Chapter 23: Starbucks Cont./ Farewell

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Anne sat at the table, sadly twiddling a straw in her fingers, alone. Sasha had just dragged Marcy off to God knows where, without so much as an explanation.

She sighed, thinking about how much of an idiot she was for thinking that if she ignored Sasha everything would fix itself. Whether Sasha enjoyed the kiss or not, they were still best friends.

Or at least they were.
Chapter 23: Farewell

Sasha and Marcy came back over to Anne, their moods lifted slightly due to the chat. Anne's head perked up as soon as they sat down.

"So what we're you two talking about?" She said, trying to keep her voice airy and playful. But immediately she noticed Sasha and Marcy's faces, searching for a lie. Whatever their conversation was actually about, they weren't going to tell her, which made a pit form in her stomach.

"Oh Y'know... schooollll..." Marcy dragged it out, unsurely. Sasha's eyes screamed mental facepalm.

"We were just talking about stuff."
Anne frowned.
"Why over there though? You guys can talk about 'stuff' with me aswell, y'know."
"We know it's just that," Marcy sighed.
"I dunno."
Sasha just glared at Marcy as if to say 'if you don't know what to say, than don't say it.'

"ANYWAY, have you guys seen the new season of Stranger Things!?"
Marcy and Anne nodded their heads excitedly. All three of them had binge watched it in one day and Marcy had rewatched it 18 times. That's how godly it is GO WATCH IT ISTG😵🙌.


After Marcy and Anne had finished their drinks, and they had all obsessed over Joseph Quinn (except Sasha, who had an unhealthy obsession with Natalia Dyer, who is literally so effing hot btw 😩🥵) they all headed back to Marcy's Granmas. Anne had to walk her bike with them also.

When they arrived, they decided to play twister.
"Oh my lord... bad memories are coming back to me with this game now..." Marcy said cringing.
"Like what?" Anne said giggling.
"All the pulled muscles, god who invented this? Like actually who in the lord of hell invented this game?"
"This guy named Foley and his business partner Neil Rabens, back in 1966. It was called Pretzel though." Sasha said nonchalantly, inspecting her nails. However when she was met with silence she looked up to see Anne and Marcy's shocked faces.
"How do you know that?!" Marcy cried.
"Remember when we had to write a paper on board games in Grade 5?"

"Wait you actually did that?" Anne said in shock.
"Yesss... we'll no, Kelvin Marcus did that, I just turned it in."
Anne and Marcys faces relaxed into a 'you have got to be joking' expression.
"What!? I passed didn't I? Best Twinkie I ever traded."
"Hold up." Anne said "Kelvin Marcus wrote you a paper because you gave him... a single Twinkie."
"It was chocolate if that helps."
Anne just let out a laugh that warmed Sasha's soul.

"Sashimi that is so random." Marcy said still in shock.
"Oh hey- I've been meaning to ask." Anne said after calming down and facing her.
"I know that your dating Willow, but what's your like, official sexuality."
Marcy thought for a moment.
"I'm pretty sure that I'm either bi or pan. I'm not entirely sure, it's all a bit new to me." She said with a chuckle.
"Hm. Ok." Anne said before turning Sasha.

"So... how did you find out you were a lesbian?"
"Wow Anne what are you, the sexuality police?" She said, trying to avoid answering the question, seeing as the answer was literally Anne.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to-"
"Chill I was joking." Sasha said feeling a bit guilty.
"I guess it was just the person I like I guess. I mean, I didn't really like any other girls before that."
"Did you like any boys?" Marcy asked.
"What?" Sasha said confused.
"Well I mean, we can't entirely just assume that your a 100% lesbian immediately. Have you ever liked any guys?"

Sasha shook her head.
"Well we can't just rule out you being bi because you've never liked a guy before."

"Hold up!" Anne almost screamed. "I know exactly how to settle this."
She pulled out her phone and quickly googled a name.
"Ok Sasha do you find this guy attractive."
Anne held up an image of V from BTS.

(I simp for this guy SO HARD I swear- ❤️)

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(I simp for this guy SO HARD I swear- ❤️)

Marcy just giggled.
"Anne that's not how it works."
Sasha squinted at the picture.
"Anne I'm pretty sure that lesbians can still recognise attractive guys but not be attracted to them."
She groaned loudly.
"This is all so fucking confusing!!! Everything was so much easier when I was just some oblivious 'straight' girl!"
Marcy patted her on the shoulder.
"There there."

Anne burst out laughing and so did Sasha, and then Marcy.
"What the hell was that Marbles!?"
"That was the most socially awkward interaction I have ever witnessed!"
Marcy laughed so hard, she was wheezing.
"sTAwp, I can't fuCkiNg breAtH-"


They never got around to playing twister, in the end. Marcy's Grandma had to come in and make sure no one had been murdered.

The next activity on their make believe list was to go to target and have a fashion show.

When they had arrived they all picked out three outfits, one for each person. Marcy went first with Anne's choice, which was an immediate mistake.

She had chosen an oversized t shirt with a strange image of an owl tube on it, paired with denim shorts, striped socks and Nike slides. And sunglasses.

"Yikes Anne." Marcy said trying to contain her laughter. The other two couldn't. Sasha held Marcy's phone, snapping pictures of her left and right as she posed.
"God I can't wait to show these to Willow."
(Yes, Marcy is making everyone feel single yet again 🥲)

After Sasha's outfit, which was a denim jacket, a green t shirt and a long floral skirt, and her own option, an aot shirt with a mint green skirt and converse, it was Sasha's turn.

Anne had tried hard to find something that would do Sasha's beauty justice, but struggled. Nothing she found was quite good enough. So she decided to wing it.

"Anne are you KIDDING ME." Marcy and Anne heard Sasha yell from inside of the changing room.

"Where in the FUCKING UNIVERSE did you even FIND THIS!?" Sashas surprise sounded almost... excited?

Marcy spun to face Anne.
"What the heck did you pick out!?"
"You'll see." She said, with a smirk, as Sasha came out of the dressing room, in a full set of dope armour.

Don't ask me why they have armour in target, they just do. Also thanks for all your support in the last chapter, it really helped me, especially since I had nobody to talk to 😊 Most of my friends have blocked me on snap but one of them, who I've been friends with for like five years, is still with me so that's good, but we have no classes together which sucks. Anyway hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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