Chapter 14: The Joint

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Warning: drugs

After her dad left, Anne stood up and went to hang out with Sasha in her room again, only to find that she wasn't there.
"Sash?" Anne called around the house. There were no replies.

Where the heck did she go?
She entered the kitchen to find her mom washing up.
"Hey mom have you seen Sasha?"
Mrs B turned to face Anne.
"I asked her if she could pick up a few things for me from the markets. You can go down there as well, actually, I forgot to add eggs to the list."

So Anne was given ten bucks and her bike as she rode down to the store. She went inside to look for eggs, and Sasha. Mostly Sasha.

She paid for the eggs and as she was about to leave the store, she noticed a trolley next to the employees only room, unattended. Anne walked towards it and spotted inside of the trolley, along with many groceries, was a list. A list in her moms handwriting.

This must be Sasha's trolley! But no Sasha...
Anne suddenly heard voices coming from the employees only room. She slowly opened the door to be met with a sight she would never have ever imagined.

Sasha was in there, alright. And so we're three other girls. Two of them, Anne was pretty sure, were called Ruby and Callie. They both played soccer. But the third girl she knew 100%.


And what they were doing was worse than casually vaping around school, or skipping class.

They were smoking joints.

Of course as soon as Anne entered they froze, and not just because they were in a literal freezer. It took a while for her to process what exactly Sasha was doing with these girls, and why the hell she would be getting high with them. She was 13!

Sasha just blinked repetitively, trying to come up with a good excuse as to what they were doing, but it was pretty obvious already.

One hour earlier...

Sasha lay on Anne's bed, next to her, hands locked together. Her eyes danced around the room, trying to find something to aim her focus at, because her heart was going 500 miles an hour.
This is probably one of the best days of my life, despite the fact that I had a deadly panic attack.
A sick feeling twisted in Sasha's gut, causing her a sudden sharp pain. She would've reacted to it, if it weren't for her flinching away as Anne suddenly sat up very quickly.

"Anne? What's wrong, are you ok-"

"UH-" Anne yelled interrupting Sasha. "I forgot something I'll be right back!"

And so she left Sasha extremely confused. She sighed and lay on the bed, trying desperately to ignore the tingling in her hands and the lump in her throat. She had no idea why she was feeling like this. Maybe it was out of fear...
Or guilt? And if so, then why? She wasn't afraid of anything.

That was a lie.

And she had nothing to feel guilty about.

Another lie.

Sasha just got up and headed down the stairs to find Mrs B rushing around the kitchen. Once she spotted her, before even thinking of asking questions, she handed her a list and 40 bucks and said.

"Morning honey can you please pick that stuff up for me? Thanks."

Sasha decided that she had nothing better to do so she walked down to the market. Once she arrived, she realised how unbelievably empty it was. I guess it is like 9:30 am on a Thursday. People are at work and school.

Sasha quickly put all the items on the list into a trolley. However, as she was walking to the area to pay, she heard giggling coming from the employees only room. Curious, of course, she opened the door and found Amy, Callie and Ruby vaping. Only they weren't vaping. They were smoking weed.

When she entered they all looked to her.

"Omg Sash!? Is that you?!? Girl I love what you've done with your hair!! It's giving... warrior vibes." Ruby said, blowing smoke out her nostrils.

"Hah thanks-"
"You want one?" Callie said, handing Sasha a joint and a lighter.
"Oh uhm I really shouldn't-"
"come ON sash! It's so much fun! You feel like... legitimately nothing."
The knot in her stomach tightened as Sasha felt overly tempted to try it. But she restrained herself.

"No! I have to leave-"
Amy finally spoke up.
"Just leave her, girls. Sasha has to get back to her girlfriend, so she clearly has no time for this!"
She smirked at Sasha's shocked and angry expression, satisfied that she had hit a nerve.

"Anne isn't my girlfriend-"
"I never said any names."
Sasha turned bright red "you implied it."
She was really glad that Callie and Ruby were kind of stupid and couldn't tell that they weren't just joking around.

"Whatever. If you'd rather swap spit with her than smoke with us, go ahead! There's the door bitch."
Sasha glared at Amy murderously, and lit the joint.


Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Say something.

Anne looked like she was about to cry.

Anything! Say anything at all, you dumb fuck.
But Sasha mind was blank. The weed had worked too well.

"Sash. What the fuck are you doing!?"
Sasha tried to comprehend her words, but they sounded slurred and delayed.

"I uh... haha I uhm..." she licked her dry lips, watching Anne's lip quiver.

She suddenly grabbed the trolley. "Give me the money to pay for this. Please."
Saha gave Anne the two twenties before she stormed off to the counter. Sasha clumsily ran after her, shoving the weed into Rubys hands.

Anne angrily stomped to her bike, unloading the groceries into a duffel bag.

"Boonchuy wait!!"
Anne ignored Sasha and hopped onto her bike.
Since when did she do fucking weed!? And with Amy of all people!? Why would she ever agree to that.

Sasha caught up to her finally and grabbed her arm.
"Anne please hear me out-"
Anne just pulled her arm away, before toppling off of her bike and scraping her knee.
"Holy shit are you okay!?"
Sasha bent down to help her but Anne just stood, ignoring the bleeding.
"I have to go Sash." She said, her voice breaking as she was trying not to cry. She picked up her bike and peddled away faster, leaving Sasha there on the street.

She sighed and began to walk back to the Boonchuys to get her stuff. She had clearly overstayed her visit.

This is all kind of just filler angst bc I have the next couple of chapters planned out already. Sit tight bc this fanfic will probs be finished in like a week 😭

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now