Chapter 30: Id Rather Be Me With You

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Sasha woke up on Monday morning full of dread.

Great. School. She thought, grabbing her phone and smiling at the new Snapchat notifications from Anne.

Boonchuy😋🫶✨💅 📞 🎥 ➡️

Hey Sash 😚
Do u remember Ivan from grade2
Bc I was talking to them yesterday and turns out their birthdays today
They invited me and you to their party this arvo
Wanna come? <3

Sasha smirked before writing "ok❤️" as a reply. She quickly got dressed and made her way to school.

When she arrived, Sasha was ecstatic to learn that her first class was health, which she had with Anne. However, something that she was fathomably less ecstatic about, was the topic that they were learning.


Seriously, God, why must you rub this in my face every waking hour. Sasha thought, angrily. She decided that she was going to just ignore the lesson and spend quality time with her girlfriend. In her least favourite class.

Anne had gone shopping for a present for Ivan before school at the Walmart near her house. She knew that they liked soccer, drawing, and French stuff. On the list of presents that Ivan sent to Anne, the one that was most in her price range was a packet of fancy Korean face masks that cost $13.

She also decided that she would buy something for Sasha, like a chocolate or a push pop or something, seeing as she only had $3 left to spend.

After finally deciding to just buy her a pack of hubba bubba, Anne paid and left Walmart. She checked her watch as she exited and nearly choked on her own breath.

It was 8:46. Classes started at 8:45. Anne ran at top speed to her bike and peddled as fasts as she could to school, rapidly cursing at herself under her breath.

Meanwhile Sasha was sad and concerned as to why Anne hadn't showed up yet. She walked glumly to first period, praying to Jesus that she wouldn't have a panic attack of some sort, or throw up.

Anne on the other hand, already felt like she was going to throw up because of how exhausted she was. At long last she arrived at school and basically threw her bike at the bike racks. She checked her watch again.

8:56. Fuck. She thought as she sprinted to her locker.

"Good Morning class." Mrs Grint said entering Sasha's health classroom and setting up a PowerPoint.

"Today we will be learning about the effects

Suddenly the door slammed open. Anne stood there out of breath, eyes wide and leaned over, trying to breathe and compose herself before saying.

"..I'm not late."
There were scattered giggles and a giant grin from Sasha, as she realised that she wouldn't have to spend this period alone.

"Well excuse you!" Mrs Grint said, sternly.
"Sit here, right in front of me, please."

Sasha's face fell. She was sitting at the back. Anne frowned and groaned as she slumped down in the chair that the teacher had pointed to as the lesson continued.

"Now today class we will be studying the effects that alcohol has on the developing brain..."

Already bored with the lesson, Anne turned around trying to signal to Sasha that she had bought her something. Sasha watched closely as Anne pointed at herself, than at her, then rubbed her thumb against her fingers, signalling money and then blowing air out of her mouth, imitating blowing bubblegum.

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now