Chapter 16: The Aftermath

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No more Covid for me 😁😁😁

Sasha sat outside by the road. She had called her mom again to pick her up asap. Of course, she was still at work, so she had to wait until 2 pm, when her mom finished.

Which was two hours away.

Sasha wore her earphones and was blasting K-pop into them, trying to drown out her thoughts. Her leg was bouncing up and down against the gutter and she played with her hair tie in her fingers.

2 hours later

Anne wanted to speak with her, but decided better of it. She could apologise later, because for now, Sasha needed some time alone. Anne looked out the window to see Ms. Waybrights car pull up. She sighed and turned on her phone, to distract her from the fight, but one thing that Sasha said had really gotten to Anne.

I had to watch you die.

She sucked in her breath and wiped away her tears. I can't believe that I've just been ignoring how hard Sasha must've taken the past year. Ever since her change of attitude, I just assumed she had come to terms with everything...

Anne climbed into her bed and tried to fall asleep. She tossed and turned but it was the middle of the day and she had just woken up from her sleep three hours ago. Anne groaned, shoved her face into her pillow, and screamed.


Sasha jumped out of her moms car and ran up to her room, locking the door. She threw her phone onto her desk and ripped out her earphones, sobbing uncontrollably. What the fuck had happened? A little over a year ago, she, Anne and Marcy had been the best of friends. They had all been happy and safe and content with their lives. Suddenly Sasha's face fell and she collapsed onto her bed.

No. I was happy. Not them. I was too manipulative and narcissistic. I ruined our friendship, we weren't the best of friends. I was just some control freak.

But things changed. I got better. I improved.

...didn't I?

Sasha jumped up angrily.
"I changed. I changed for them. I changed for me. Things are better now. That fight with Anne... we fight all the time."
More than we used to.
Sasha sighed, feeling a surge of regret.
Maybe I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. She was just trying to help me... like she always does.

Sasha checks flushed and she covered her face with her hands and screamed.
"What is wrong with me!? Why do I ruin everything good!?" She ran her hands up through her hair, messing it up.
God... I am a total MESS.

Meanwhile downstairs, Sasha's mom was cooking up five minute noodles in two minutes. She had heard Sasha's screams of rage, but knew better than to bother her at a time like this. Sasha had always had a bit of anger issues. Her mom decided to talk to her about what happened over dinner.

She clicked on the news and could not believe her eyes.
Sasha groaned. "I'm BUSY MOM!"
She sighed dramatically and walked downstairs.
"What's up Mom-" Sasha froze as she gawked at the TV. It read:
Channel 6: Underage Drug Bust At Local Market.
"Oh my fucking god." Sasha whispered.
"Yeah I know!" Her mom said "and guess who it was?"
Sasha was too scared to answer.
"Amy! You know Amy from cheerleading!? And two other girls! I think one of them was Ruby, that girl who smashed the window at your sleepover- hey where are you going?"
She watched as her clearly frightened daughter frantically unlocked her phone. Sasha went into Snapchat and tried Amy 4 times.

"Did they... did they get arrested?"
"Yeah. I don't know how long they're in for, but I'm sure Linda is gonna be freaking out right now."
Sasha's stomach twisted horribly and her head hurt. Her palms were clammy and she felt a jolt in her throat. Immediately, she ran to the bathroom, and threw up. Every trace of weed was finally out of her system, but not out of her head.

I could've been arrested. I SHOULD have been arrested. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
She pulled her hair back and wiped her mouth with a towel as her mom ran in.
"Holy SHIT sash, are you ok!?"
"Yeah I'm fine."

"Hold on Im getting the Tylenol-"
The funny thing was, Sasha didn't feel sick. Sure, her insides were squirming and her hands were tingling, but it was all a familiar sensation and one that she did not recognise as an illness. She recognised it as guilt, and dread, and fear. She had broken the law and gotten away with it. Would Amy think that she snitched her out? Would she be mad that she didn't get busted too!? It was clear at the time that she was mad at Sasha, and was pressuring her into smoking it.

Of course that wasn't an excuse, she still willingly took it, but after the outcome of today, Sasha wasn't sure what to think anymore. She was guilt ridden and afraid.


Meanwhile, the Boonchuys tv was also on channel 6. Anne turned pale as she watched Amy being pushed into a cop car.
"Holy SHIT." She cried dropping her glass she was holding.
"Anne! Language. And also what's wrong?" Her dad called.
Anne was too shocked to answer so she just stared at the tv. Mr b looked at it as well and gasped.
"Holy moly, I have to check my Facebook DMs, Linda needs me!"
He ran off, as Anne quickly messaged Sasha. She needed to know if the cops had somehow traced them back to her.

Mrs B walked in shaking her head.
"Damn kids. Don't they know the long term effects that drugs can have on the teenage body and mind? I wonder what drugs they had. Probably alcohol or something."
"Maybe weed."
"I wouldn't go that far Anne. No child would be careless enough to smoke that in a supermarket."
Anne gulped.
God Sasha I hope you're alright.

I know it's not very cohesive, but as long as my English teacher doesn't read this, I'm sure I'll be fine 👌
I know it's short, but I swear, the next couple chapters are gonna be longer than the Owl House hiatus.
Hope you enjoyed 😉

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now