Chapter Eight: Marcy Knows All...

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Sasha jumped out of the car and ran up to her room. She wanted to punch something or stab something, anything to get over her anger at Anne because, even though she felt betrayed and exposed... she still loved her.

So Sasha pulled out her boots from Amphibia from her closet and shook them out, causing daggers of many varieties of shapes and sharpness to fall out.
"... how did I even walk."

Sasha ran downstairs and grabbed her moms dartboard from her bar.
She went into her room and stuck it on the wall, and then threw her daggers at them. What was making this incredibly hard to do, however, was the fact that the dartboard was covered in pictures of thirty something year old men that Sasha's mother had dumped since the divorce.

They all had multiple holes in their heads from the darts. But the one with the most holes by far was the picture of Sasha's dad which was smack bang in the middle of the board.

It became too disturbing for her so, she quickly took them all down and put them on her desk.

Okay she thought aiming her dagger for the center of the board. Steady... steady...
Suddenly a ringing came from her pocket, just as she moved her hand, making the dagger fly elsewhere and impale a photo that she had taped to the wall. A photo of her and Anne.

"Lord Jesus Christ if you do exist... fuck you. I mean, your so super straight why did you even make me a lesbian. You must really enjoy torturing me-"

Sasha stared at her phone. It was an incoming FaceTime call from Marcy. She smiled. It had been so long since they'd spoken, and so much had happened. Sasha quickly accepted and lay down on her bed getting comfy.

Marcy's face appeared on the screen. She looked different. But only slightly. Her hair was a little longer.

"Mar Mar!"
"OMG SASH HI! God it's been so long! My new school is so boring compared to St James, but I have these really cool friends who play creatures and caverns as well! There's this one girl, Willow, who has watched every Naruto episode."

Marcy continued chatting about her new life for maybe half an hour, but Sasha didn't mind. It was so great having a conversation that wasn't revolved around her with people saying what's wrong and just talk to me.

"So yeah! That's how Lori broke her leg."
"Gross!" Sasha laughed poking her tongue out.
"Oh! Also you know my new away from home bestie Willow?"
Sasha hummed in response.
"Well a couple of weeks ago she came out as pan, and her parents were like 'honey we could tell'-"
"Wait a minute marbles, what is 'pan.'" Sasha asked.
"What!? You don't know? It's short for pansexual."
Sasha sat bolt upright.
"Is that like a sexuality or something!!??"
Marcy nodded, slightly frightened by Sasha's reaction.
"Uhm yeah, well she kind of avoided us after she came out maybe because she thought we wouldn't accept her or something-"
"Did you accept her!?" Sasha cried.
"Well duh sash-"
"How did she come out!? What did she say!? No wait, lemme grab a notepad real quick-"
"Uhm- o- ok, sash are you alright?"
"Yep I'm perfect why?" She said while propping her phone up on her desk and scrambling to find a working pen.

"Well your kinda freaking me out-"
"I am fiiinnne." Sasha finally found a pen and sat down apprehensively.
"Omg sash what happened to your hand."
"Oh uh, it's a really long story."
"Well I can listen. I just gave you a really long story."
"... if I tell you will you tell me what willow said?"
"Uhm sure? Why are you so obsessed with that-"
"I was in math!" Sasha said quickly, changing the subject. "And Maggie was bugging me and I was sent outside and then-" Sasha decided not to tell Marcy about the whole her killing her thing "- and I went to my locker and I kinda..." Sasha trailed off, realising Marcy would probably need more context.

"Ok so I'm gonna say something Marbles, but you have to PROMISE not to scream or laugh or do that thing with your hands ok?" Sasha said.
Marcy excitedly nodded, preparing for some tea.
"Ok so... apparently I maybe might have a crush on someone-"
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!! I'm invested!!"
"Mars you promisedd."
"Right sorry Sashimi."
"So uh anyway I was kinda mad because Amy made a joke about me liking them and that made me confused and angry and then when I went to get my stuff, I was listening to music and this song that reminded me of them came on so I kindaaa MAYbe punched a hole in my locker."

"Ok I told you now you tell me!"
"Y'a. I'm like super strong now remember."
"What did Anne say about that?"
"I'm not talking to or about Anne at the moment."
"What why!?"
"We had a fight."
"Omg!! Please tell me there weren't any swords this time."

"No, only ones she stabbed in my back."

"Its a metaphor Mar Mar."
"Why did you fight?"
"Anne snooped through my phone."
"What!?!? Why would she do something like that!?"
"Because, even though she looks so pretty and perfect all the time, she's secretly a backstabbing biatch who literally betrayed me in my time of need because it was 'FOR. MY. OWN. GOOD!'" Sasha spat through gritted teeth, snapping her pencil.
"Oh shit-"
"Ok Sash maybe you and Anne should talk."
"What no! Marcy you still have to tell me what Willow said!"
"UGH okay fine but I don't remember it that well."
Sasha grabbed the side of the pencil that had the tip.
"Ok she said 'I know you guys love me and all but recently I've had a couple of crushes on all these different people and I googled it awhile ago and I match the description so guys... I'm kinda pansexual."

Sasha read it back to herself in her mind and groaned.

"... no I cant say that." She muttered.
"Wait what?"
Crap great going Sasha, you've just outed yourself for the THIRD TIME TODAY.
Sasha just sighed.
Whatever it's Marcy. I can trust her!
"Ok Marbles. I'm kind of maybe an unofficial... les- uhh... lesbian." The word felt strange but right as it rolled off her tongue.

"WHAAAAA- OMG SASHA! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you. Oh, i wish I could hug you right now!" Marcy squealed.
Sasha giggled "Thanks Mar Mar..."
"Oh wow. So how long have you been a lesbian?"
"I uh.... Huh." Sasha had never really thought about the possibility that she had been a lesbian her whole life. "I don't know, I've only known I was one for like a day."
"Wow! Does anyone else know?"
"Uhm well I came out to Mrs B first, and then Mr B found out which I'm honestly fine with. But then I kinda accidentally came out to Anne but whenever she tried to talk about it i just denied it. It kinda initiated the phone search thing."
Sasha was so glad to finally talk to to someone about all this shit and get it off her chest. And then Jesus interfered again.

[5% battery warning]
Crap Sasha thought realising she left her charger at her dads.
"Marcy I have to go in like a minute. Is there anything else you want to know?"
"Do you like Anne?" Marcy said innocently.
"AAH!" Sasha yelled, her face turning red as she dropped her phone.
Sasha immediately hit the hang up button.
She sighed, trying to calm herself down.
This is exhausting.

This chapter was probs pretty boring because it was basically a recap but hey! Storyline! Plus you gotta love that sweet sweet drama. Anne focus for next chapter
Now time for me to sleep bc I'm tired af

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now