Chapter 25

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When Fiona entered his flat, Pierre appeared in front of her before she even had the chance to get rid of her shoes.

„You're back!" he exclaimed excitingly. „You were gone a long time, so I take it everything went great?"

She didn't give him an answer to his question, instead she took her time taking of her shoes. When she was done, she went to her room without sparing Pierre, who had been watching her intensely, a a glance.

He followed her down the corridor. „Come on, tell me what happened," he urged, but Fiona didn't comply. She wanted to make him suffer, just for a little bit. She wasn't really mad at him for what he had done, he had the best intentions for both of them in mind. It had worked out great in the end, so there was no reason to be pissed. She just wasn't exactly fond of him throwing her into the cold water like that. He could've at least told her, especially after he learned that Charles was coming to Italy a day early, to come and see her in Milan.

He could suffer a little bit of payback for it.

Pierre was still watching her while she picked out some fresh clothes and followed her through the corridor again as she was making her way tot he bathroom.

He tried to stop her, but Fiona was faster. Slipping into the bathroom with, her clothes in hands and quickly closing the door behind her.

„Seriously, Fi," he shouted from the other side of the door „are you really going to give me the silent treatment? I'm sorry, okay. I know I could've told you once I knew but I don't think his plan would've worked then. I had the best intentions, you should know that."

She did.

Still, she didn't answer him.

„Fine. If you must, be like that. But just for your information, it's absolutely childish behavior."

Oh, that she knew. Still, she got him right were she wanted him. He hated silent treatment, she knew he did. He was getting riled up from it and his head would be spinning with guilt.

Was it mean? Yes.

Was it childish? Yes.

Was it deserved? Yes.

Would she end his suffering the moment she came out of this room? Definitely.

Even if she wanted to, eve if if she tried to hold her feelings in any longer, it wouldn't work. These past few minutes have already been hard work.
She was way to happy about what had happened earlier, the moment she closed the bathroom door, the grin was back on her face.

Trying to hide that from anyone would be impossible, let alone trying to hide it from one of her best friends. Not that she wanted to do that. She needed to tell someone.

Fiona took her time showering and getting dressed in some comfy clothes to sleep in.
Looking at the display of the build in radio, she realized it was already past midnight. It didn't feel like the middle of the night, since the time had gone by so fast.

When she came out of the bathroom eventually, she didn't see Pierre sitting on the floor in the corridor. Not until she almost tripped over his long outstretched legs.

She looked down at him with soft eyes „Have you been sitting here the whole time?"

Pierre nodded, tucking the phone he was typing on into the pocket of his sweatshorts. „I wasn't sure if you were just fucking with me or if you were seriously mad at me." He sighed, „Your pokerface has really improved lately."

Fiona went so sit next to him on the floor. Stretching her legs out the same way he had. „I'm not mad. I just wanted to give you some payback for throwing me into the cold water like that. How could I ever be mad at someone that only wants the best for me?"

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