." Anne groaned, leaning on her hand.

What can I do to keep myself entertained...

Suddenly someone that Anne thought looked vaguely familiar walked in.

They had short, light brown curly hair and tired looking Hazel eyes behind big round glasses.
"Hi welcome to Thai Go." Anne said, trying to remember where she had seen this person before. And then suddenly it hit her.

"Hi I'll have the-"
The kid looked shocked, before squinting their eyes and gasping.
"Omg Anne!!!? Is that you!?!"
"Yes, oh my god this is crazy!"
"I know! I haven't seen you since... since the second grade!"
"Oh my god! How was France!?"
"It was super fancy! My Aunt owns this bakery and I worked there for the entire time I was staying with her. It was super boring but free bread!"
"Ooh! Ooh! Say something in French!"
"Ok uhm... je parle français."
"OH MY GOD! What did you just say!?"
"I said I speak French."
"Fancyyy! Can you say uhh... free bread?"
"Ok uh... pain gratuit."
"Pain!? Bread means pain!? Oh my days I can't-" Anne said, doubling over laughing.

Ivan smiled and tilted their head.
"Your way taller than you used to be. Reckon I'm still taller though."
"Wanna bet-"
"Anne!" Mrs B said coming out.
"Just take the poor kids offer- oh hi Ivan! How's your father doing?"
"He's better, thank you Mrs Boonchuy."
"Tell him I said hi. Anne you can talk to your friend after your shifts over, ok? But until then, take his ding dang order."

"Yes mam!" Anne said.
"I was just gonna order Pad Thai noodles."
"Amazing decision." Anne said going into the kitchen and emerging 7 minutes later with Ivan's food.

"Thanks Antelope." They said, grinning.
"It's really effing weird that you remember that." She said, referencing to the time that she had to play an antelope in the Lion King in their school play in the Second Grade.

"How could I forget? I think I did an amazing Scar impression."
"No you just ruined the movie for me. Who calls cartoon Disney lions 'sexy'. We were seven."
Ivan Burt in fits of laughter.
"So anyway, how's Marce and Sash been? Are you three still friends."
"Oh my god I have the most AMAZING news. Ok first of all, Marcy moved away."
"... and that's good news becaussssse?"
"No you doofus, that's tragic heartbreaking news. But secondly, me and Sasha are dating now!!"

"Wait you weren't dating before?"
"Omfg I thought y'all were dating all through first grade!!" They said, laughing.
"Uhm because y'all literally held hands when you were partners in gym, and you would always sit together and call each other pretty, and when Elle Norman was picking on you, Sasha would whack her over the head with her barbie lunchbox. She did that a concerning amount of times actually,"

Anne giggled. "That's called being best friends."
"Nah bitch that's called being gay."
Anne dropped her jaw in shock.
"Don't pretend like you were any better. You and William Cunningham were like, the most rumoured couple in the entire school."
"Yeah well that's because we were."
"Yeah we dated for a year."
Anne's mom came out again.
"Ok ok I'm sorry I'll work."


Finally, Anne's shift was over and she was free to go. Ivan had waited for her with their stuff and they walked to Anne's bike as she told them about how Sashanne came to be.

"Well that was a roller coaster. Did Amy actually go to jail?"
"That's what you took away from this?"
"Yeah apparently. Hey, by the way, my birthdays tomorrow. Some of my friends from soccer are gonna be there, and it would be really cool if you could come too. Oh and bring Sash if you want." Ivan said winking.

"Are you kidding me it's your birthday!? Oh my god, ok totally unrelated question, right now if you could have anything in the world that cost $10 or less, what would it be!?"

Ivan let out a genuine laugh as their phone started ringing.

They picked up.
"Hello? Oh hi Dad. Yeah I'm just leaving now. Oh! You know Anne works there? Yeah she's here right now (say hi)"
"Oh hi Mr Quinn."
"Yeah I'll be back soon. Don't worry I'll take a bus. Ok. Love you too. Byeee."

They hung up.
"Sorry Anne I've gotta bounce, but I'll see you at school!"
"You're attending St James middle?"
"Yeah! Oh wait what's your snap so I can text you details for the party?"
"...your joking. Ok anyway, I'll add you tonight."
"Ok don't spam me or anything."
"Will do !" They said, running to the bus station in a hurry.

"Wow. That kid is whack." Anne whispered to herself as she grabbed her bike and rode home.

Yes, that's right, I've added a non binary oc 😊 please do not ship them and Anne, because Sashanne forever ✊😔

I'm sorry it's late, I had an idea for where this chapter would end up, but literally nothing else. It's kinda random but it sets everything up for... the final chapter 😱

IM LITERALLY CRYINGGG THIS IS SO SAD!!! I guess tomorrow is the last update :,( I friggin love this community fr so please read my next fan fic! I've decided to do a Raeda one, around when Raine comes to Hexside. It a TOH ship so if you haven't watched it, the entire second season is out now on yt so go watch it!! Also 1 1/2 of the seasons are on Disney+. Again I am so sad that this is nearly over.

Happy pride month, Sashanne forever, love you all, drink lots of water, don't be afraid to comment and have a great day.

Bye! 👋 ✌️ 😘 😭

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now