Chapter 10: Fuck This

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COVID's a bitch 😵🤧
Also a trigger warning- homophobia and abuse!!

Sasha glanced at the clock. It was 9: 20 and she really needed to charge her phone so she asked her mom to drive her to her dads.

When Sasha arrived, her parents avoided each other entirely, which was probably for the best. Sasha could barely keep her eyes open and was about to collapse into bed when her dad stopped her all of a sudden.

"Why did I receive a call from school saying you got detention, skipped it, and walked out of school?"
Sasha knew she was in deep shit now.
"I had a lot going on Dad. Y'know with the whole eating grasshoppers for a year and planning a war thing."

"Honey I know that was probably very scarring for you but it has been two months and you have used that same excuse to get out of everything. Cleaning your room, doing the dishes, but now your ditching school? I know you don't enjoy it, but you need to take responsibility for your actions. You can't expect to use the same excuse as an easy ticket out of everything just because it works. What are you going to do when your older, Sasha. When you have a job, a family, and a husband to look after-"

"I'm gay."

Her dad stopped talking. He blinked a few times.
"I'm-... I'm gay, dad... i like girls."
" your not."
Sasha's stomach dropped to her feet. I shouldn't have said anything. Fuck me. This was a mistake.
"Is this some other excuse? Have you been telling people that you're a-.. that you're gay to get out of trouble, because that will NOT stand, young lady."
Sasha should've been scared, and believe her, she was, but she wasn't as scared as she was furious that her dad was being such a homophonic asshole. Why on earth would she make something like that up?

"Dad it's not a lie-"
"Go to your room."
"No, dad, can we just talk about this-?!"
"Sasha there is nothing to talk about. It is clearly late and you clearly need rest because you are clearly not thinking straight."
"Dad!" Sasha cried, hurt, trying to hold back her tears.
"Why won't you just listen-"
"What is SO WRONG-"
"-be quiet-"
"With having a LESBIA-"
Sasha's dad brought his hand swiftly across her face, harder perhaps than he intended to. Sasha staggered into the wall, holding her cheek, crying fat tears. She quickly ran into her room and locked the door.
"Your grounded. That means I expect you home by 3 15 exactly. I'll change my shifts to make sure that happens, do you understand?"
Sasha heard her fathers footsteps receding and burst into a fit of sobbing, regretting everything. She cried herself to sleep that night, knowing it would be one to remember.


Sasha awoke the next morning with her hair in a mess. She hadn't brushed it for a while, so she rummaged around her draws looking for a comb. Sasha's eyes where still red and dry from crying all night, and her fight with her dad slowly came back to her.

She checked her watch. It read 7:30 so she had about half an hour before school. Sasha opened her now fully charged phone to see that she had three new messages.

Hey Sash
I really need to talk to you
Meet me in the library before first period

Sasha sighed, smiling. She knew that Anne was probably going to apologise to her, and she hoped that if Anne did bring up her being a lesbian, she would be able to finally admit it, without saying anything that would make Anne suspect that Sashas crush was on her.

She quickly packed her bag and got dressed into her uniform. However, as she went to brush her teeth, she nearly dropped her toothbrush at the sight of her own face.

The left side of her cheek had a huge red mark on it. "Fuck." She muttered, hoping that it wouldn't be noticeable. But as she finished brushing, she realised that if Anne saw this, it would only worry her further, and she didn't need that, with a job and all. So she quickly put some foundation on.

Sasha ran out the door with ten minutes to spare. As soon as she arrived at school, Sasha made a beeline for the library. It was fairly empty, seeing as Marcy and only a couple other people had ever gone in here willingly.

She spotted Anne standing in the Global Geography section, a section where nobody ever went to after Google Maps was invented.

Anne spotted Sasha and flashed her a nervous smile.
"Hey Anne."
"Sash, I'm really sorry. What I did was really shitty, and I realise that now. You deserve your space and I'll let you talk to me when your ready. I was just being an impatient jerk, last night."

Sasha giggled.
"It's ok, honestly. I mean, you had good intentions, at least. Plus, I've done way worse to you, so in the grand scheme of things, all that you were doing was... trying to be a good friend."
"Yeah." Anne sighed, chuckling, looking at her feet.
Sasha leaned against the book shelf, wishing that she would think of something to say to break this awkward silence, but Anne spoke up again instead.
"I should get going-"
"Anne." Sasha said, suddenly fuelled with confidence that came out of nowhere.
Anne just looked her in the eyes, making Sashas entire face turn red.
"I uhm... you were right."
"I'm a lesbian. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it was stupid-"
Sasha was cut off by Anne pulling her into a tight hug. Sasha blushed more, and hugged her back, almost crying.
"I'm so proud of you." Anne said, making Sasha melt.
"Thank you. Thank you so much."


The bell rang to signal break time, much to Sasha's relief. She had spoken to Mr Thames in math, trying to explain her intentions for being late, and they came to and understanding, under the condition that Sasha would help clean the classroom afterwards. Of course she didn't mind, even if it made her late for second period, because not only would she get to miss English, but she would finally have something to do to take her mind off of her dad.

However, since it was lunchtime, the only thing on Sasha's mind was Anne. Anne should've just come out of Mrs Blacks classroom, so that's where Sasha waited for her. However, as people started filing out of the room, Sasha slowly realised that Anne was not among them. She slowly and as quietly as possible opened the door to see Mrs Black sat at her desk with Anne standing next to her. Her head was tilted as she listen to her teacher lecture on something to do with "sword fighting with pencils." Sasha stifled her giggling successfully, but not before Anne noticed her . She smirked at her, making Sasha flustered. She tried to close the door, but accidentally dropped all of her English books onto the floor both in the hallway and in the classroom, drawing Mrs Blacks attention to her.

"Miss Waybright! Watch your mouth."
Anne was doubled over laughing at the sight of Sasha all flustered, and desperately grabbing at her books.
The teacher sighed.
"Miss Boonchuy, you may go."
Anne beamed.
"Thanks miss. See you tomorrow!"
She ran over to Sasha, and began to pick up the rest of the books. Then, with her free hand, she pulled Sasha outside to a bench near the playing fields, and dropped all of her and Sasha's stuff onto it. Anne too sat on it and patted the spot next to her, signalling Sasha to sit down.

She sat down, with a puzzled look on her face. Anne seemed excited about something.

"So..." Anne started, with a mischievous grin on her face. "About this crush of yours..."
Sasha's face turned bright red, and she quickly took an interest in a cool looking cloud.

"Sash come on... you clearly like this person a lot, and I believe that if you told me who she is and what she likes, I could help you ask her out in the best way possible. It will be perfect." Anne swooned.
Sasha just sighed "I can't tell you."
"What!? Sasha your my bestie! We've been friends since kindergarten! Can't you even give just a tiny hint as to who she is?"
Sasha slowly shook her head.
"Can you at least tell me why you like her?"
Sasha sighed, deciding that she could at least tell Anne that much.

"Ok well... she's nice, and funny, and she can be really stupid sometimes, and do stupid things, but she can also be smart when she needs to. And she... she's just pretty, I guess. I mean she is really just ...beautiful."
Anne didn't miss the way that Sasha blushed more with each factor she listed about this mystery girl. She also didn't miss the way that her heart seemed to ache with each word she said. It stung knowing that Sasha liked this girl so much, and Anne just didn't understand why.

Sasha finished with another sigh.
"Wow, she sounds incredible." Anne lied, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.

This is the longest chapter yet, I think. I've been writing for about three hours, and I rewrote about half of this like three times. One time because I exited and it didn't save ;0;
I hope you enjoyed. I'll probably update more tomorrow because no school thanks to flurona lol 🥲

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