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So... Chapter 42 of my book was mistakenly deleted by me... I'm still in shock, I don't even know... God.
I tried downloading my book, but it's just as jumbled up as it is when I wrote it. I published different chapters before the others despite how it was arranged when I wrote it, but since I'm the author, my phone is showing it in the way I wrote it. I think I'm gonna try to get it on someone else's phone, my sister's perhaps. By God's grace, even after deleting it, it remained published... (Don't be a smartass, a girl can hope) :+(

I'm just feeling REALLY bad right now and I don't know what to do. I can't rewrite the chapter even though I know the general gist of it (yeah, this book of mine is the only one that I can reread my chapters like a normal book, cause the plot still wows me... I'm like woah, did I write this? Its crazy!), but the emotions in the chapter just won't be the would seem copied...

If trying to find the chapter on my sister's phone doesn't work, I'll just post a summary of the chapter up here... It won't be as long as 1000+ words I have been using in other  chapters, but it won't leave you feeling lost at least... I just hope I can find the copy... Thank you though...


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