Chapter Seven: Lies

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Mrs B was just having a peaceful evening, vibing to songs from the 80s, cooking up Tom Kha Kai, when suddenly, she felt the force of a 13 year old girl, hugging her tightly. Mrs B quickly turned off the radio.
"Honey are you ok."
Sasha just cried. Mrs B sat her down at a stool and began to mix up some calming tea for her.
"Darling what happened? Did you and Anne fight?"
Sasha thought for a minute, rubbing her eyes.
"I-I guess we did. I don't know what to do!"
Mrs B pushed forward the tea cup and patted Sasha on the back.
"What was your fight about?"
"Anne found out that I liked someone and she kept nagging me and then I accidentally let it slip that I liked a girl." Sasha choked out, between sobs. She took a huge gulp of her tea.
"I mean, how can I even look at her now!"

Oh my Mrs B thought, who knew a daughter of mine could make somebody so head over heels in love with them! Oh yeah, I did.

"She already knows I like girls, even when I told her I didn't, and it's only a matter of time before she realises that-" Sasha drank some more tea and hid her head in her hands. "-that she's the one that I have these stupid feelings for!"
Mrs B sat down next to her.
"Sasha honey it's going to be okay! So what if she knows your a lesbian-"
Sasha sat upright suddenly.
"Holy shit. I'm a lesbian." Sasha said almost in a whisper. "What am I gonna tell my mom!? What am I gonna tell my dad!? 'Hey you know your only daughter? Well turns out she's gay and has no future!'" Sasha sobbed crying harder. "Cheerleaders aren't lesbians."

"Sweetheart maybe you should lie down. Or do something to take your mind off this."
Sasha slowly nodded her head and wiped her eyes. She reached for her phone to play a game to distract her, before realising it wasn't it her pocket.
Shit she thought I left it upstairs!!

Meanwhile upstairs

Anne was sitting at the end of her bed, staring at the phone.
You shouldn't do this.
She'll never know!
She'll admit it when she ready.
"Aah screw it." Anne mumbled opening Sasha's phone. She didn't even know where to start, so she decided messages. Of course, there were a couple of messages from her mom, her dad and then the one sided conversation the Sasha and Anne had had. It kind of made her angry that Sasha had read ALL of them, but she shook it off remembering that things were better between them now.

Anne scrolled through her apps. There was tik tok, Snapchat, YouTube , and instagram, but nothing else worth looking. She went through all of them but didn't find anything useful.

But as she double tapped home to change screens, she caught sight of a single word.


Anne immediately clicked on it. It was in safari. Sasha had googled 'how do you know if your a lesbian"
Well that proves it. Anne thought with a smile. "I knew it."
Suddenly she heard footsteps.

Anne quickly turned off Sasha's phone and placed it exactly where it was on the bed. She then dived into her beanbag trying to look casual.

Sasha slowly opened the door, trying to avoid eye contact with Anne.
"Have you seen my phone?" Sasha said quickly and almost in a whisper.
"Sash, we need to talk."
Sasha ignored her and walked over to the bed, grabbing her phone.
"Sasha-" Anne said jumping up and running to close the door. Sasha looked taken aback.
"Sash come on! Are you really just gonna ignore me again? I completely support you, you know that, and this whole thing doesn't change the fact that your my best friend!"

Sasha just looked at the wall with her arms crossed.
"Sasha, I know your probably going through a lot right now-"
"No Anne." Sash said, almost yelling. "You don't know anything about this, or how I feel, or how this has affected me. Sure, theres a minuscule possibility that I might have a tiny crush. And there's an even more minuscule, maybe 1 to 100, chance that it's a girl. But that doesn't mean I'm"
"Then why did you search it up!" Anne said, almost angrily.
"Why did you google 'how do I know if I'm a lesbian'"
"Wha- DID YOU SERIOUSLY GO THROUGH MY PHONE!?" Sasha yelled, turning red.
Anne's eyes widened.
"Uhh.. no, I just saw you... look it up."
Sasha looked at her phone.
"Your lying! My windows are all open! What the hell, Boonchuy!"
"I was worried about you, ok? You got so defensive about the whole being a lesbian thing-"
"I'm not a lesbian."
"- and I knew you wouldn't talk to me about it so-"
"So you took my phone and invaded my privacy?"
"Sash, come on-"
"I think that I should leave."
"What? That's crazy, it's like 6 o'clock."
"Move please."
Anne reluctantly moved away from the door, allowing Sasha to leave. The energy that Anne felt from her she passed made her shiver.

Sasha ran down the steps and thanked Mrs B for the tea, before running out the door and finally letting all of her emotions out. Her tears made her cheeks numb because of how cold it was, and her blood boiled. Anne, the person she trusted the most in the world, had snooped through her phone. What if she had written somewhere about her crush on Anne? Sasha just yelled and kicked the lamppost out the front of the Boonchuys house.

"Fuck!" She cried, grabbing her foot and falling on to the sidewalk. She was too exhausted to do much else then lie there and cry, so she did exactly that. Sasha found every little thing that ever went wrong in her life, used it to fuel her tears. Soon she was sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, and if it weren't for Mrs Bs loud 80s music, the whole neighbourhood would probably have heard her.

Suddenly, Sasha heard a screech of tires next to her, and bolted upright, shocked to see a familiar figure step out of the car.

"Mom!?" Sasha cried in shock, quickly wiping her eyes, standing up and dusting herself off.

"Sasha, why were you on the ground!? Don't you know how dirty it is- are you crying?" Sasha's mom ran and hugged her, and Sasha hugged her back crying harder.
"Sasha, what's wrong!?"
"It's... complicated. Can we just go home?"
"Sure. Why aren't you at your dads?"
"I got locked out."
"Ok well you can come home with me!"
So Sasha got onto the front seat and gazed out the window up at Anne's room. Anne was sitting there, looking out of her window . When Sasha spotted her, she gave a small wave, that Sasha did not return. And so her mom drove her off to her home, leaving Anne to think about what she'd done.

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