Chapter 20: The Kiss

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Sasha just sat there for a while processing what Anne had just said.

Anne was now regretting saying anything at all.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck tell her it was a joke and that you meant she should go kiss James or Ben or one of those kids-


She looked up in shock, cheeks red and eyes wide. Sasha's entire face was vermillion and she looked incredibly nervous. So Anne decided to take things slow.

"Are you sure?"
She slowly nodded her head but then faster, seeming more sure of herself. Anne just wanted to clarify something first.
"This is just practice-"
"I know."

Anne moved slightly so that she was facing Sasha. They were still about a ruler apart though, so she leaned in. Sasha had her lips slightly parted, and was glancing at Anne's. Anne placed her hand on Sasha's shoulder and slowly pressed her lips against hers.

It felt exhilarating. It was everything that Sasha had expected and wanted. She felt almost euphoric, and leaned more into the kiss, placing her hands in Anne's hair. Anne moved her hand to Sasha's cheek as her tongue found its way into Sasha's mouth.

It was then that something clicked in her head. This isn't practice anymore.

Anne's eyes shot open and she quickly pulled her lips away from Sasha's. Sasha's eyes were wide and almost scared now, gazing into hers. She was panting slightly, and looked as if she wanted to say something but didn't.

So Anne did.
"Shit... I have to go."
Sasha wanted to yell 'wait' or 'it's like 11pm' or 'I love you' but she was too stunned, and was quickly filled with regret as Anne grabbed her bag and left the house. Tears fell down her cheeks.
"Friends don't practice kissing like that! What the fuck have I done!!" Sasha hissed at herself. She let out a sob and collapsed into her pillow.

"...Sash?" Marcy had begun to stir.
She placed her hands on Sasha's shoulders and Sasha just looked into her eyes with the most distraught expression.

"Sash.. OMG SASHA WHATS WRONG!?... where's Anne!?"

"Marcy I think I just ruined everything."

Marcy's grandmas house was only a block or two away from Anne's, so walking home wasn't that bad.

Walking home at an hour to midnight, however.

It was eerily quiet, but that didn't matter much, because Anne's head was filled with her overlapping thoughts, drowning out any voice of reason that might've been in there.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god I JUST KISSED SASHA.

It all still felt slightly surreal. Anne's arms and chest felt tingly and she was lightheaded. She slowly reached her hands to where Sasha had held her hair, letting a small smile creep onto her face.

I just kissed Sasha.

Anne spun around, giggling, in the light of the street lamps.

And she kissed me back.


" way."
Sasha just nodded slowly still in shock.
"Yes way."
Sasha turned red as she remembered how engaged into the kiss she had become.
"I think it's better that you weren't."
"So what, she just kissed you and left!?"
Sasha nodded again and Marcy squinted her eyes and placed her hand on her chin.
"Hmmm... ok. I think I understand now."

"Anne likes you."
Sasha turned a deep shade of red.
"Stop joking around Marcy."
"I'm dead serious."
"If she liked me, than why did she leave?"
"The same reason you let her. She was scared."
"Scared of what!?"
Sasha was almost angry now. Marcy was just playing with her feelings.
"Scared of having feelings for her best friend."
"Anne left me because... because she knows how I feel about her. That's what scared her."
Marcy sucked in her breath.

"Sash, I hate to break it to you, but you are super oblivious. So extremely oblivious. But still only one person I know is more oblivious than you and it's Anne. Believe me when I say that she's probably torturing herself in her room right now, saying things like 'oh my god I just kissed Sasha and it was amazing, but it ruined our friendship what do I do' or something."
"No, I wasn't amazing at it. Anne said herself that I needed practice."
"Yeah but that was before she kissed you wasn't it? I'm pretty sure she changed her mind about that afterwards."
"Then why did she pull away so fast?" Sasha said, feeling her heart break a little as she said it.
"...because. She got scared."
Sasha's head was clouded with spiralling emotions. She had no idea what to think.
"Look, Marcy, even if that was true, I'd need to hear Anne say exactly that before I believe it."
Marcy's face softened and she smiled.

"Ok Sash. How about we just take your mind off of it and watch a movie or something."

Sasha sighed, smiling. She was glad that she had suggested that because the whole ordeal was exhausting, and Marcy's visit was drawing closer to the end.

"Yeah ok. I'd like that."


Anne finally arrived home and dug around in her pocket for her key. She opened the door as quietly as possible and tip toed to her room where she collapsed onto her bed.

Anne let out a huge sigh and rubbed her eyes. She was stuck between feeling happy that she had kissed Sasha, afraid because she had just kissed Sasha, and sad because she thought that they wouldn't be friends anymore.

"No, Anne, your such a doofus. It was practice. She wanted practice. Well, you offered her practice... which is kind of a dead giveaway that you wanted to kiss her."
Anne groaned.
"This whole weekend has gone to shit. It was meant to be about Marcy but now it's about this."

Suddenly Anne's phone started ringing, making her jump. She quickly picked it up to see Marcy calling her.

Shit Anne thought, panicked. She's probably with Sasha. Nope she's definitely with Sasha.

She just let it ring out and hoped that the huge lump in her throat would magically disappear.


"She won't pick up." Marcy said, pressing the play button on the movie they'd chosen, which was Pitch Perfect.

"Well then can you text her and tell her that... that I uh... I dunno liked it-" Sasha suddenly turned bright red and Marcy laughed.
"NO NEVER MIND do NOT text that!"
"I mean you did like it didn't you?"
"Yeah of course I did... I mean it was at least satisfactory."

She growing more flustered by the second.
"GAH I'm just so upset that she just walked away, but I want to kiss her again so bad!"
"Spare me the details please."
"Marbles twenty minutes ago you said that you wished you were awake to witness it."
"I changed my mind. If you're both making this big of a deal out of it, you two must've really been going to town."

Sasha nearly died.
"MARCY!" She shrieked, mortified. Marcy just giggled demonically.

And so this chapter ends in chaotic gayness~

I didn't know how to finish this chapter so yeah. Hope you enjoyed I think that this chapter is a MAJOR step for Sashanne, however, prepare to be in excruciating pain, because this is an extreme slow burn 😈

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now