Chapter 5

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"I wish you could see your face right now, 'cause you're grinning like a fool" - A Daydream Away, All Time Low


Standing in front of the full length mirror in her room at her parents house, Fiona looked at herself critically.

She had put on a dark leather skirt. Paired it with a white strapped crop top, a denim jacket over her shoulders, and some black ankle boots.

Simple, elegant enough for a night out at Le Rouge, but still comfortable.

She simply couldn't care about wearing high heels or anything stiff and fancy today.

Even tough nothing big happened, she still felt kind of exhausted. For her it was a long day. She was still coming to terms with being back home, still adjusting a little bit to everything.

Earlier that day, after their workout, Fiona and Elle went to have a look at the apartments Fiona picked out at her parents firm.

The first one she almost instantly crossed off her list, as soon as she walked trough the doors. The apartment was beautiful, that was out of the question. However it just didn't click for her.

The second one however was entirely different.

Stepping through the front door Fiona felt a rush of warmth floating through her body, as she took in the entrance of the apartment and walked trough the large corridor and into the open kitchen and living room space.

Everything was very modern. Still it had something homey and cosy to it.

After walking through every one of the rooms and sharing a knowing look with her best friend, Fiona was quick to shake the owners hand and agree on signing the contract later that week.

Smiling to herself at that memory of today, Fiona turned around and grabbed her purse from were it was laying on her bed.

Just in that moment she heard the bell ringing and made her way over to the large wooden front door of her childhood home.

Opening the door, she was greeted by none other than Charles.

She looked at him with a surprised face. „What are you doing here? I though we were meeting at the club?"

Charles chuckled and pulled her into one of his famous, butterfly erupting hugs. „Happy to see you too."

Letting go of the her he explained „We are, but I thought I'd walk with you, since it's kinda on my way."

She smiled at him, surely she wasn't going to complain about that. „That's really nice of you."

He laughed softly „That's me. You look beautiful by the way," he told her and Fiona was sure her face turned as red as a tomato.

„Thank you," she replied shyly. Fiona was never good at taking compliments. She never really knew what to say to them, since a lot of the time she didn't believe in the things that were said about her. Which is why she couldn't meet Charles eyes as she thanked him.

Instead she turned around and locked up the front door of the house. Needing a second to boost up her confidence again.

Turning around she took a good look at her friend. He was looking really good himself. Even though he wore nothing fancy. Clearly having the same in mind as her when he picked out his outfit for the night.

Still, Fiona couldn't imagine anyone looking better in blue jeans,  a white shirt and white sneakers. He had his signature bandana on top of his head, pushing back his dark brown hair.

God, she was such a goner.

Hooking her arm around his stretched out arm, she finally dared to look up into his green eyes. „You don't look too bad yourself," she said smiling softly at him.

It didn't take the pair very long to get to their destination. Thinking about it, nothing in this country took very long to get to.

What would take them long though was getting into Le Rouge, Fiona thought as she looked at the large amount of people waiting in line in front of the entrance.

„What a nightmare," she said, rolling her eyes. „Since when is it this hard to get into Le Rouge?"

„Guess you missed a lot," Charles simply told her, not seeming to be bothered by the long queue. „Come on," he told her.

Without giving her a minute too think about what he meant, Charles grabbed her hand an pulled her over to the front of the entrance, getting them a few disapproving looks from people waiting in line to get in.

„What are you doing?" She hissed at him. Charles didn't reply, as he was busy greeting the bouncers. They seemed to immediately recognize him for who he was. Not a second later, the door opened up for them and the pair was allowed to step into the club.

Charles finally looked at her, answering to her earlier remark. „Being a famous racing driver has it's perks, you know."

Fiona wanted to rub that smug smirk off of his face. „You're unbelievable," she told him shoving him lightly. Or she tried to. Charles was too strong to even be faced by that.

That cocky bastard simply winked at her and pulled her with him. Leading her through the club only stopping in front of what seemed to be their booth, as they recognized Elle an Pierre already sitting with a drink in their hands and talking to some people.

Guess staying sober was not the plan anymore. 

When the French looked at her with a raised eyebrow or better jet at her and Charles intertwined hands, Fiona was quick to pull her hand back.

Receiving a questioning look from him, she simply tried to smile at Charles and took step forward to greet their friends.

Elle was quick to get a drink into Fionas hands.

AN: Hey guys, I know it's been a week, but life just got in my way. Oh how nice it would be, if guys  could be just like we write them in our stories, and not behave like they do...

Anyways, I know this one is not that long, but I thought it's better than not getting anything up. 

I'll keep on writing for a bit, so hopefully the next one will be out tomorrow, and longer than this one. 

In the mean time, what are your predictions for Monaco? Who's gonna get the pole position?  

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