Chapter 2

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"Tonight, we are young. So let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun" - We Are Young, FUN


„Who's place is this, Elle? I've never been here.", she asked as they made our way up the fancy mirrored elevator to what seemed to be the rooftop.

„You'll see in a minute. He's only moved into this place after you moved to London"

Fiona didn't like this secrecy her best friend kept up. However, she trusted that woman with her life. She knew she wouldn't take her anywhere that made her uncomfortable. At least not intentionally.

Stepping out of the elevator and indeed onto the rooftop of the building, Fiona couldn't quite believe her eyes as she took in the sight in front of her.

„WELCOME HOME!", everyone screamed and Fiona was shocked. Her left hand flew to her open mouth. Excitement growing in the pit of her stomach.

The rooftop was decorated with a large long table set up. A fireplace with a lounge to sit on around it to one side and a bar and a dance floor on the other.

But that was certainly not what got her so excited, and to be honest quite emotional.

In front of what seemed to be a buffet, a group of people stood, holding up banners with her Name on it and a welcome home message in glittered lettering.

Taking in the faces of the people she missed so dearly over the last few years, Fiona couldn't feel more grateful for this moment.

„Wow", was all she managed to get out. „I don't know what to say guys! Did you plan this, Elle?" She asked the blonde girl to her right, who could only nod before she was engulfed into a tight hug.

„Thank you so much!" Fiona exclaimed, letting go of her best friend.

The blonde chuckled „It's nothing. Besides, I had some help", she winked and tugged on her friends arm to follow her and greet all of their friends „Come on, let's say hello to everyone."

After catching up with all of them for a few seconds, Fiona spotted three people standing a little bit off the side. Two boys, one of them with curly blonde hair and the other one, slightly taller and with black hair.
Her heart almost skipped a beat at the sight of them. At the sight of him.

Never in a million years would she have expected them to be here. They were both so busy.

Standing next two the two guys, was a tall blonde girl.

Swallowing down the butterflies in her stomach she made her way over.

Get yourself together, she thought to herself, you can't go there.

„Hey guys, it's soo good to see you", she greeted them and let her gaze briefly travel over their faces. She hadn't seen most of them in while.

Elena was the first to give her a hug. „It's been too long, Fiona. Feels like we haven't seen each other in ages. It's so good to see you"

„You're right", she hugged the Italian back. They'd seen each other about two months ago, when she was visiting her family in Italy. Elena was in the country as well, so the girls took the opportunity and met up for coffee.

Releasing each other, the tall Italian spook up „Esteban wanted to be here as well. Unfortunately he had to work, but that couldn't stop me."

„I'm glad", Fiona replied happily. She was. Ever since Esteban introduced her to his girlfriend back in 2016, the two girls got on really well. Fiona considered her one of her best friends.

Just like she did with the two guys standing next to Elena. Although, she secretly never would have mind being more to one of them.
However, that was something she could never admit to anyone.

„Pierre", she said, ripping herself away from these thoughts as quickly as she possibly could „I missed you. Thank you for being here, I know you must be busy as hell"

The frenchman gave her a quick but tight hug and smiled at her. „We have a few days off before the race in France. So it fitted perfectly. But you know, I'd fly across the world if it meant to finally see you again", he said in a joking way, but both of them knew he would do it.
She herself flew across Europe to see him and the other two boys for a day back in 2019.

It was the second to last time that day that she saw him in person. Because of his busy schedule the pair mostly spoke over FaceTime, always making sure to still keep in touch.

„It's been way too long" Fiona said, thinking about that day in Belgium. One of their group was missing today. Missing everyday.

Pierre noticed the change in her mood immediately.
„Hey, don't be sad", he said, giving her a tight hug before whispering „He wouldn't want us to be sad, not on a day like this anyway"

Letting go of each other, Fiona swallowed hard and nodded. Pierre was right.

Giving him one last smiled, she finally allowed her gaze to meet the eyes of the male standing next to Pierre.

She could get lost in those green eyes. It's always been like that and as much as she tried stopping it, she knew it would always be like that.

Fiona smiled shyly at him. She didn't know why she suddenly felt nervous around him. They'd known each other since they were children. It wasn't like she was meeting a stranger and should feel the need to make a good first impression.

When he smiled back at her and pulled her into a hug, Fiona finally let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

It felt so good to be in his arms.

He put one hand to the back of her head and pulled her in closer. „I missed you so much, Fi."

„I missed you too, Charles", she mumbled into his neck. 

AN: There you go, chapter 2 is up. 

Still some bits of introduction to go, but I hope you like it. 

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